Hmmm…ok, after further reflection, my current understanding of human certainty without consideration of God is:
A firm belief directly proportional to the perceived alignment of an object in question and reasonable analysis of one’s environment.
Examples: God, the Creator of Everything, is partly certain because you and I are the creators of everything we will create, therefore we are in the least, gods, and all earthly lives appear to have a creative origin, but not all universal things necessarily appear to have a creative origin.
God, the Causer of the Universe, is very certain because all universal events have a single causal origin.
Please consider that I am a little uncomfortable with this exercise because it is limited thinking, which ends in a limited understanding of God. For example, limiting the definition of God as the Causer of the Universe, although satisfies the certainty of God’s existence, declares nothing of God’s livelihood. Within context of the example, God could be a non-living cause, which is what many atheistic thinkers believe.
As for your definition:
Certain means that a piece of information like there is a nose in our face can be verified again and again if we doubt it, by applying our senses like sight to experience its presence.
I would suggest the following adjustments:
Certain means that a piece of information like there is a nose on one’s face can be verified by everyone in existence by experiencing its presence.
I look forward to seeing how this discussion continues to develop!
Dear Jochoa, thanks for your post, I have not come to your definition yet, so now I will give attention to your definition.
Here are again the four definitions of certain, certainty, from four posters:
#178 from KingCoil
Certain means that a piece of information like there is a nose in our face can be verified again and again if we doubt it, by applying our senses like sight to experience its presence.
#186 from Ypopp
The level of certainty of the existence of something depends on probability of the existence of a possible alternative. The lower the probability of the possible alternative, the higher the level of certainty. Absolute certainty means that the something to which it refers has no alternative, 2+2=4 for example.
#208 from Sapien
A state of having a feeling of confidence for an idea/proposition or feeling of trustworthiness for an object or person.
#214 from Jochoa
a firm belief directly proportional to the perceived alignment of the reasonable analysis of one’s environment and an object in question.
You are concerned with my missing the other attributes of God in his dealings with mankind, for you say:
For example, limiting the definition of God as the Causer of the Universe, although satisfies the certainty of God’s existence, declares nothing of God’s livelihood.
You remember, I have been telling you and you have not been listening or reading and keeping it in your mind, namely, that God is first and foremost the creator of the universe, so that if you attend to all the other winsome attributes of God which God’s believers ascribe to God, what is the use to God if He is not the creator of the universe?
And I have been telling the whole mankind that my emphasis on God as creator of the universe is not meant to exclude the other attributes of God ascribed to Him by His believers, namely, like God is most good, God is most just, God is most merciful, etc.
What does it avail to God and to His believers if He is not the creator of the universe?
That is what atheists who are not into genuine sincere total search for facts and walk the walk of logic want to trap you guys, telling you that God is not most good, nor most just, nor most merciful, for He does not heal any guy with amputated legs, at least today no more when He can do it if He is all good, all just, all merciful; so there is no God or your God is worth nothing.
See? What does it profit God to gain the whole mankind if He loses His credit in achieving the creation of the universe.
So, let us we two take time out to think over your concern on the other attributes of God, while I want you to think about what does it profit you and God if He loses His credit as having achieved the creation of the universe?
Okay, everyone even without a definition of certain, certainty, let us discuss what does it profit God to gain the whole of mankind but loses His credit as the creator of the universe.