That is enough to undermine the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity which are based on the belief that we are all children of the same Father in heaven. Without interaction we are lost in the eternal darkness of eternity with no source of help, guidance or inspiration.It is a purposeful universe because it is a basis for life and rational existence. And purpose does not emerge by chance…
Which ideas?Look at all the other basic ideas and you have very little variance.
It is impossible to observe divine activity unless you have supernatural insight.Deists just don’t believe, through observation and history, that God does not intervene with His creation. I can live with that…even find it comforting. You can’t…and find the idea disturbing. I think we are at a loggerhead.
I don’t find the idea disturbing at all because it is so absurd. We condemn parents who abandon their children and leave them to fend entirely for themselves yet you regard it as comforting and praiseworthy on the part of God!![]()