Attempting to define the transcendent; that which is not realizable in human experience; through observation is folly. God can only be fully understood through revelation. He does speak to us; most of us just don’t bother, or worse - refuse, to listen. If one refuses to accept the scriptures and traditions of the Church or acknowledge miracles there is little chance of knowing our Lord.I have a different view of mankind, that being that I do not think that we need a savior. We have the capability to take care of ourselves. The question is, will we do it?
God, the Creator, provided the place where we and other species could evolve and thrive. He has chosen to stay out of our day to day affairs for reasons that only He knows. This notion of God is arrived at through observation of our history and our current state of affairs.
Galatians was written 2,00 years ago and is revelation, which Deists hold as unreliable and even dangerous.
You accept that God is loving; the greatest attribute of that love is mercy. He is ready and willing to forgive even the greatest sin. Our hope is in the world to come, it is our cooperation with God’s will that gets us there. True love of God will cause us to seek Him and be with Him even more than it causes us to seek and be with our spouses, children and friends.