I’m sure we both know, in Catholic Soteriology, there are
two predestinations, one to
heaven which is a predestination to
final salvation, this predestination can
The other predestination is called;
Predestination to Initial Salvation, this predestination is a
Predestination for a limited time, every predestined
lose salvation and when die goes to hell,
there is no exception.
Quote: Is it predestination to
initial salvation or
final salvation?
The two are
not the same.
One must define
which kind of predestination is being discussed.
If one is talking about
predestination to initial salvation, then the fact that a person will come to God does not of itself mean he will stay with God.
- For example, if a person was predestined to enter my living room, it would not mean he was predestined to remain forever in my living room.
- Catholic theology has defined “predestined” to mean "predestined to final salvation."
Thus those who will end up with God in heaven are spoken of as “the predestined” or "the elect."
That a person experiences salvation at some point
does not mean he is among the predestined (those
God has chosen to persevere to the end). End quote.
In my post 198 I made it clear, my question referring to: God’s elect whose call to eternal life (not for a limited time) is supernatural,
coming TOTALLY from God’s decision and
surpassing ALL power of the elect’s intellect and will,
Question for to RESOLVE the matter:
Is it possible that an elect of God lose his/her salvation and end up in hell.
The answer to the above question is
an emphatic NO.
If I would ask the question as follows:
Is it absolutely sure that who is
only predestined to Initial salvation
lose his salvation and end up in hell?
The answer to the above question is
an emphatic YES.
Do you agree Gorgias with my above two answers?
Thank you for your answer in advance.
I believe this post does not derail the thread because shows the way God corrects the sins of Adam and Eve.
God’s correction is, the Predestination of His elect to heaven.
Of course, someone my ask:
What about those whom God Predestined
only to Initial Salvation/ Justification,
God has chosen not to persevere them to the end??? - Something to think about.