Mutations don’t add anything. Mutations remove information. Mutations can’t add a stiffening bone.
This is false, as @Dan123 pointed out. Your sources are lying to you. Mutations can remove information; mutations can leave information unchanged; mutations can increase information.
The most obvious example of an increase in information is a back mutation; the reversal of a previous mutation. For example, if a mutation from GATTACA to GATT
CCA loses information then a back mutation, restoring the DNA sequence to GATTACA, increases the information back to its original value.
We can observe duplication mutations and point mutations in organisms today. In combination those two can increase both Shannon information and Kolmogorov information.
Start with a simple DNA sequence: GATTACA.
Duplicate that sequence: GATTACAGATTACA. That doubles Shannon information in the sequence and slightly increases the Kolmogorov information.
Now a point mutation appears in one copy: GATTACA
TATTACA. That leaves the Shannon information unchanged and effectively doubles the Kolmogorov information.
Your sources are lying to you, especially if they did not specify precisely how they are measuring “information”. You need to find better sources, ones that do not lie to you. Their lies are easy to recognise and refute, so you will come off second best in discussions like this.
The Creator is God. Creatures may create but only using the resources that Almighty God has given us and only using the abilities that Almighty God has graced us with. Only Almighty God has created new species.
Qur’an tells me that the Creator is Allah. The
Bhagavad Gita tells me that the Creator is Vishnu.
Tauber and Tauber (1977) tells me that ordinary evolutionary mechanisms, three mutations in this case, can cause a new species to evolve. I pick number three.
“Darwinism” lacks a mechanism to create.
Another piece of advice, almost every site that calls evolution “Darwinism” is going to be lying to you. You need to learn to avoid those sites if you want to avoid untruths.