How could the universe and life come into existence without God? How could life evolve without God?

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How could the second bone be an advantage
Stiffening? Bony plates on the skin for protection? Bony horns, again for protection. Horns do not need muscles.

You need to think more widely for the uses of bone. Antlers do not have any muscle attachments, and are a benefit in deterring other males away from your herd of females.
But that does not explain how the top and bottom are different, And the front and back are different. It does not explain how the clever HOX gene came to be.
Read Shubin’s “Your Inner Fish” for a much better explanation than I can provide here.
Try and imagine the first species that had two or more separate bones connected together with muscles, tendons and ligaments

it could take more than a hundred incremental steps for a muscle to attach to two bones. Presumably this could take a thousand generations or so.

How could the second bone be an advantage if it was not attached by more than one muscle, ligament and tendons for 999 generations? How could a disconnected second bone offer any advantage for natural selection to work on? If you tear an ACL, it leaves you almost a cripple.
How could the second bone be an advantage if it was not attached by more than one muscle, ligament and tendons for 999 generations?
Look at the bones in the fins of a fish; one function is to stiffen the fin. Look at the wings (aka fins) on a squid. Those wings do not have bones, but do have the muscle attachments to move; see here. Add a stiffening bone to a muscular wing and you have a functioning bone in a wing/fin which already has the muscles to move. Attachments between bone and muscles can come later. The assembly is functional without the muscle attachments to the stiffening bone.
Add a stiffening bone to a muscular wing and you have a functioning bone in a wing/fin which already has the muscles to move.
Mutations don’t add anything. Mutations remove information. Mutations can’t add a stiffening bone.

The Creator is God. Creatures may create but only using the resources that Almighty God has given us and only using the abilities that Almighty God has graced us with. Only Almighty God has created new species. “Darwinism” lacks a mechanism to create.
Do mutations ever add a single bit or byte? If a mutation and code removal ever manages to be beneficial, does it not come at the cost of accompanying deleterious side effects?

Programming code doesn’t write itself. Writing code is difficult.
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Computer programs don’t biologically reproduce.
Not biologically, but there is no requirement to limit life to organic life. There are computer viruses, which can and do adopt to new environment. The problem is that people think about carbon-based forms as the only way for life. The silicon based existence is not an organic form of life, but it fulfills the only only definition of life that exists: “Complex responses to complex stimuli.” 😉
Mutations don’t add anything. Mutations remove information. Mutations can’t add a stiffening bone.
This is false, as @Dan123 pointed out. Your sources are lying to you. Mutations can remove information; mutations can leave information unchanged; mutations can increase information.

The most obvious example of an increase in information is a back mutation; the reversal of a previous mutation. For example, if a mutation from GATTACA to GATTCCA loses information then a back mutation, restoring the DNA sequence to GATTACA, increases the information back to its original value.

We can observe duplication mutations and point mutations in organisms today. In combination those two can increase both Shannon information and Kolmogorov information.

Start with a simple DNA sequence: GATTACA.

Duplicate that sequence: GATTACAGATTACA. That doubles Shannon information in the sequence and slightly increases the Kolmogorov information.

Now a point mutation appears in one copy: GATTACATATTACA. That leaves the Shannon information unchanged and effectively doubles the Kolmogorov information.

Your sources are lying to you, especially if they did not specify precisely how they are measuring “information”. You need to find better sources, ones that do not lie to you. Their lies are easy to recognise and refute, so you will come off second best in discussions like this.
The Creator is God. Creatures may create but only using the resources that Almighty God has given us and only using the abilities that Almighty God has graced us with. Only Almighty God has created new species.
The Qur’an tells me that the Creator is Allah. The Bhagavad Gita tells me that the Creator is Vishnu. Tauber and Tauber (1977) tells me that ordinary evolutionary mechanisms, three mutations in this case, can cause a new species to evolve. I pick number three.
“Darwinism” lacks a mechanism to create.
Another piece of advice, almost every site that calls evolution “Darwinism” is going to be lying to you. You need to learn to avoid those sites if you want to avoid untruths.
Not biologically, but there is no requirement to limit life to organic life. There are computer viruses, which can and do adopt to new environment. The problem is that people think about carbon-based forms as the only way for life. The silicon based existence is not an organic form of life, but it fulfills the only only definition of life that exists: “Complex responses to complex stimuli.”
Have a read of “The Invincible” by Stanislaw Lem.
mutations can increase information.
How do mutations increase information? How does a random mutation write even one bit or byte of new information that isn’t total nonsense? Who is the author of this information?

Are you now talking pantheism? Are you now ascribing a divinity to nature?

Yes, the invisible Almighty God has manifested himself in the visible universe. And, the identity of this invisible Almighty God is not unknown but is revealed in Providence, revealed in the holy prophets, revealed in the Holy Scriptures, revealed in the historical person of Jesus Christ, revealed in the Body of Christ acting in conformance with the will of God.

Pantheism - a doctrine which identifies God with the universe, or regards the universe as a manifestation of God.
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How do mutations increase information? How does a random mutation write even one bit or byte of new information that isn’t total nonsense? Who is the author of this information?
We both just mentioned types of mutations that duplicate and change parts of DNA. It’s chemistry, ‘information’ is only a metaphor, so information needing an author doesn’t in and of itself means these new genes do. It would be like asking who ‘wrote’ a photocopy of a piece of paper.
How do mutations increase information? How does a random mutation write even one bit or byte of new information that isn’t total nonsense?
I just showed you how a duplication followed by a point mutation can increase both Kolmogorov information and Shannon information. If you disagree that both Shannon information information and Kolmogorov information have increased in my example, then please tell us why you disagree, together with your calculations of the information before and after.

If you are using a different measure of information, then you will need to explain that measure, and again show us your calculations.
Who is the author of this information?
You talk about “random mutation” and then ask about an author. It is random, so there is no author. As I said, you need to find better sources if they cannot answer this simple question for you.

Bear in mind that deleterious mutations are weeded out by natural selection while beneficial mutations are increased. What we see today is strongly affected by natural selection after the initial random mutation. Most contemporary mutations, such as lactase persistence, are not new mutations, but are inherited from one or both parents.
Are you now talking pantheism? Are you now ascribing a divinity to nature?
No I am not. I am Buddhist, not pantheist. Gods are one specific type of living being and the whole universe is not a living being.
You talk about “random mutation” and then ask about an author. It is random, so there is no author.
A mutation is a defect in replication. It doesn’t exist in isolation. A mutation is part of a cell. A cell is part of a type of tissue, the tissue is part of structures within an organ. An organ is part of a system (respiratory, skeletal, digestive, reproductive, etc.). A mutation by itself introduces a defect. Part of the original is lost. Unless on mutation is coordinated with many complementary mutations, it is meaningless and invisible to blind natural selection.
A mutation is a defect in replication.
How do you know it is a defect? You have not shown us your calculation of the information before or after. A mutation is a change. That change may be neutral (which most are), deleterious (the majority of the non-neutral mutations) or beneficial (the rarest, but they do occur).

For example, the lactase persistence mutation is beneficial for humans where milk forms part of the adult diet.
Unless on mutation is coordinated with many complementary mutations, it is meaningless and invisible to blind natural selection.
Natural selection is not blind; it is very affected by the environment. Why do you think that animals living in the Arctic have evolved white fur while animals living further south have not? Some have even evolved white fur in winter and brown fur in summer where the snow melts for some of the year. Again your sources are misinforming you. You need to find better sources.
A mutation is a change. That change may be neutral (which most are), deleterious (the majority of the non-neutral mutations) or beneficial (the rarest, but they do occur).
The classification into neutral, deleterious or beneficial is arbitrary and judgmental. Neutral is an imprecise concept. Something always breaks the tie. If the existing genetic code is blindly changed by the mutation, then that type of change is not neutral but damaging.
The classification into neutral, deleterious or beneficial is arbitrary and judgmental. Neutral is an imprecise concept. Something always breaks the tie. If the existing genetic code is blindly changed by the mutation, then that type of change is not neutral but damaging.
So ‘deleterious’ is arbitrary and judgemental but you’re allowed to say damaging and not be held to the same standard?
The classification into neutral, deleterious or beneficial is arbitrary and judgmental. Neutral is an imprecise concept.
Your sources are lying to you again. Have you not yet realised that you are being grossly misinformed by what you are reading? You are in a very obvious bubble of anti-evolution misinformation, and your errors are being shot down every time you post them

The classification of mutations as beneficial, deleterious or neutral is not arbitrary:
  • A beneficial mutation increases the average number of fertile offspring produced by individuals carrying that mutation.
  • A neutral mutation leaves the average number of fertile offspring produced by individuals carrying that mutation unchanged.
  • A deleterious mutation reduces the average number of fertile offspring produced by individuals carrying that mutation.
You persist in following sources that lie to you, and you copy those errors here. Those lying sources are not doing you any favours; by copying their rubbish here your points are easily debunked, as with this one. The classification of mutations is not “arbitrary”.
If the existing genetic code is blindly changed by the mutation, then that type of change is not neutral but damaging.
Bwahahahaha! Blue eyes are caused by a mutation in the human genome. Have a look a chimp’s eyes or gorilla’s eyes if you doubt me. Are you seriously trying to say that having blue eyes is a “damaging” mutation? Is blonde hair or red hair “damaging”?

Your obvious errors are very very obvious. Do you never bother to think about the rubbish that your sources are feeding you before posting it?
No such thing as work in progres
That is not true, there are many things which can be said to be works in progress. There are partial results but not the complete answer:
High temperature superconductivity.
Berry’s phase in carbon in two dimensions.
String theory.
How is information encoded by neurons? …
How do we perceive pain? …
Why do we dream? …
What do our dreams mean>
Why does Requip cause weird nightmares?
How are memories stored and retrieved? …
How do we make decisions? …
Why is right handedness more common than left handedness
Does every bounded operator on a complex Banach space send some non-trivial closed subspace to itself ?
and many others.
All of these are works in progress. For example in the last case, it has been shown that there are many special cases when this or something very close to it, is true. Work is in progress on the complete answer, and there are partial results so far. Work on this question is in progress.
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