I have read and enjoyed a good many of your posts. I never considered you “snarky” much less the Queen of the Snark Kingdom. Oh, you have tossed out a few really good “zingers” but I didn’t see much “snark”.
If you read “DR” David’s post you will have to admit that it was more condescending to me and the Catholic members of the forum…than informative. His closing with “Goodbye CAF” seemed like he was in a snit. I simply wished him a “goodbye” in return.
Zoltan has no problem accepting scientific facts from educated people…as long as I can understand the science. I am not a scientist so statements like: make me want to ask: What do you mean by “etc.”…because I have no idea what “RNA, Rrna, siRNA” means.
But, be assured, if David didn’t mean it and does continue to post I will be kind to him.
I need some time to think before I even consider coming back after this post.
This forum is just to bizzare for me. Then again, I am not Catholic and Catholicism, compared to even orthodox Judaism is much more absolutist (ask a two Rabbis a question, expect at least three answers). I am not accustomed to a “one true Church” mindset but I think I “get it”.
By the way I never said I was a medical doctor (M.D or D.O., google it). There is a type of doctor called a pathologist (no, not just dead people). If you after had a specimen “sent to the lab or analysis” chances are a pathologists looked at it with a microscope or used some molecular biotechnology to diagnosis it. I am the person that looks at it before that that doctor, with the exception of cervical Pap smears as if I call it negative that is final.
Within the medical laboratory field there is a classification called “technician”. I am not just a “labtech”. “Technologists” falls under “scientist” which in this field is the closest assistant to doctor. And for the record I took the MCAT in college and was offered MD interviews but took another path.
“Proof” in medical sciences is a strange thing. Trends in clinical research are just that: trends that point to certain conclusion to an extent. Asking for “the one gene that causes SSA” is like asking for “the one gene that causes cancer”.“What is the gay gene” is such a ridiculous question. There is no such thing. Even individual genes encodes in human chromosomes differ slightly in their nucleotide sequence (the letters of DNA). SSA is likely “innate” in that it is a complex mix of genetics, environment, etc". There is also newer understanding of epigenetics: that is, proteins on top of DNA that undergo additional modifications which in turn modify DNA, this is also an explanation of why “identical” twins can differ ever so slightly later in life (I am a twin, BTW).
I’m a 30 year old heterosexual man. Show me gay pornography and I will not get an erection. Show me a good looking man and I will not be aroused. How hard is that to grasp? How is that not common sense to some people? I don’t get it. If you read an earlier post you’ll see that when I was growing some kids thought I was gay (because i like opera and play piano?). I went through a horrible time and nearly killed myself.
I get that you can view acting on SSA is a sin (that’s a non-issue to me) but to be so adamant that SSA is an active “choice” is an idea from the dinosaur age.
For some peer reviewed literature, play around with a tool called PUBMED.
**I maintain that a lot of people that are so against legal SSM have conflicted sexualities (like Cardinal Keith Obrien and George Rekers, etc). Closet cases?
I started this thread because I do not encounter people in real life
Maybe it’s because I’m 30 and my peers don’t care one way or the other? Maybe it’s because I’m Jewish and even the elderly in my faith community (a “conservative” synagogue) rally for SSM rights?
Whatever, I see the reactions I asked for now. It’s a wide spectrum and some views are “officially” against “official” Church teaching.