Thank you for the science lesson Doc. Very interesting comments about DNA and genes.
Please get back to me when you and your colleagues can PROVE that homosexuality is innate. In the mean time I will remain a “71 year old person living in some sort of conservative religious bubble” who maintains that homosexuality is acquired.
How is it that posts like these lack such a basic level of the understanding of genetics/biochemistry/physiology/molecular biology? Isn’t this taught in high school?
I went to a private boarding high school (college prep) so I am totally clueless as to what is taught. Even public schools teach biochemistry, right?
It is now common sense that single genes are not linearly related to phenotypes. Any trait of a person is a complex multifactorial collaboration of numerous of factors: genes, expression of genes, RNA, Rrna, siRNA, etc.
Basic biology:
Genes are composed of sequences of DNA that code for mRNA that code for proteins. Proteins work together with other proteins and other cells in complex cascade of events that lead to a biological outcome.
You are assuming everything works on a “one gene =one thing” system. I thought it was common sense that that is not true.
What do you mean by “innate”? Innate as in like an infant can be sexually attracted to the same or both sexes? What do you mean by “acquired”? Acquired as in a person later in life comes to realize that they are attracted to the same or both sexes and then “acquire” that identity?
The phrase “born gay” is so ambigious. We can’t prove that because you can’t ask a new born if he/she is gay. Some people just later in life realize they are attracted to the same or both sexes. “Born gay” is an overstated phrase that probably means something more like “I can’t remember exactly when I started feeling attracted to the same or both sexes”
Let me ask you this:
Can YOU choose now to be attracted to the same or both sexes? Didn’t think so.
(assuming you aren’t a conflicted closeted SSA person like Cardinal Keith O’Brien or George Rekers, google them, lots of anti-gays are closet cases because they are so internally conflicted).
Perhaps SSA is a rare occurence in nature. Many things in nature exist on a spectrum. Certain flower petals vary in shape and size. Maybe being “straight” is just the median…average. Maybe being straight just “normal” in that it is “statistically normal”.
I browsed this forum and have to say I am extremely disturbed. I seriously never thought people like some of you existed.
Some of you on this forum want to/are in favor of
**ban condoms for everyone
**ban birth control for everyone
**make pre-marital sex illegal for everyone
**have a Catholic state where other religions are “tolerated”, almost like the Dhimmi status proposed by some proponents of Islamic Sharia Law
*I’ve read posts of people angry that gay-straight alliances exists in even undergraduate colleges because “fat kids need bullying groups to” (in a sarcastic way)
*I’ve read tacit approval of anti gay laws in Uganda, Russia, and Nigeria
I have say I plan to leave this forum. I find the Catholicism on here to loaded with facist and totalitarian tendencies. I haven’t met any Catholics in real life like some on here. If you had it your way maybe Jews would be back in ghettos like in the 13th century.
*Some unable to just admit the problem of sexual abuse, others continuing to split hairs over words like pedophilia and ephebophilia, etc
*Trying to justify certain practices of the Crusades and Inquisition (like forcing Jewish children to listen to Christian sermons?)
For the record, my religious community (and LOTS of religious Jews throughout the world, even in Israel) sees the legalization of SSM to actually be Tikkun Olam: repairing the world. You don’t. Good for you.
Goodbye for good, everyone.
This is just all too disturbing for me. I do not feel the love of G-d among you (not just this thread but the whole forum) . One time I even cried. Many, many times I have actually experience a physical/visceral reaction in my abdominal area while reading posts around this forum.
Goodbye, CAF.