That is a funny response. You use the “Quran” as an example that calls homosexuality an evil and calls for the death penalty for homos. If you go anywhere in a Muslim country, would you find homosexual magazines in their public libraries?
So you’re first example shows the fallacy of your own reasoning. It is hypocritical and proves my point rather than yours.
In earlier America, let’s say from the 1900s to about 1960, you couldn’t put a homosexual magazine in a library for that material would be considered obscene. The definition of obscene is
- offensive to morality or decency; indecent; depraved:
“obscene language.”
- causing uncontrolled sexual desire.
- abominable; disgusting; repulsive.
There were once laws against showing, exhibiting obscene art or literature in America. Homosexuality is obscene. Homosexuality is offensive not only to God but to a great many men and women. The Bible teaches that we are NOT to look at obscene material, to guard the eyes. Putting a homosexual magazine in a public library is to PROMOTE it. Even Socrates and Plato both said that the poets need to be censored for they stated in the public sphere, nothing but The Good is to be promoted and taught. Aberration in human character or human depravity has no business in the public sphere. The public library is also a place for children. Western Culture and Civilization is about promoting the Ideal, the Normal of human behavior.
As late as 1967, gay bars were closed if found out and the cops used to beat up homosexual gatherings. Also I point to Victorian England as a Christian culture and an example of how to conduct a Christian society.
A man of Virtue does not promote what is obscene but what is
Kaloskagathia, the Good and the Beautiful. To be “The Good and The Beautiful”, Virtuous, is the epitomee of being a human.