How do Catholics feel about whether countries should ban Niqab/Burka (full face covering) or not?

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I don’t see this as a Catholic issue. I am sure governments have their reasons for banning or allowing certain things. If we take France and Saudi Arabia for example- One country bans Niqab, and the other forces Hijab on its citizens. Both countries have their own reasons for doing so. It isn’t really my place as a Catholic in the States to dictate what each country should decide for its citizens.
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It’s a good point.
I think in France they already have made it a law banning all religious symbols in public schools (not just the more “extreme” examples but also hijab,christian crosses etc).
I also read that nuns can not wear their habits at the Beaches in Nice and that women could not wear Burkinis.

I don’t know if it’s true or not but if it is I think that goes too far and that Burkinis etc at the beach should be allowed but I’m in two minds regarding Niqab in public.
It depends on context. An outright ban seems difficult to support.

In the context of secure or semi-secure areas where identification is a key feature, a prohibition is simple commonsense.

There should be broader freedoms for institutions - businesses, employers and schools, for example - to proscribe it if they so choose.
In Austria I think they made the law “faces must be visible from hairline to chin in public” with Niqab forbidden (public) and scarfs,ski and “clown masks” etc forbidden under certain circumstances (ie:outside of the occupational or recreational use in skiing).

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I’m not sure it is so simple/black and white though.
Ie:isn’t it that countries like Austria have decided to put a ban in place because there were societal issues that preceded it?
If there weren’t then I would also see it as discrimination but I’m not sure it always so cut and dry.
I think in countries where “Islamic wear” it’s not enforced like Australia,USA,Lebanon and Turkey most women who wear Niqab etc it choose to themselves but in country like Iran while only the Hijab is enforced/mandatory some Persian women would rather choose to not wear even this altogether.
I don’t believe the government should impinge on religious freedom – unless the practices violate criminal law.

There are safety issues involved in covering the face while in public. For instance, if a face veil reduces peripheral vision, then obviously, the veiled person should not be allowed to drive. There’s also an issue of granting passports, driver’s licenses, and other forms of ID.

A society has to come up with reasonable accommodations.

Greater minds than mine will have to come up with the plan.
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Where is the middle ground of the balance of accepting/supporting/welcoming religious expression vs the reality that wearing something like this does isolate a woman from the wider community (even if self imposed ‘isolation’)?
I’d recognise those hands anywhere.

I’d really like to know what they are doing to make it easier for us to distinguish between Asians.

I am reminded of an episode of It Ain’t Half Hot Mum, they lined up all the white people and the Indian had to identify the culprit of some crime, the Indian went right down the row, gets to the end, turns around and says I don’t know, they all look the same.
The Judeo-Christian God was revealed in a much fuller way, that means someone seeing through a glass darkly is looking at as much as they know as revealed to them, of the same God.

Don’t do that protestant logical thing that states “if is not exactly the same then it completely different”.
I don’t think it’s fair to ban someone’s expression of religion. I wouldn’t like it if someone tried to ban my wearing a crucifix or some other expression of my love of God. But like Tis as long as they are prepared to show their face for identity purpose necessary for normal society procedures, but I do think we should provide sensitive means for them to do so, such as a little cubicle to unveil in, a female to view them or some such (whatever they consider suitable).
Why do we need to show our face in “normal” society procedures?
I understand not banning it by law because it encroaches on religious freedom but at the same time doesn’t it have social implications?
Eg:when we go to the shops we interact face to face and with eye contact and this is socialization and trust.
Humans form impressions about personalities and safety of other individuals by viewing their facial expressions etc…
As a Catholic I don’t approve the so-called “religious” reason muslims subject women to by wearing a burka. My religious beliefs denies my understanding and appreciation of it just as most muslim countries expect non-muslim women to cover their heads when in their country.
A nuns habit doesn’t cover her face and I think it can be a beautiful expression of her faith as can a hijab.
A nun habit or hijab may attract attention if the society is used to wearing short clothes or thinks modesty is “old fashioned” etc but they aren’t antisocial.
The potential issue I see only with a face covering whether Niqab,burka etc…
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As a Catholic I don’t approve the so-called “religious” reason muslims subject women to by wearing a burka. My religious beliefs denies my understanding and appreciation of it just as most muslim countries expect non-muslim women to cover their heads when in their country.
I see what you mean. Jumeirah Beach, Dubai.

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I am very conflicted about this. On one hand I don’t like it when government outlaws religious expressions, but on the other hand, burkas and niquabs are so off putting. I want to know who a person is and I have to see her face. Scarves/veils are no problem for me since I can see the woman’s face.
I believe in the sovereignty of nations. What other countries do about wearing burkas is none of my business.

How do I feel about it? I don’t lose any sleep over it.
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