Excellent Post, Thanks
I think the point that is being made is that Mary is not someone prayed to as you pray to God. You Pray to God through Mary. As evidence of this thought, the scene at the Wedding at Cana is very relevant. Did they ask Jesus? No, they asked Mary. Mary interceded for them to Jesus. Since Mary asked him, he responded. Presumably differently than if they had approached him themselves. This DOES establish her as a mediator.That means that you take one verse in the bible that does not say anything about intercession in prayers for one another,only that Mary said “Do what He tells you”,as she prays for us.
I mentioned that it is here in this section that each Catholic states publicly that he or she is individually a sinner- not merely in a general sense, but specifically in thoughts, words and deeds. You can’t get much more complete than that. I continued reading,
“and I ask Blessed Mary, ever virgin, all the angels and saints, and to you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.”
Ok,then, can you explain to me what he meant over here?if that is the case,then this person is mistaken when he said this.
Where’s the mistake? Nowhere does this say that salvation is thru anyone other than Christ. Simply asking the saints to pray for us is not an indication that their help is necessary for our salvation. Nor is it even saying that we *must * go thru them to get to God. If you read the entire mass, you’ll find many prayers directly to Him. I’m with TPJ here…I’m not sure what you’re asking for.I mentioned that it is here in this section that each Catholic states publicly that he or she is individually a sinner- not merely in a general sense, but specifically in thoughts, words and deeds. You can’t get much more complete than that. I continued reading,
“and I ask Blessed Mary, ever virgin, all the angels and saints, and to you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.”
Ok,then, can you explain to me what he meant over here?if that is the case,then this person is mistaken when he said this.
This may be concerning the end of time, but the saints are still offering up our prayers to the Lord. This means that the saints HEAR our prayers when we ask for their intercession. Can you not logically deduce that they will also here our prayers in this time, also?This quote in Revelation is about the end of times,most of this is for what is to come.
This is another subject,those saints he is talking about our the ones from the great tribulation the end of time.
And no one on this thread would disagree with what you say, as no one on this thread has disagreed or contradicted this.With this verse i think explains a lot,Salvation is only found in Jesus Christ and this is what the thread was all about,no religion,no asking saints,nor Mary,nor angels can saved us but thru Him and only Him we can find salvation.
May God bless you all.
i feel this is not 100% true. the Virgin Mary and the saints are a BIG part of the catholic faith and in no way suplemental.Nor is prayer to the saints necessary to get to God. It is supplemental. It is beneficial. But it is not necessary.
I do believe that going to Christ through Mary can be more efficacious than going to Jesus directly. All our dealing with God, whether it is salvific or not is not a fomulaic, “if I do this, God does that”, machine-like activity. God is personal, Jesus is personal. God gets angry and can be appeased. This said, I believe that honoring Mary pleases Jesus. Mary is known as the gate of heaven because through that gate, Jesus entered the world. Is it such a leap of faith that to go to Jesus now, you would naturally go through that same gate? (Mary was Jesus’ first disciple since she said “yes” to him before he was conceived.) Every time we honor Mary, we give glory to the one to Him whom she points. Mary would be just another person were it not for Jesus.I ask Mary, mother of God, to bring my prayers to Christ not because I can’t go directly to him, or that they get “better” or more effacacious by going through Mary , but because as a believer in Christ, I worship Him, and love ALL my fellow Christians, on earth and in heaven, and I wish all our voices joined together in loving unity.
You may,and i will answer to you with all the respect that you deserve.JesustheSavior,
May I please ask a respectful question of you?
First, a background setup: You have claimed many times in this thread that Catholics believe that they have to go through Mary, the angels and the saints in order to be saved. However, many people in this thread (including me) have told you that asking for prayers is productive, but it is not required or mandated in order to be saved. Further, many people (including me) have made it clear that Catholics believe we are saved by Jesus and only Jesus.
Why do you keep on insisting that Catholics believe we must go through Mary, the angels and the saints in order to be saved?
I understand and respect your opinion as well.I respect your opinion, for me is more efficacious going directly to Jesus than thru her.
And i did,i gave biblical verses of praying to God and in Jesus name not in Mary’s name,not in the angels name nor a saint name,it shall be giving to me.I understand and respect your opinion as well.
Can you tell me, though, how is it that you know that is it more efficacious for you?
What I mean is that I have given you some background as to what rational basis I have for my belief. I would be interested in any similar rational beliefs that could either refute or cast doubt upon mine.
God bless you!
Well, i keep getting logged off every time I try to post…I’ll try again.i feel this is not 100% true. the Virgin Mary and the saints are a BIG part of the catholic faith and in no way suplemental.
in other words, can i be a catholic without believing that Mary was holy and sinless?