I suppose that if I am in a discussion with someone and they interrupt and talk over me I will fail to convince them. That is not necessarily my purpose, however. For example, I am primarily here because I like to share my thoughts about God with like-minded people.
Public education elementary classrooms in certain jurisdictions have as a purpose, educating everyone. Occasionally they are considered to have failed when the child does not learn. In schools dedicated to excellence, and at higher levels of education, such behaviour in students is not tolerated. The child has failed in these cases.
So, what is God’s purpose? I would say that He wills us all to find Him. Who He is, is Love. He wants us to love Him and one another. It is not important whether we figure it all out. What is important, is to be loving persons. To be loving persons, we must have free will. So, it becomes a choice to love, to give of ourselves, or not. To make that choice, those of us governed by reason cannot be coerced through ideas. What is needed is a change of heart. We must truly want to give of ourselves. Some people may never figure it out, since that is not the main reason why we are here. Also, there are people who want to be right; so knowing the truth would be counter-productive - only feeding their pride.