How you could be so sure? I also have spiritual experience but they ask me to think anytime that I ask for truth. I am wondering whether you mislead by Satan? Have you ever doubt?
One, God trumps Satan. I asked for Gods help. I asked for Gods protection. I asked for God to repeat things if they where of Him and to not let them be repeated if they were not. You ask for Gods help, he gives it. You go into battle without God you fail. Ask the Israelites in the OT, they can tell you about it. You by yourself are vulnerable, you with God can overcome anything. I’ve had visions, visions that have assured me I was on the right track, one in particular, a vision of my Grandfather, who’s dead. I told God if that vision was from Him, I wanted it repeated, if it wasn’t I never wanted to see it again as long as I lived. It was repeated and I became a Catholic. Yes, sometimes I doubt, then God assures me again that He has kept me on track. When I have doubted, it wasn’t issues of a theological nature, just personal ones.
What facts? In fact what he claim is quite reasonable. Why don’t you believe Mithra who claimed to be God and had the same attributes as Jesus. The history is full of people who claimed to be God. I recommend you to google Mithra as another God.
Please, don’t bother me with some little known religion. If you aren’t going to talk about a major religion, stop talking. Any and all minor religions can’t even hope to be taken seriously as Truth Divinely inspired by God. That is why they are MINOR RELIGIONS. Besides GOD led me to CATHOLICISM not Mithra. Ask Him why.
People in fact have always died for lies. Jesus was killed because he claimed that he is God. What is the difference between Jesus death and commit suicide when you know the consequence of your claim?
Jesus was God, that’s not a lie. People are given the choice of denying Christ or being killed all the time. The Church even had to deal with such people, people that denied Christ, do let we them back in the Church or are they forever out. Nobody commits suicide as a consequence for believing in Jesus Christ.
I am wondering if you are mislead by Satan. How you could be sure?
If I was trusting myself, I could be misled, but I don’t trust myself at all, only in God.
It is meaningless since you can never grow in your spiritual journey.
You can actually get quite far in your Spiritual Journey, with Gods help, I’m sorry you can’t see that.
I rather keep my position and stay skeptic. We don’t know what spiritual world is so we have to be a little carefull.
God is beside me, I have nothing to fear. If you had God helping you, you wouldn’t need to fear either. So instead you do this, whatever this is. You claim your not trolling, but it seems an awful lot like trolling. What exactly are you trying to do anyway? Get people to leave Catholicism? You refuse to enter heaven yourself and try to stop others from going also?
In fact the facts is one of the most important thing that we need in our spiritual journey.
Actually, facts in books, especially non-biblical books are often wrong, purposely misleading and can be misinterpreted. The bible is misinterpreted also, especially when you don’t pray for guidance and then wait for it. So, no what is between the covers of a book is less important then actually asking an all knowing, all powerful creator of the universe what he thinks about them.
Yes, he of course could do that. I am wondering why he make exceptions, your case!
He could do that and he didn’t, what he did do, for me, was nothing like that. What He did for me, he did for me. I can share it, but most people don’t believe it. All my Protestant friends for example, you for another, but that’s ok, because I’m doing as I’m told. Sharing my experience, sharing what I know for Fact. Telling you how to find it for yourself. So when you stand before God and He asks you why you didn’t grow more in your spiritual journey, you have no excuse.
Why? This seems nonsense to me.
Do you want people to love you because your rich and powerful or do you want people to love you because they just want to love you? That’s the difference, the God of Islam is the first, my God, the True God is the second, he a Father first, God second. He’s true father, I, being a father myself, am not a true father, I’m mediocre at best. God is a Father as a Father should be.
This paragraph is full of contradictions. We would only pray when we are in state of belief. We should wonder where was the place that the first impression about God existence comes from?
I’m not sure what contradictions your speaking of.
No, people pray all the time with no belief at all. I did.
Why? It won’t change the fact He exists!