How God could fail to convey his message?

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This is a question that should come to mind of any religious person: How God could fail to convey his message? There are two scenarios available: 1) God didn’t intended to convey any message and all religions are work of people. This is true since there are many religions around the world. 2) God failed. This is true because there are many religions around the world again.

Your thought.
This may have been discussed, but I don’t really have time to read through the whole thread –

What makes you think that multiple religions and divine revelation are incompatible?
How you could be so sure? I also have spiritual experience but they ask me to think anytime that I ask for truth. I am wondering whether you mislead by Satan? Have you ever doubt?/QUOTE

One, God trumps Satan. I asked for Gods help. I asked for Gods protection. I asked for God to repeat things if they where of Him and to let them be repeated if they were not. You ask for Gods help, he gives it. You go into battle without God you fail. Ask the Israelites in the ot they can tell you about it. You by yourself are vulnerable, you with God can overcome anything. I’ve had visions, visions that have assured me I was on the right track, one in particular, a vision of my Grandfather, who’s dead. I told God if that vision was from Him, I wanted it repeated, if it wasn’t I never wanted to see it again as long as I lived. It was repeated and I became a Catholic.

QUOTE=Bahman;13173710] What facts? In fact what he claim is quite reasonable. Why don’t you believe Mithra who claimed to be God and had the same attributes as Jesus. The history is full of people who claimed to be God. I recommend you to google Mithra as another God./QUOTE

Please, don’t bother me with some little known religion. If you aren’t going to talk about a major religion, stop talking. Any and all minor religions can’t even hope to be taken seriously as Truth Divinely inspired by God. That is why they are MINOR RELIGIONS. Besides GOD led me to CATHOLICISM not Mithra. Ask Him why.

QUOTE=Bahman;13173710] People in fact have always died for lies. Jesus was killed because he claimed that he is God. What is the difference between Jesus death and commit suicide when you know the consequence of your claim?/QUOTE

Jesus was God, that’s not a lie. People are given the choice of denying Christ or being killed all the time. The Church even had to deal with such people, people that denied Christ, do let we them back in the Church or are they forever out. Nobody commits suicide as a consequence for believing in Jesus Christ.

QUOTE=Bahman;13173710] I am wondering if you are mislead by Satan. How you could be sure?/QUOTE

If I was trusting myself I could be misled, but I don’t trust myself at all, only in God.

QUOTE=Bahman;13173710]It is meaningless since you can never grow in your spiritual journey./QUOTE

You can actually get quite far in your Spiritual Journey, I’m sorry you can’t see that.

QUOTE=Bahman;13173710] I rather keep my position and stay skeptic. We don’t know what spiritual world is so we have to be a little carefull./QUOTE

I’m sorry you don’t, but I do.

QUOTE=Bahman;13173710] In fact the facts is one of the most important thing that we need in our spiritual journey./QUOTE

Actually, facts in books, especially non-biblical books are often wrong, purposely misleading and can be misinterpreted. The bible is misinterpreted also, especially when you don’t pray for guidance and wait for it. So, no what is between the covers of a book is less important then actually asking an all knowing, all powerful creator of the universe what he thinks about them.

QUOTE=Bahman;13173710] Yes, he of course could do that. I am wondering why he make exceptions, your case!/QUOTE

He could do that and he didn’t, what he did do, for me, was nothing like that. What He did for me, he did for me. I can share it, but most people don’t believe it. All my Protestant friends for example, you for another, but that’s ok, because I’m doing as I’m told. Sharing my experience, sharing what I know for Fact. Telling you how to find it for yourself. So when you stand before God and He asks you why you didn’t grow more in your spiritual journey, you have no excuse.

QUOTE=Bahman;13173710] Why? This seems nonsense to me./QUOTE

Do you want people to love you because your rich and powerful or do you want people to love you because they just want to love you? That’s the difference, the God of Islam is the first, my God, the True God is the second, he a Father first, God second. He’s true father, I, being a father myself, am not a true father, I’m mediocre at best. God is a Father as a Father should be.

QUOTE=Bahman;13173710] This paragraph is full of contradictions. We would only pray when we are in state of belief. We should wonder where was the place that the first impression about God existence comes from?
I’m not sure what contradictions your speaking of. No, people pray all the time with no belief at all. I did. Genesis actually tells us, Adam and Eve actually knew God. God later revealed Himself to the Israelites, did impossible things, proving Himself God and all other gods as false Gods. Have you actually read the Bible?
How you could be so sure? I also have spiritual experience but they ask me to think anytime that I ask for truth. I am wondering whether you mislead by Satan? Have you ever doubt?
One, God trumps Satan. I asked for Gods help. I asked for Gods protection. I asked for God to repeat things if they where of Him and to not let them be repeated if they were not. You ask for Gods help, he gives it. You go into battle without God you fail. Ask the Israelites in the OT, they can tell you about it. You by yourself are vulnerable, you with God can overcome anything. I’ve had visions, visions that have assured me I was on the right track, one in particular, a vision of my Grandfather, who’s dead. I told God if that vision was from Him, I wanted it repeated, if it wasn’t I never wanted to see it again as long as I lived. It was repeated and I became a Catholic. Yes, sometimes I doubt, then God assures me again that He has kept me on track. When I have doubted, it wasn’t issues of a theological nature, just personal ones.
What facts? In fact what he claim is quite reasonable. Why don’t you believe Mithra who claimed to be God and had the same attributes as Jesus. The history is full of people who claimed to be God. I recommend you to google Mithra as another God.
Please, don’t bother me with some little known religion. If you aren’t going to talk about a major religion, stop talking. Any and all minor religions can’t even hope to be taken seriously as Truth Divinely inspired by God. That is why they are MINOR RELIGIONS. Besides GOD led me to CATHOLICISM not Mithra. Ask Him why.
People in fact have always died for lies. Jesus was killed because he claimed that he is God. What is the difference between Jesus death and commit suicide when you know the consequence of your claim?
Jesus was God, that’s not a lie. People are given the choice of denying Christ or being killed all the time. The Church even had to deal with such people, people that denied Christ, do let we them back in the Church or are they forever out. Nobody commits suicide as a consequence for believing in Jesus Christ.
I am wondering if you are mislead by Satan. How you could be sure?
If I was trusting myself, I could be misled, but I don’t trust myself at all, only in God.
It is meaningless since you can never grow in your spiritual journey.
You can actually get quite far in your Spiritual Journey, with Gods help, I’m sorry you can’t see that.
I rather keep my position and stay skeptic. We don’t know what spiritual world is so we have to be a little carefull.
God is beside me, I have nothing to fear. If you had God helping you, you wouldn’t need to fear either. So instead you do this, whatever this is. You claim your not trolling, but it seems an awful lot like trolling. What exactly are you trying to do anyway? Get people to leave Catholicism? You refuse to enter heaven yourself and try to stop others from going also?
In fact the facts is one of the most important thing that we need in our spiritual journey.
Actually, facts in books, especially non-biblical books are often wrong, purposely misleading and can be misinterpreted. The bible is misinterpreted also, especially when you don’t pray for guidance and then wait for it. So, no what is between the covers of a book is less important then actually asking an all knowing, all powerful creator of the universe what he thinks about them.
Yes, he of course could do that. I am wondering why he make exceptions, your case!
He could do that and he didn’t, what he did do, for me, was nothing like that. What He did for me, he did for me. I can share it, but most people don’t believe it. All my Protestant friends for example, you for another, but that’s ok, because I’m doing as I’m told. Sharing my experience, sharing what I know for Fact. Telling you how to find it for yourself. So when you stand before God and He asks you why you didn’t grow more in your spiritual journey, you have no excuse.
Why? This seems nonsense to me.
Do you want people to love you because your rich and powerful or do you want people to love you because they just want to love you? That’s the difference, the God of Islam is the first, my God, the True God is the second, he a Father first, God second. He’s true father, I, being a father myself, am not a true father, I’m mediocre at best. God is a Father as a Father should be.
This paragraph is full of contradictions. We would only pray when we are in state of belief. We should wonder where was the place that the first impression about God existence comes from?
I’m not sure what contradictions your speaking of.

No, people pray all the time with no belief at all. I did.

Why? It won’t change the fact He exists!
You failed. I am in fact not trolling. I am wondering how you could be mislead by judging me wrong when God is with you!?
Sorry, I didn’t pray about your trolling. If your not trolling what is the point of your endeavors? It obviously not because your looking for the Truth.
This may have been discussed, but I don’t really have time to read through the whole thread

What makes you think that multiple religions and divine revelation are incompatible?
Because they contradict each other in many places once you study them.
I’m not sure what contradictions your speaking of. No, people pray all the time with no belief at all. I did. Genesis actually tells us, Adam and Eve actually knew God. God later revealed Himself to the Israelites, did impossible things, proving Himself God and all other gods as false Gods. Have you actually read the Bible?
The contradiction: You don’t pray without believing and you don’t gain belief without praying!
One, God trumps Satan. I asked for Gods help. I asked for Gods protection. I asked for God to repeat things if they where of Him and to not let them be repeated if they were not. You ask for Gods help, he gives it. You go into battle without God you fail. Ask the Israelites in the OT, they can tell you about it. You by yourself are vulnerable, you with God can overcome anything. I’ve had visions, visions that have assured me I was on the right track, one in particular, a vision of my Grandfather, who’s dead. I told God if that vision was from Him, I wanted it repeated, if it wasn’t I never wanted to see it again as long as I lived. It was repeated and I became a Catholic. Yes, sometimes I doubt, then God assures me again that He has kept me on track. When I have doubted, it wasn’t issues of a theological nature, just personal ones.
Do you know the meaning of your vision? How we could grow if we become so dependent?
Please, don’t bother me with some little known religion. If you aren’t going to talk about a major religion, stop talking. Any and all minor religions can’t even hope to be taken seriously as Truth Divinely inspired by God. That is why they are MINOR RELIGIONS. Besides GOD led me to CATHOLICISM not Mithra.
The number of people who believe a specific religion is not a measure of truth. The story of Mithra is very similar to story of Jesus.
Ask Him why.
This is hilarious.
Jesus was God, that’s not a lie. People are given the choice of denying Christ or being killed all the time. The Church even had to deal with such people, people that denied Christ, do let we them back in the Church or are they forever out. Nobody commits suicide as a consequence for believing in Jesus Christ.
What is the difference? You know the consequence of your action or claim anyway which lead to death.
If I was trusting myself, I could be misled, but I don’t trust myself at all, only in God.
How you could grow spiritually when you have no sense of judgment and don’t trust yourself?
You can actually get quite far in your Spiritual Journey, with Gods help, I’m sorry you can’t see that.
I did get quite far in my spiritual journey by depending on myself and improving myself. Of course I had many Masters.
God is beside me, I have nothing to fear. If you had God helping you, you wouldn’t need to fear either. So instead you do this, whatever this is. You claim your not trolling, but it seems an awful lot like trolling. What exactly are you trying to do anyway? Get people to leave Catholicism? You refuse to enter heaven yourself and try to stop others from going also?
I am here to help and challenge people believes.
Actually, facts in books, especially non-biblical books are often wrong, purposely misleading and can be misinterpreted. The bible is misinterpreted also, especially when you don’t pray for guidance and then wait for it. So, no what is between the covers of a book is less important then actually asking an all knowing, all powerful creator of the universe what he thinks about them.
So you pray and you get the gift. This sounds very childish to me. What is the point of being a intellectual being?
He could do that and he didn’t, what he did do, for me, was nothing like that. What He did for me, he did for me. I can share it, but most people don’t believe it. All my Protestant friends for example, you for another, but that’s ok, because I’m doing as I’m told. Sharing my experience, sharing what I know for Fact. Telling you how to find it for yourself. So when you stand before God and He asks you why you didn’t grow more in your spiritual journey, you have no excuse.
That is a good question which apply to you too.
Do you want people to love you because your rich and powerful or do you want people to love you because they just want to love you? That’s the difference, the God of Islam is the first, my God, the True God is the second, he a Father first, God second. He’s true father, I, being a father myself, am not a true father, I’m mediocre at best. God is a Father as a Father should be.
A good Father leave his children to perform exercises to learn from their mistake and can grow the sense of judgment too.
I’m not sure what contradictions your speaking of.

No, people pray all the time with no belief at all. I did.

Why? It won’t change the fact He exists!
Please read post #169.
The contradiction: You don’t pray without believing and you don’t gain belief without praying!
That is not a contradiction. Someone who has reached the end of their rope, will pray and can have no belief at all. You are forcing something that just isn’t true. Not to mention belief isn’t on and off, it’s gained incrementally. Besides, whether you believe or not is irrelevant. I told you to pray whether you believe or not. I said, if you want to believe, tell God you want to believe. I don’t care how much faith you have, it’s irelavent, but you don’t want to believe. You want argue.
Do you know the meaning of your vision? How we could grow if we become so dependent?
Yes, I know the meaning of my vision. I also understand the situation into which it was given. The only way to grow Spiritually is to become utterly dependent, on God. Which is the distinction between Christianity and every other religion.
The number of people who believe a specific religion is not a measure of truth. The story of Mithra is very similar to story of Jesus.
Similar doesn’t make it truth and yes the number of people does give a measure of its Truth, to an extent. Also, that’s the great thing about having God help you, He maneuvers you around believing in such nonsense. I don’t even have to study the story of Mithra and I already know it is a man made religion and nonsense.
This is hilarious.
Yes, to you it’s hilarious, which is why i know you are blind and ignorant of the Truth.
What is the difference? You know the consequence of your action or claim anyway which lead to death.
Suicide doesn’t get you to heaven, being killed for not denying Christ does, that’s the difference.
How you could grow spiritually when you have no sense of judgment and don’t trust yourself?
You grow because your not bogged down trying to figure out what to do and what to believe and just trust God and allow Him to guide you, Gods way is the only way, your way is garbage. You will never get anywhere, relying on yourself.
I did get quite far in my spiritual journey by depending on myself and improving myself. Of course I had many Masters.
Men, you followed other men, which have no proof that anything they have told you is True. I’m not telling you what is True, I’m telling you where to go get it, try it and see. The road to hell is lined with skulls of the people that said I can do it my way.
I am here to help and challenge people believes.
Helping people is only helping when what you are saying is true, but what you have to say is just the ramblings of a finite man of limited intellect. Plus, I’ve not actually seen you say anything other then your right and everyone else is wrong.
So you pray and you get the gift. This sounds very childish to me. What is the point of being a intellectual being?
This sounds childish because it is, you must understand you are a child when compared to God and you don’t get anywhere without Him. Your intellect should actually bring you to a place, where you understand, you don’t really understand a whole lot and drives you to relying on God. Satan is supremely intelligent. So intelligent, his own intelligence is a hindrance to his understanding that God is superior and always will be. This is where you are, proud, arrogant, and ignorant of the Truth. I don’t find anything you say to be funny, it is sad and tragic, because this line of thinking will get you nowhere and I know this to be true.
That is a good question which apply to you too.
No, actually this doesn’t apply to me, because God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are the source and summit of all Truth. What you offer is the ramblings of a man. I’m telling you to seek God and ask Him. Your asking me to trust you. I can give you all God has given me and I understand it’s meaningless to you. That’s why I’m saying get on your knees and ask Him.
A good Father leave his children to perform exercises to learn from their mistake and can grow the sense of judgment.
A good father never leaves His children without guidance. Children learn from mistakes when children are disobedient. I as a father never allow my children to burn themselves on the stove to teach it’s hot. I don’t let them cut themselves to teach knives are sharp. I never allow my daughter to dress like a harlot and wander around, alone downtown after 3 am to teach them about rape. Your statement is not what a good father does. They may learn this way but it’s the harder of the two paths. It would have been better if they had just trusted their father and not had to suffer burns, cuts and rape.
This is a question that should come to mind of any religious person: How God could fail to convey his message? There are two scenarios available: 1) God didn’t intended to convey any message and all religions are work of people. This is true since there are many religions around the world. 2) God failed. This is true because there are many religions around the world again.

Your thought.
The problem with this post it states as a fact that God didn’t convey His message
Proof that God wanted to convey a message
What was that message
Is it being confused that conveying a message (whatever that means) is the same as the message being rejected

It is the last that the OP confuses. Rejection of God’s message is not the same as not conveying a message. God gives us free will to reject it is not His failure but ours.
That is not a contradiction. Someone who has reached the end of their rope, will pray and can have no belief at all.
There is a contradiction. What you are arguing is nonsense. Someone who reaches the of their rope are in state of deep depression.
You are forcing something that just isn’t true.
That is not correct. In fact that is your argument which is a failure.
Not to mention belief isn’t on and off, it’s gained incrementally.
Even this is not correct since your belief goes off when you doubt.
Besides, whether you believe or not is irrelevant.
Belief is in fact very relevant. Moreover, which God I should pray to?
I told you to pray whether you believe or not. I said, if you want to believe, tell God you want to believe. I don’t care how much faith you have, it’s irelavent, but you don’t want to believe.
I have my system of belief which is very consistent and I gained it through my spiritual journey by deep thinking.
You want argue.
Same as you with exception that my argument is based on solid base. Pray even when you don’t even believe! What does that even mean?
Yes, I know the meaning of my vision. I also understand the situation into which it was given. The only way to grow Spiritually is to become utterly dependent, on God. Which is the distinction between Christianity and every other religion.
That is not my way and I can ensure you that you are missing something huge which is knowing your potential and trying to stay on your feet.
Similar doesn’t make it truth and yes the number of people does give a measure of its Truth, to an extent. Also, that’s the great thing about having God help you, He maneuvers you around believing in such nonsense. I don’t even have to study the story of Mithra and I already know it is a man made religion and nonsense.
It makes too much sense. It is your weakness if you cannot argue why you believe in one person who claimed to be God instead of another if both are claimed to have the same attributes.
Yes, to you it’s hilarious, which is why i know you are blind and ignorant of the Truth.
I think that your system of belief fits to blind obedience better. Don’t you think?
Suicide doesn’t get you to heaven, being killed for not denying Christ does, that’s the difference.
You don’t want to understand my argument and keep repeating what you believe. I repeat my argument again: any attempt or claim which leads to death is a commit suicide. Either you kill yourself or allow others to kill you. The endpoint is the same, death.
You grow because your not bogged down trying to figure out what to do and what to believe and just trust God and allow Him to guide you, Gods way is the only way, your way is garbage. You will never get anywhere, relying on yourself.
My way is not garbage. In fact I know much more than you about the truth. The person you claim to be your God is my close friend! I know may other Gods and I gained this by contemplating in only four years which was not an easy task. I will do the same wherever my thought and heart lead me.
Men, you followed other men, which have no proof that anything they have told you is True. I’m not telling you what is True, I’m telling you where to go get it, try it and see. The road to hell is lined with skulls of the people that said I can do it my way.
I have already tried your way, following blindly, which is not satisfactory for me anymore. Remember that you get strength if and only if you become enough strong inside to stand inside alone.
Helping people is only helping when what you are saying is true, but what you have to say is just the ramblings of a finite man of limited intellect. Plus, I’ve not actually seen you say anything other then your right and everyone else is wrong.
Man intellect is not limited. It however stays limited when you follow blindly. You need to offer something intellectuality at the end. Shouldn’t you?
This sounds childish because it is, you must understand you are a child when compared to God and you don’t get anywhere without Him. Your intellect should actually bring you to a place, where you understand, you don’t really understand a whole lot and drives you to relying on God. Satan is supremely intelligent. So intelligent, his own intelligence is a hindrance to his understanding that God is superior and always will be. This is where you are, proud, arrogant, and ignorant of the Truth. I don’t find anything you say to be funny, it is sad and tragic, because this line of thinking will get you nowhere and I know this to be true.
In fact that is your situation which is tragic, asking God for what is good by praying like a child. You will never grow enough to could claim that you are mature enough.
No, actually this doesn’t apply to me, because God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are the source and summit of all Truth. What you offer is the ramblings of a man. I’m telling you to seek God and ask Him. Your asking me to trust you. I can give you all God has given me and I understand it’s meaningless to you. That’s why I’m saying get on your knees and ask Him.
I don’t ask you trust me. I am asking you to trust yourself. The truth has infinite folds and what you know is very limited.
A good father never leaves His children without guidance. Children learn from mistakes when children are disobedient. I as a father never allow my children to burn themselves on the stove to teach it’s hot. I don’t let them cut themselves to teach knives are sharp. I never allow my daughter to dress like a harlot and wander around, alone downtown after 3 am to teach them about rape. Your statement is not what a good father does. They may learn this way but it’s the harder of the two paths. It would have been better if they had just trusted their father and not had to suffer burns, cuts and rape.
A good father leaves his child when they get enough strength in order to let them to find her/his own way.
The problem with this post it states as a fact that God didn’t convey His message
Proof that God wanted to convey a message
There were people who claimed to be prophet, messenger and God.
What was that message
Each religion has its own claim about the message which is apparently the truth which sadly the claimed truth conflicts with other religions claim!
Is it being confused that conveying a message (whatever that means) is the same as the message being rejected
You believe the message when God convince you at the first place. You cannot reject the message when you are conceived. You could do contrary though.
It is the last that the OP confuses. Rejection of God’s message is not the same as not conveying a message. God gives us free will to reject it is not His failure but ours.
There is no tension between believing a message and free will. You could do contrary of what you believe because you are free.
There is no tension between believing a message and free will. You could do contrary of what you believe because you are free.
And every Catholic parent presents an excellent example of this freedom every time they participate in the hoax called Santa Claus (or the Easter Bunny). They KNOW that Santa Claus is a fable or myth, but they pretend to believe in him, and they even LIE to their children about it. The funny thing is that last time I heard, there was no such thing as a “white lie”. Every lie is a “mortal sin”.

I wonder what do those parents do next time they go to confession? Do they confess their “mortal sin” and promise not to do it again in order to get the words of absolution?
And every Catholic parent presents an excellent example of this freedom every time they participate in the hoax called Santa Claus (or the Easter Bunny). They KNOW that Santa Claus is a fable or myth, but they pretend to believe in him, and they even LIE to their children about it. The funny thing is that last time I heard, there was no such thing as a “white lie”. Every lie is a “mortal sin”.

I wonder what do those parents do next time they go to confession? Do they confess their “mortal sin” and promise not to do it again in order to get the words of absolution?
Not every lie is a mortal sin:rolleyes:

To be a mortal sin
  1. It has to be serious matter. Telling a child of Santa Clause could hardly be serious matter
  2. It has to be know to be wrong. Most who do this don’t consider it wrong
  3. Then do it anyway
If one of these are not met it is not mortal.
There were people who claimed to be prophet, messenger and God.
Each religion has its own claim about the message which is apparently the truth which sadly the claimed truth conflicts with other religions claim!
You believe the message when God convince you at the first place. You cannot reject the message when you are conceived. You could do contrary though.
Why not?
There is no tension between believing a message and free will. You could do contrary of what you believe because you are free.
None of which shows that God failed to present(convey) His message. You are the one stating it now prove it.
Not every lie is a mortal sin:rolleyes:

To be a mortal sin
  1. It has to be serious matter. Telling a child of Santa Clause could hardly be serious matter
  2. It has to be know to be wrong. Most who do this don’t consider it wrong
  3. Then do it anyway
If one of these are not met it is not mortal.
Any lie is intrinsically evil according to the church. There are no “white lies”.
What is this supposed to mean?
What is this supposed to mean?
Because of the same reason as you believe on my existence before trying to reply to it. You simply are conceived that there is a Bahman trying to communicate with you! We , human being, simply share some common sense things, excluding God, angels, demons, etc. The type of opinion about God is so wild, going from atheist, theist, etc. How God could convey his message if he could not convince his existence to individuals?
None of which shows that God failed to present (convey) His message. You are the one stating it now prove it.
So I repeat my questions again: How God could convey his message if he could not convince his existence to individuals? Your state of belief about God is subjected to doubt. Your state of belief about me is not subject to doubt!? How you could believe God’s message when you can easily doubt his existence? How you could distinguish which God is the true God when you are surrounded with many system of believes? Your state of mind about God existence is simply a state of mind which is formed from what you received and learned from other people hence God didn’t conceived you about his existence yet you still persist that God convey his message well. What God when the number of people who claim that they have spiritual experiences are so few? At the end we cannot even be sure that these few individuals are not mislead by Satan. All I can say is that we are cognitively closed to spiritual world hence we could have tons of surprise ahead!
Any lie is intrinsically evil according to the church. There are no “white lies”.
Lying is not intrinsically evil.
Catechism states
2484 The gravity of a lie is measured against the nature of the truth it deforms, the circumstances, the intentions of the one who lies, and the harm suffered by its victims. If a lie in itself only constitutes a venial sin, it becomes mortal when it does grave injury to the virtues of justice and charity.
But then again you are trying to say it is lying when it is not

Is it lying to tell kids there is a Santa?
Without knowing which passages in the Catechism of the Catholic Church you are thinking of, I cannot comment on them. What I can do is to comment on the idea of telling children stories of Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.
It is not lying to create stories for young children. That is basically what is done when parents tell their children of imaginary creatures such as the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. From the beginning of time parents have spun such tales for the entertainment and education of their children. Rather than “lying,” it can be considered “myth-making.” Myths are a means of conveying certain truths pictorially rather than didactically. When parents tell their children tales of the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, the larger truths that are being conveyed mythically are that we are part of a larger universe and are watched over and cared for by good spirits whom we cannot yet know empirically. This can be considered groundwork for later introduction to the communion of saints.
As for Santa, he is based on a real person: St. Nicholas, an early Catholic bishop who is a patron saint of children because of positive interactions he was believed to have had with children during his life. The stories that have been based upon St. Nicholas are what we call legend. Legends are generally non-historical or unverifiable stories passed down through the ages about a person or group of people. While Catholic parents may want to make sure children know about the real-life saint behind the Santa Claus legend, there is nothing wrong with passing on pious legends to children.
The real question probably comes when children find out that their parents are the ones who are providing the Santa gifts, Easter candy, and Tooth Fairy money. In my experience, parents tend to worry too much about how their children will receive this news. Many children through many generations simply accept this information as a part of growing up, and, in fact, will “collude” with parents to keep the myth going by not letting their parents in on the fact that they know The Truth in order to avoid spoiling their parents’ fun. But, if a child does feel betrayed to find out The Truth, then the parent can explain the context of storytelling and myth-making, perhaps pointing out to the child that Let’s Pretend is a game for people of all ages.
Of course, it should be said, if a parent does not feel comfortable taking this approach to Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy, the parent is free to leave out such stories from his child’s education. He should though teach the child to be sensitive to not spoiling the fun of other children by telling them that such characters are Not Real.
What is this supposed to mean?

What is this supposed to mean?
It means so what it doesn’t support your op
Because of the same reason as you believe on my existence before trying to reply to it. You simply are conceived that there is a Bahman trying to communicate with you! We , human being, simply share some common sense things, excluding God, angels, demons, etc. The type of opinion about God is so wild, going from atheist, theist, etc. How God could convey his message if he could not convince his existence to individuals?
That is what God wants faith. Faith by definition is unprovable.
So I repeat my questions again: How God could convey his message if he could not convince his existence to individuals? Your state of belief about God is subjected to doubt. Your state of belief about me is not subject to doubt!? How you could believe God’s message when you can easily doubt his existence? How you could distinguish which God is the true God when you are surrounded with many system of believes? Your state of mind about God existence is simply a state of mind which is formed from what you received and learned from other people hence God didn’t conceived you about his existence yet you still persist that God convey his message well. What God when the number of people who claim that they have spiritual experiences are so few? At the end we cannot even be sure that these few individuals are not mislead by Satan. All I can say is that we are cognitively closed to spiritual world hence we could have tons of surprise ahead!
What makes you think there is a Satan? If you can’t prove there is a god, how can you prove satan?
You cannot prove God didn’t give a message either. An old saying that applies to you is
For those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.

It all boils down to faith
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