Actually I understood it well and answered it, but I’ll try again, with a little less politically correct flowery language. There is third option, the true option. There is one true religion where we work to teach his message every day. There are many other religions because someone thought that our message is too hard and wanted an easy way. These religions come about due to human frailty and demonic temptation,as well as the free will that allows us to succumb to temptation and frailty, not because of an insufficient message on God’s part. Remember that love without choice is not love. We need free will, the ability to fail, to truly succeed. Just because people fail does not mean God did.You apparently didn’t pay attention to my argument. It is very simple: There are many religions and there is one God hence he either didn’t convey any message and all religions are human made or he failed to convey his message. There is no another option.