Yes, the Deacon is in service to the Bishop. I agree with that statement yet the culture is different. A couple years ago, I had an issue with my new pastor insofar as the cleansing of the vessels after communion. Father told the EMHCs that if they were the ‘lead’, they were to purify the vessels after Mass. Because of Catholic Answers, I knew this was incorrect. I asked one of our Deacons if he could broach the subject with Father and his response was " I can not disagree with anything Father does because of my vow of obedience - even if it’s wrong". He was told this during Deaconate formation. ( I also heard Teresa Tomeo saying something very similar about her husband who is a Deacon.) I had to bring all of the evidence to Father and it took another 6-8 months before this was actually addressed and really not to my satisfaction. I am no longer an EMHC nor a lector. I cannot be in a liturgical ministry when the pastor is asking me to go against the rubrics.On a little known point, Deacons actually serve their Bishops, not the Priests. Deacons are supposed to be the eyes and ears of the Bishop at the Parish level.
As part of that, note that the Deacons in at least the Latin Rite rarely move from Parish to Parish, in contrast to the Priests.