How justify abortion in case of rape or incest?

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I would especially welcome answers from non-Catholics
I am strongly anti-abortion myself and, to my Christian friends who are pro-life but anti-Catholic, I point out that there is no stronger pro-life voice on earth than the Catholic Church.

At the same time I am deeply sympathetic to those who become pregnant through violence and would not care to get into the debate on that. They must choose and I will not interfere.
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Sex is either consensual or not. If consensual, no problem found. If it’s non-consensual, then it’s rape or sexual assault/battery. A minor can not give consent so it’s rape (sexual assault/battery). I really can’t speak to what is allowed in other countries, although sex between siblings or parent and child, tends to be not allowed in most places.
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I agree to the poster who said that if a raped woman choose abortion, she may carry it (in her conscience) for life. Whereas if she give birth and give it for adoption, she won’t carry such burden in her conscience.

Nevertheless, I still think that it seems unjust if she’s being coerced to choose to do so. And it potentially may mislead human society to perpetuate gender inequality.
A woman who has been victim of a brutal crime deserves the very best medical, psychological, legal, emotional and spiritual help our society has to give.
The point I was making is… yes abortion is a sin but so is not respecting our parents or cheating on a partner.

We should judge ourselves before judging another. Jesus is very strict on this and many scripture’s prove this.
How can I say yes I love God but at the same time steal.

Then say a person who’s been raped and had an abortion is more sinful than myself.

That is totally untrue. We are both equal of sin.
How can I say yes I love God but at the same time steal.

Then say a person who’s been raped and had an abortion is more sinful than myself.

That is totally untrue. We are both equal of sin.
Umm, please read my post again.
I am not Catholic, and I am 100% pro-choice.

But even if I weren’t 100% pro-choice, I would argue that in “cases of rape and incest” , “life of the mother” also applies.

Many women who experience rape and/or incest lose the will to live. Add the burden of an unwelcome pregnancy, birth, and child on top of that and the life of the mother is very much at risk. She may have other children she is caring for, and the undue stress may break her in many ways. Everyone has their breaking point. Everyone is different. But that is the point for us pro-choicers. It is a very personal and individual thing. It is why we believe each woman should make this choice for herself.
I am Catholic and 100% pro life. And I accept with common sense that rape is a heinous crime. And I don’t pretend to have an easy pat on the back for someone who is violated.
I also accept that victimizing two people won’t atone for a crime or take away the sting of it, in fact making two victims multiplies the crime and the resulting injustice.
It is a very personal and individual thing. It is why we believe each woman should make this choice for herself.
Let me point out that this very subjectivity you subscribe to is the same point of view the rapist subscribes to in committing this crime. The victim is his personal subject, and so his victim is subject to his personal and individual whims.
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I am Catholic and 100% pro choice
Far too often the term pro-choice is interpreted to mean pro-abortion. For me all it means is that I can live my life only, no one else’s. They have to make their own decisions, informed or not. There is only so much one can do for another. Ultimately, we’re all on our own.
Far too often the term pro-choice is interpreted to mean pro-abortion. For me all it means is that I can live my life only, no one else’s. They have to make their own decisions, informed or not. There is only so much one can do for another. Ultimately, we’re all on our own.
It’s an inconsistent philosphy so it’s not that convincing.
not “having” to do anything

just not permitted to commit murder

huge difference.
Let’s not get cute with semantics here. If a woman is not permitted to have an abortion, then she HAS to carry the baby. It’s not like she can pop it out of her womb and put it in an incubator. That would be like me saying, “I’m not murdering my baby, I’m simply putting a bullet through my uterus.” Of course you’re murdering your baby if you were to do that. Doing one action forces the other.

I’m pro-life, but when we say, “Oh, we aren’t saying the woman has to carry the baby, we’re just saying she can’t kill it,” we minimize and ignore the impact this has on the woman. Again, I’m not in favor of abortion. I’m in favor of realizing what we’re making women do, and supporting them in any way (financial, psychological, physical) we can.
What would benefit the woman to add to her rape or incest supplice the trauma of abortion? Physical and psychological? This is what the pro-abortionists forget to mention, is that there is trauma involved in an abortion.
This is what most EO priests say around here, that abortion is trauma and the details of that trauma are usually left behind under the badge of “solving a problem”.
Whose problem? A mother’s instincts usually explode just after birth and in any case later during pregnancy. Most women view their born children as THEIR OWN, some even step over the role of fathers.
Abortion in cases of abuse as a MUST really seems to me to be more of a case of teaching these women what to do instead of just answerind a need from them.
In case of single mothers the one who should bear it is the State if the family is too poor. So of course the State states that abortion is better so they don’t have to pay these women child support.
There are NO circumstances where the deliberate murder of a child in the womb is anything other than a heinous sin - none - irrespective of how that child was conceived.
In France, as long as the two people involved are aged of 15 years old or more, and consent, the fact that these people are siblings or parent and child, is not a penal offense.
To simplify a lot, in Europe, Latin countries such as Spain and Portugal have a similar law. Others countries such as Germany, England, Danemark consensual sexual relations between close family are an offense.

I suspect that “incest” is brings as an exception for abortion, because of the abuse but also because some worry that the child would have a more weak genetical heritage, so for eugenistic reasons…
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I doubt that. Murder is a bit more heftier than missing mass. I’m not discounting the seriousness of honouring the Lord’s Day, but that separates only me from God. Murder affects another human being.
You’re right. The Catechism and Catholic tradition are clear that there is a hierarchy of grave sins…some are graver than others, with obviously graver consequences. There’s a very odd “mortal sin is mortal sin” mentality on CAF I’ve noticed… that’s not traditional Catholic teaching. All mortal sin separates us from God, but with unequal punishments and unequal consequences.
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