No, Jesus doesn’t come into bread and wine truly present. But we also don’t believe in that!
Jesus is there “where two or three come together in His name.” (cf. Mt 18:20).
Jesus doesn’t come into our bread and wine either. The bread and wine becomes transformed into His Body and Blood. It is true that He is there where two or more are gathered in His name. But the bread and wine does become transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ whether you believe it or not.
The Biblical support for this is the Bread of LIfe discourse in John 6 and the last supper accounts in the synoptic.
And I have always felt that Jesus is here during worship and the whole entire service in my Baptist Community and (maybe even a bit more) in Pentecostal Churches (I sometimes attend the Pentecostal Church “Every Nation”).
And I have no doubt He is. But your feeling is neither the determiner nor the barometer of Jesus’s presence. He is there whether you feel bored or entertained because He said so. That is why whether you feel Him or not in the Mass, He is there because He said so. And the bread and the wine is transformed into His body and blood because He said so.
And services at Protestant Churches is not about ourselves, but about our Lord and Saviour! Just as it is in the Catholic Church!!
The reason for the service yes. But the reason for attending the service is quite a different matter altogether.
You said that you don’t go to Mass because you are bored there. You prefer the protestant service because you feel good there. So therefore your going to the baptist service is about you not about God. Because if you really believe that God is present in the Mass, then it would not matter whether you feel good there or not, you will go because the service is not about you but about worshiping God.
If going to Mass is truly about God then you will go no matter whether He gives you the grace to feel His presence or not. This is not something we can manufacture. I have attended a protestant service where I truly cannot understand what the hype is all about. The hype was all manufactured. Now I am not saying that the all protestant services produce hype. I am only referring to the one I attended.
Modern man is so addicted to feeling good that they have reduced the value of worship to feeling good.
We have in the beginning a short reading out of the bible.
We have in the beginning the Kyrie (the Lord Have mercy), then we have the Confetitor asking God to forgive us for our sins, then we recite or sign the Gloria in praise of God’s greatness.
Then we have a reading from the OT, a recitation of the Psalms, a reading from the NT and then the Proclamation of the Gospel.
Then the announces, then the worship - where we praise our Lord and Saviour for what He has done for us on the cross and that we love Him with (modern songs) and then everybody has time to thank Jesus or tell him whatever he has upon his heart in his own words. (Mt 7,9-11)
Then we have the Homily where the priest breaks open the Word of God so that we may understand it better. Then we recite the Creed affirming our faith in the Father, Son and Holy sprit and in the redemption of Christ on the Cross and his resurrection and in the Church that He has founded so that we may all become one body.
Then we have the intercessions where we ask God aloud and in silence for help in the world, in his church and in our lives and we pray for those who have passed away.
Either aloud or in silence. If you haven’t been in a worship, you won’t understand.
And now comes the moment when we bring our offering of bread and wine. We offer that to the Father. The Father received our offering and returns them to us as the Body and blood of His Beloved Son.
You won’t understand that feeling to feel Jesus standing right in front of you - this certainty that he is REALLY there. This feeling inside your heart when you sing for Him and then bring towards Him whatever
And then comes that most profound moment where we go and RECEIVE Him. He is no longer just there in front of us but inside us, His blood flowing in us. That is the closest anyone can get to God this side of eternity.
This knowledge that the lifeblood of Jesus Christ is coursing through our veins… You have no idea how incredible that is. It is beyond words.
And so we pray at communion for this wondrous gift of Himself. Our thanks are indequate but we know He receives that with love for it was His initiative in the first place to give us Himself as food.
And then we are sent! To love and serve the Lord!