No way Rev Kev that is not what Jesus said. Jesus said Take and eat this is my body, then he took the cup and said this is my blood of the covenant which WILL BE shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you from now on I shall NOT drink this FRUIT of the Vine until the day wen I drink it with you NEW in the Kingdom of my Father.Your missing what I’m saying. This is my body, [the bread was a symbol of his body, he is the bread of life, what better to use as a symbol of his body than bread] then he says TO BE GIVEN for you [to be the last sacrifice to God for our sins, his body was given for our sins, to suffer and die in the cross for us] thats what to be given means.
Now you say that if Jesus didn’t say this is my body it would be just a remembrance of the meal. Do this in rememberance of me. [when you break bread think of what I have done for the world, think about my suffering and dying for your sins. Remember what I came here for, remember me who gave his all for you]
They were eating and drinking a symbol of his body and blood that was to be given and shed for you, for your sins, to save the world
No ALL who eat his flesh [his body, the bread} meaning all who believe in him. I assure you, anyone who believes in me already has eternal life. I assure you, unless you eat the flesh [blieve] of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you can not have eternal life within you. {unless you believe in me you will not have eternal life} Remember this was said before the Last Supper happened. Here Jesus is talking about believing in him, eating his flesh, his body, that has not yet became his body and blood but they have eternal life. The only bread he was talking about was him being sent down from heaven as the bread of life.and this was said before the Last Supper so it would stand to reason that he meant all who believe in him and not that he is in the bread and wine.
He did not give eternal life only to his disciples when he died, this was given to all before he died. Remember John 6 was before the last supper and before his death when he said, I assure you, anyone who believe in me already has eternal life.
John don’t even mention the Last Supper, so to him it was not of much importance that Jesus turned the bread and wine into his body and blood. Because it was only a symbol. If he thought it important or that Jesus really turned the bread and wine into his body and blood he would of put it in his writtings but he didn’t.
It was no accident that the Last Supper was a Passover meal. Jesus gave the Jewish Passover its definiive meaning. Jesus passing over to his father by his death and Resurrection. THe new Passover is anticipated in the Supper and celebrated in the Supper and celebrated in the Eucharist which fulfillls the Jewish Passover and anticipated he fnal Passover of the CHURCH in the glory of the Kingdom. (CCC1340)
Read Mt. 26:29-29 Again. All was going according to the celebrating of Jewish Passover EXCEPT Mt 26:26-29 Jesus said I will not drink again the fruit of the vine until tat day when I drink it again with you in my Fathers kingdom.
HERE WAS THE THIRD CUP, the cup of the BLESSING. BUt Jesus said the bread and wine were is body, what did he mean?
Blood of the covenant is Ex. 24:8 Again something all the disciples would have understood, the Covenant of God and Israel. Jesus is saying a new covenant will be made IN HIS BLOOD.
Next in the liturgy was singing a hymn of praise and thens hould come the cup of consummation. But Jesus said NO he would not drink wine again. So after the hymn of praise they went out to Mount of Olives. IF you knew the Passover you would be shocked they abandoned Passover before it was FINISHED. For SOME REASON it was not time was it?
Now they all left with him,
Jesus said if possible let this CUP pass from me. He was only showing he had a fully HUMAN NATURE. He felt OUR FEAR. But he also showed us you can be human and still obey God.
Now back to the garden the LAST SUPPER Jesus offered to his Father is accepted in the Garden of Gethsemani, making himself obedient to death.
Now move unti THe Last cup.
Mt 15:33-34 Then read on (they offered Jesus a brand of hyssop (the same herb that was used for spinkling the blood of the passover lamb in Ex. 12:22)
After he drank the vinegar Jesus said IT IS FINISHED. It was the LAST CUP that Jesus swon not to drink UNTIL the TIME had COME. He bowed his head and gave up his Spirit!
Please read John Paull ll Ecclesia de Eucharistia. It is all quite clear.
The Eucharist is what is the source and summit of all evangelization since it is the communion of mankind with Christ and IN HIM with the Father and the HOLY SPRIIT!!