the Expelled interview was selectively edited to be very one-sided, with ominous music playing in the background in order to garner a negative emotional response. Selected scenes were included such as Richard getting make-up applied in order for him to be seen as vain. Of course, Ben had make-up too, but that was not shown. That film was not a documentary, it was creationist propogandaNo, I don’t like him. He’s very smug and his arguments are self-aggrandizing, coy, and frankly not very good. An atheist that conducted himself with balance, and that won respect from many people of different belief systems was Anthony Flew. Of course, he finally succombed to an acceptance of Deism, though never a personal god.
When I think of Richard Dawkins, I will always think of the mannerisms that epitomize his false sense of self-importance and inner insecurity in the Ben Stein documentary. Just watch him, it’s so revealing. His too-confident handshake when Ben Stein sits down… his almost whiny and insecure responses to Ben when he asks him, “So, you don’t believe in any gods, right? Do you believe in any of the Hindu gods…” There was no bombshell moment there, (apart from Dawkins absurd tangent into ET seeding of life on earth), it was just the mannerisms, the way both men conducted themselves that struck me. Ben seemed so much more confident and relaxed, though he had nothing to expose Dawkins with.