How often do you pray the rosary?

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I pray the Rosary daily, and have been since December. It is the best spiritual thing I have done in my life. I enjoy the relaxation and most importantly the time to talk with the Blessed Mother.
.<<<…9 days later (coincidence? I think not :D), the really big issue that I had been worrying about was taken off my shoulders! I’ll never doubt the power of the Rosary again!>>>

I start praying the rosary about 4 years ago. Pretty much from the get go I tried to say it once a day. At first I would yes it as fast as I could and didn’t give any thought to the mysteries. The other problem I had was I would often fall asleep while praying the rosary. After a year and a half or so I slowed down and started mediating on the mysteries, but I was still praying the rosary at night and often fell asleep before finishing. This year I decide to start saying my rosary first thing in the morning before I do anything else. This has work out great. I usually start I little groggy, but am wide awake and ready for the day when a finish. In May my father gave me a my grandmother 1929? Lasance Prayer Book that has prayers to say before each mystery, these have also been very helpful. I’ve also started to learn to say the prayers in Latin. I have the Ave Maria down and it just rolls off your tongue once you learn it. I find myself saying Ave Maria’s all day long. Once Mary gets a hold of you she won’t let go. If I’m on along drive, on airplane, or in the woods while hunting I’ll just start praying decades. I’ve prayed up to six decades while sitting in a tree stand. I’m not trying to come across as Holier than thou, if it wasn’t for God’s Grace I would be doing anything, I’ve just seen so many incredible things happen in the last four year that it’s the least I can do. I’ll never stop my daily rosary. The last four years have been like walking out of the fog and into the light. I just don’t know how anyone can claim to know Jesus, yet not understand the Marian Dogmas.
While I can understand the appeal of promises like these, as post Apostolic revelation it has the nature of being “private” and not a part of the original deposit of Faith.

New Catholics should realize that it is permissable to doubt the veracity of this legend. As for myself, I am convinced that it is nothing more than pious fiction.

However, for those who entertain no doubts about this, go for it! May Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ bless you abundantly now and ever and forever!

Nil Carius Christo 🙂
Michael, that sinner
You and the Apostle Thomas have a lot in common.
You can acquire a bookmark with the 15 promises listed at …

They were given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan de la Roche.

I also recommend the book, “The Secret of the Rosary” by St. Louis De Montfort:…/product_id/37/

Absolutely, Mary can deliver all of the promises…

Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces

Mary, Full of Grace

Mary, Mother of God

Mary has also made similar promises to those who devoutly wear the Brown Scapular. She promised those who faithfully wore the Scapular…and lived by the conditions…"shall not suffer eternal fire. This was the Blessed Mother’s promise…made on July 16, 1251 to St. Simon Stock. Mary also promised to deliver the individual from Purgatory soon after death…this is known as the Sabbatine privilege . The Sabbatine privilege is Mary’s promise to release from Purgatory soon after death all those who 1. Wear the Brown Scapular… 2. Observe chastity according to their state of life and…3. Say the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary every day.
I went to Catholic school for 8 years and unless I was sleeping (a real possibility :rolleyes: ), I really don’t remember ever learning the mysteries - but only the mechanics of the rosary.

This past Lent, I began praying the rosary daily and committing the mysteries to memory (with a Scriptural excerpt for each) as part of my Lenten offering.

My reason for choosing to do this was that I also wanted to grow closer to Mary. Sadly, I’ve neglected her far too long…

Now it’s such a part of my life I can’t imagine not praying the rosary every day. If I find myself in a situation where, say I need patience, I’ll pray the 4th Sorrowful decade - because the materials I use indicate “patience” as the fruit of that mystery.

Funny too, that whenever I think of which day of the week it is, I automatically associate it with which mysteries are prayed that day.
I like to pray the Rosary first thing in the moring, too…usually while sitting up in bed with my first cup of coffee (cheerfully brought to me by my husband of over 36 years!)…I, too, tried to do it at night, but I also fell asleep!
While I can understand the appeal of promises like these, as post Apostolic revelation it has the nature of being “private” and not a part of the original deposit of Faith.

New Catholics should realize that it is permissable to doubt the veracity of this legend. As for myself, I am convinced that it is nothing more than pious fiction.

However, for those who entertain no doubts about this, go for it! May Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ bless you abundantly now and ever and forever!

Nil Carius Christo 🙂
Michael, that sinner
Finally, there are two things to think about…

  1. This revelation is true…and this is why numerous Popes and Saints have propagated these same promises…and many of these promises are intertwined with a myriad of other revelations and Marian apparitions over the centuries.
  2. You’re correct…and the Popes, Saints, and other apparitions are all either misguided, wrong, and/or false.
I pray the Holy Rosary once a day (that is, five decades per day – one mystery set); The Rosary and the Blessed Mother was what brought me back to full communion to Holy Mother Church, and I do not plan to lose the habit. I pray for it.
I was up to praying the Rosary once a day but since illness hit me I haven’t had the ability to concentrate. The Rosary is always in my heart though and I believe in its power and efficacy. I’ am finally getting back to it and will never leave it.

Not surprising though. I’m not Roman Catholic! 😃

Hmmm… could’a fooled me! :o
With a Latin signature tag… you must be Catholic! :rolleyes:

Um… what’s the English translation of your Latin signature tag?

Corpus Cristi:
I was just wondering how often people pray the rosary.
To tell you the truth I never like the Rosary, and always kept to the Divine Mercy Chaplet, but now I have grown to LOVE the Rosary, and thought to myself, what child doesn’t want to please it’s mother ?
So in order to please Mary I pray it, some people have described it as a spritual chain and that the devil can’t stand it, that’ll do for me 👍
I put the younger children down for naps and then I say the Rosary with the oldest, it is a special time for us, and he is able to concentrate and lead the decades better. When we get to the mysteries, I ask him to tell me about them, and he puts them in story format.

Sometimes, we don’t finish the whole thing, he is only 6.😉
I try to pray the rosary once a day but sometimes if my day gets a little hectic I’ll skip a day, not intentionally though. I would rather pray the rosary and know I can get through it instead of starting out on the first mystery and find myself nodding off :yawn:

So I would say I pray the rosary about 5 times a week on average
Jen, Thank you so much for your post. I have a five year old Protestant grandson who has expressed interest in learing to pray the Rosary. I have just started working with him. And…His Mom, who is my daughter approves…
Veronica Anne:
Hmmm… could’a fooled me! :o
With a Latin signature tag… you must be Catholic! :rolleyes:

Um… what’s the English translation of your Latin signature tag?

I am Catholic…just not Roman Catholic! 😉 😃

Anyways…roughly translated…it’s:

As the deer panteth for the water so my soul longeth after thee, o God.

It’s actually a Psalm (can’t remember which one though). I pulled it from a song I once sang.


That is great! The Rosary is a very calming prayer. They also learn the basic Catholic prayers, and it is powerful prayer!
Maybe he will convert when he gets older, thanks to the Blessed Mother.
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