How often do you pray the rosary?

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I am a recent “re-vert” to the Church and have discovered the rosary over the past few months. What an incredible blessing! When I left the faith in my teens, the rosary was just one of those outdated, superfluous, weird thing that Catholics did instead of actually loving God. Needless to say, my eyes have since been opened in many ways and the rosary is a regular (2-3 times per week) part of my prayer life.

A couple questions: I have heard several references to praying a “family” rosary. Is this simply saying a regular rosary together with your family or is there something more to it? We have two young children and I would be interested in incorporating the rosary into our family’s spiritual life.

Also - I hear many people talking about praying the rosary for various intentions. Does this mean that you meditate on the intention while saying the rosary or do you still meditate on the mysteries and somehow state your intention before or after saying the rosary?

Thanks for helping out a rosary “rookie”!
Welcome back home!

Family rosary = the family prays the regular rosary together. That’s about it. I remember every Friday night growing up, Mom would corral us 3 kids into our parent’s bedroom… we kneeled or sat on our haunches or cross-legged… whatever was most comfortable and not distracting to us. And Mom taught us the rosary… and we prayed it together. I don’t remember how long that lasted, but that’s one of the few memories I have of growing up. And it’s a GOOD MEMORY!!

To this day, I thank Mom (who by now has seen the face of God) for teaching it to me. I went away for several years as a young adult, and came back about 20 years ago. Thanks, Mom, for teaching me the Rosary… I “get it” now!!!

As for praying the rosary for your intentions… the answer to both your questions is YES. It’s not an either-or kinda thing. Whatever strikes you as feeling natural at the moment for how to pray it… pray it that way.

That would be God leading you… or Mary teaching you…how to pray it… or one/both of the above!

Hope this helps!
I aim for 1 per day, which I was doing at children’s nap time. Now that older kids are home for summer it’s harder. But thanks to (free download) I’ve been doing it! I prefer holding the rosary in my hands, but with kids running around & not much quiet til bedtime when I’m too tired, seeing the words on the screen has helped me to concentrate. But maybe twice a week doing it the old-fashioned way.

BTW, my sister has several rosaries & is not Catholic. I don’t really know if she prays the Rosary or not, though.
<<<BTW, my sister has several rosaries & is not Catholic. I don’t really know if she prays the Rosary or not, though>>>

**Hmmmmm…My Mom, who was a Methodist, but did not attend church for years, due to illness, once asked me to get her a Rosary. I was working in a Catholic bookstore at the time, so I got her a Divine Mercy Rosary (she loved red). **

**I would see Mom holding that Rosary (she lived with us at the time), but don’t know if she ever prayed it or not. **

I have that precious Rosary now, and keep it with me most of the time…
I pray five decades daily… it really helps me to stay calm and focused on God.
I am in the process of learing it…I usally do about 1 decat a night…lame, I know, but I fall asleep
Hi! I say the rosary once a day now and I am saying a novena that last 54 days (27 days in petition and 27 in thanksgiving). It is the little blue book ,Rosary Noverna to Our Lady and dates back to 1924. I have had to add the Luminous mysteries to update it. I just recently found the book when I helped my aunt move who is 85 years old. I had had the same book as a child.

Growing up we said a family rosary every night after dinner. We all took one decade and we took turns announcing the mysteries. We had a traveling Blessed Mother Statue several times and then we would invite in the neighborhood. The statue was several feet tall, and it stayed for a week and then traveled to another house.

My mother made rosaries as a ministry. She worked with a group at church and they would make hundreds of rosaries and then mail them off to the missions in Africa or wherever they needed them. She also sent away to New York and ordered crystal beads or pearl beads and made us all rosaries that were more special. When my mom passed away we all were able to then have some of her rosaries. I use one that she used daily for years. It is very special to me.

All that being said, there were many years I thought saying the rosary was a thing of the past for me. I recently was drawn back to it, and I know I will never quit now. It is such a wonderful devotion to add to your prayer life.
I love to pray the rosary, especially when I take a walk. The prayers relax and console me. I not only recite and meditate on the Mysteries of the Rosary, but very often interject it at the beginning, at the end, and during the prayers, with conversations, petitions, thanksgiving that are directed to Jesus, the Holy Spirit, God the Father, Mary, my guardian angel.

I once read that when you pray the Rosary while walking, whatever you’ll pass gets sanctified. The same with cities who have parishes with Perpetual Adoration. The streets become safer. I live in a city of approx. 50,000 residents and our Parish has Perpetual Adoration. Guess what? Our town is known for its low crime rate.
I said once a day, because there was no option for twice a day. But I pray whatever that days mysteries are, and I also pray the Sorrowful Mysteries every day. So twice a day. 🙂
I also use the “virtual rosary” site and the “virtual Divine Mercy Chaplet” site daily, along with daily “Liturgy of the hours” site, 8 verses of the Catechism daily, and from Catholic Q & A on EWTN a program that takes me through the Bible (Douay-Rheims) in one year. (For the weekends, I print out the Sat and Sun “Liturgy” in booklet form, I have the catechism book, and I printed out directions for praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet as well as rosary meditations from the Holy Rosary site). It seems as though the more I pray, the more I want to pray, even in the midst of great difficulties and obstacles. Sometimes I might have to “double up” on one or all of the above due to a crisis, but like that deer longing for water, I now long for daily prayer with God and Mary and the saints.

In high school and college I took Latin and French so I often pray the above in those as well as English. There are small but distinct differences in the words that make me pay greater attention; I know that sometimes I feel “rushed” or I hurry, and this helps to slow me down to “God’s time”.
I do plan to devote atleast enough time to pray it in full once a day. I do take time at work on breaks or spare time to pray portions of it.

If you are going to meditate on anything there is nothing better then the Rosary!!
I answered ‘once in a while’. I have the utmost respect for those of you who pray the rosary every day, you are truly inspirational. Do you great people have any tips for me so that I can eventually get to the point of saying the rosary every day?
work(name removed by moderator)rogress,
I answered ‘once in a while’. I have the utmost respect for those of you who pray the rosary every day, you are truly inspirational. Do you great people have any tips for me so that I can eventually get to the point of saying the rosary every day?
I am not a Catholic yet, but I do pray the Rosary. I have to make time for it. But it is one of those things that I do that really allows me to meditate on my relationship with God and Mary. I guess the key is understanding who your focus is on, and why.

But I will admit this. I am in my first stages of my journey to the Catholic Church and I guess a portion of my zeal is from this new love in my life in my faith. I have been a Southern Baptist for 10 years, and I have been very zealous in my faith, but I have had my times of trials and lack of zeal. Not lacking in faith but desire to “play church.” I truly long to be close to God and I honsetly feel that it can be totally fulfilled through the Holy Catholic Church!!

I would recommend that if you pray to be holy and righteous, and seek it with an honest heart, you will find yourself devoted to the Rosary prayer. I wish you well!!!
Once I learned the Jesus Prayer I put my rosary aside for good.

I will always cherish it though.

I think hanging it in the car from a mirror is a bit impious, but that’s where a lot of them wind up.
Once I learned the Jesus Prayer I put my rosary aside for good.

I will always cherish it though.

I think hanging it in the car from a mirror is a bit impious, but that’s where a lot of them wind up.
You should read St. Louis de Montfort’s “The Secret of the Rosary”
work(name removed by moderator)rogress8:
I answered ‘once in a while’. I have the utmost respect for those of you who pray the rosary every day, you are truly inspirational. Do you great people have any tips for me so that I can eventually get to the point of saying the rosary every day?
It can be very difficult and sometimes I will not always stick with if, you have to keep at it though, and form it into a discipline. Make Holy Mass and the Rosary the most important things everyday if you can and let everything else revolve around it provided you do not neglect your job of course. I am working on this one too. I use to be better at it, but I am in one of those “dry spells” right now…hopefully I will get much better.
You should read St. Louis de Montfort’s “The Secret of the Rosary”
I would like to recommend that you read the Philokalia!
work(name removed by moderator)rogress8:
I answered ‘once in a while’. I have the utmost respect for those of you who pray the rosary every day, you are truly inspirational. Do you great people have any tips for me so that I can eventually get to the point of saying the rosary every day?
I have found that if I pray my Rosary BEFORE actually getting up, I am more faithful to it. My husband of 36 1/2 years brings me my coffee every morning, and I try to pray then, while sipping that first cup…It works!

When I do not pray before getting up for the day, I find that it is too easy to put it off, and never get it done.
"I think hanging it in the car from a mirror is a bit impious, but that’s where a lot of them wind up."

Excuuuuuuse me, but I DO have a Rosary hanging from the mirror in my car along with a Brown Scapular and they are BOTH there to witness to the driving world that I’m Catholic. I put them there years ago for that specific reason - to evangelize!

I will not know till I get to Heaven if anyone’s heart was stirred by seeing them there, but if they weren’t there, I’d know one thing for sure, no one’s heart could possibly be stirred.

Actually, hanging a Rosary or any other object that identifies one as Catholic in one’s car in plain sight is a very painless, simple way to do what we are all called to as Catholics - bear witness to the Good News. I’m quite sure that there are a few folks in this crazy world who only hang a Roasry for a bad reason, but should all Rosaries be hidden away out of sight of traffic because some self-righteous person might think it impius to publically display one’s prayer tools to the driving world? Pretty slick, huh?

Ya see, I’m of a mind to evangelize in small ways and if the plastic Rosary hanging from my mirror fits that bill, well then so be it! If you think that it is a bad thing, then I can’t help that. I’ll pray for you though. Might even do it while I’m driving too! Beep beep! 👍

Peace and all good,

I am Catholic…just not Roman Catholic! 😉 😃

Anyways…roughly translated…it’s:

As the deer panteth for the water so my soul longeth after thee, o God.

It’s actually a Psalm (can’t remember which one though). I pulled it from a song I once sang.

Oh, then what rite do you belong to?
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