
Welcome back home!I am a recent “re-vert” to the Church and have discovered the rosary over the past few months. What an incredible blessing! When I left the faith in my teens, the rosary was just one of those outdated, superfluous, weird thing that Catholics did instead of actually loving God. Needless to say, my eyes have since been opened in many ways and the rosary is a regular (2-3 times per week) part of my prayer life.
A couple questions: I have heard several references to praying a “family” rosary. Is this simply saying a regular rosary together with your family or is there something more to it? We have two young children and I would be interested in incorporating the rosary into our family’s spiritual life.
Also - I hear many people talking about praying the rosary for various intentions. Does this mean that you meditate on the intention while saying the rosary or do you still meditate on the mysteries and somehow state your intention before or after saying the rosary?
Thanks for helping out a rosary “rookie”!
Family rosary = the family prays the regular rosary together. That’s about it. I remember every Friday night growing up, Mom would corral us 3 kids into our parent’s bedroom… we kneeled or sat on our haunches or cross-legged… whatever was most comfortable and not distracting to us. And Mom taught us the rosary… and we prayed it together. I don’t remember how long that lasted, but that’s one of the few memories I have of growing up. And it’s a GOOD MEMORY!!
To this day, I thank Mom (who by now has seen the face of God) for teaching it to me. I went away for several years as a young adult, and came back about 20 years ago. Thanks, Mom, for teaching me the Rosary… I “get it” now!!!
As for praying the rosary for your intentions… the answer to both your questions is YES. It’s not an either-or kinda thing. Whatever strikes you as feeling natural at the moment for how to pray it… pray it that way.
That would be God leading you… or Mary teaching you…how to pray it… or one/both of the above!
Hope this helps!