How often do you pray the rosary?

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I pray mine daily, sometimes more.

The posts here in testimony to the power and graces of the Rosary are beautiful.

Hey “doubting” Michael, please slowly read the first four Promises and tell me if you don’t see them right before your eyes in these posts. As for the rest of th Promises, without eyes to see beyond this world, I don’t think they could be seen, but there are plenty of examples of miracles of the Roasry. It wouldn’t hurt you to do a little research for yourself. You could start with the victory at the Battle of Lepanto that happened on October 7! :rolleyes:

Peace and all good,

Has anybody here used the Vinny Flynn & Still Waters Rosary CDs (The Rosary of _____) (Fill the blank with Joy, Sorrow, Light, or Glory). Each set of 5 mysteries comes on it’s own CD, together with meditations and readings from scripture.

I found it to be an excellent resource for praying the Rosary. Each CD takes almost the exact time as it takes me to drive to work in the morning.

I grew up in Catholic schools (including one year of college) and never learned how to pray the Rosary, for whatever reason.

I remember, one time, about 14 or so years ago, in confession, I was assigned to pray the Rosary as penance and had to do a little digging to learn how. Even then, I didn’t really know what the Rosary was about, including the mysteries.

Then, I guess about four or five years ago, I received a booklet on how to pray the Rosary from the Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, which is run by the Xaverian Missionaries in Holliston, Mass.

It provided not only easy-to-learn instructions, but a full rundown on the Mysteries, along with scriptural passages to go with each. It showed me which days to pray each set of Mysteries. And, it also had some good closing prayers and suggestions for intentions. It also reminded me that Our Lady wanted us all to pray the Rosary daily for the conversion of all.

Every day since, I’ve been praying the Rosary and, I can tell you, it is a calming influence on a very high-strung individual such as me. I tried to get a family Rosary going with my wife and kids, but it never took. Still, I continue to pray it every day.

Then, this Easter, I became familiar with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, which I had known about but never bothered to learn. I’ve been praying it daily ever since.

The only problem I have is, I tend to rush through the Rosary, as well as the Chaplet, instead of really concentrating on them as I should. I generally pray the Rosary on my way to work (other days, I have to work it in somewhere during my daily routine) and the Chaplet toward the end of the workday, around 3 p.m., when Our Lord expired on the Cross. (When I’m not at work and my day is not as structured, I sometimes “get to” the Chaplet at other times.

I feel guilty about the perfunctory nature of my prayer life sometimes and I hope to improve it. But, at least I’ve worked them into my daily life (along with another long set of daily prayers and petitions). I guess I can build from there.
I pray at least five decades every day, and try to say 15 or 20 (which I do most days). When I answered the question, I responded one a day because I was not sure if you are referring to the specific set of decades recomended for each day of the week or to an entire Rosary of 15 (20 when you add the Luminous Mysteries) Mysteries. I must also confess that I most often pray my Rosary while driving to and from my office. It makes the drive MUCH more pleasant regardless of traffic.🙂

Not surprising though. I’m not Roman Catholic! 😃

So what! My wife’s prayer group consists of many Baptists and they are praying the Rosary all the time.
Thank you for the fifteen promises. I haven’t seen these for awhile.
My philosophy…is that…if someone can watch a 30 minute sitcom on television…they certainly can take 20 mins to pray the rosary. That’s one way to look at it.

Plus, there is the following:

The Fifteen Promises from Mary to Christians Who Recite the Rosary:

(Given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan)
  1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the rosary, shall receive signal graces.
  2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the rosary.
  3. The rosary shall be a powerful armour against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
  4. It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will left them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
  5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the rosary, shall not perish.
  6. Whoever shall recite the rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life.
  7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.
  8. Those who are faithful to recite the rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plentitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise.
  9. I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the rosary.
  10. The faithful children of the rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in heaven.
  11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the rosary.
  12. All those who propagate the holy rosary shall be aided by me in their necessitites.
  13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all advocates of the rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death.
  14. All who recite the rosary are my sons, and brothers of my only son Jesus Christ.
  15. Devotion of my rosary is a great sign of predestination.
I actually do 2 every day, but that wasn’t an option - so i picked 3 since I do 3 often & occassionally 4!
I pray the Rosary daily now. For a while it was a “when I felt like it” thing, but I developed the habit of praying along with Fr. Pacwa on EWTN when they had the “Rosary from the Holy Land”.

After that, the habit just stuck, and I thank God that it did. It was partially guilt, in addition to wanting to do the right thing. I figured that as much time as I waste each day doing OTHER stuff, I could spend the 15-30 minutes that it takes to pray a Rosary. 🙂
Thank you all for sharing how often you pray the rosary.

I struggle with it, not because I don’t like it, but more because I find it easier to pray with someone rather than by myself. My husband did not grow up with the rosary so we do not pray it very often with our family either. That has been a long-time sorrow for me. I have tried, but he just isn’t very interested in family prayer. Sometimes he will say it in the car though, as he travels alot.

I think the family rosary is so uniting and such a blessing. Growing up, my family was committed to saying the daily rosary during Lent. Even that has left a fond memory of the rosary from my childhood years. After reading the beautiful story of Our Lady of Fatima, she has said families should pray the daily rosary. I really want to be obedient to her request, but I still struggle.

I have heard that if you start a rosary and cannot finish it before the day is out, your guardian angel finishes it for you. Has anyone else heard of that?

Now that we have gotten a feel [on this forum] for how often people pray the rosary, I would also like to know, do most of you pray the rosary alone or with others? Do you use scriptural rosary, or listen to music with the rosary, etc.? I am looking for ideas to make the rosary more meaningful to me, and hopefully my husband and children.

Thanks, in advance!
I pray the Rosary every day and on the weekends we pray a family Rosary. IT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE !!!
I pray it once a day occasionally more. A couple years ago I went to see the pilgrim Fatima staue and hear a talk given at a nearby parish. I felt really out of place; Marian devotion was not something I was familiar or comfortable with - I still wonder why I went but I’m glad I did, only wish I had brought my husband with :o The speaker talked about Mary as Mother and how as a mother she teaches us how to please the Father. As any loving mother she shows us effective ways of doing our duties and will aid us when we aren’t able to fulfill them. He said it way better 🙂 I left knowing that Mary would help me do this seemingly insurmountable task of praying the rosary daily. She has, praise God! ❤️
I try to pray it at least once a day. Every now and then something comes up, and I neglect it, but then I don’t feel as peaceful in my spiritual life as I do when I pray it regularly. And I do see answers to my prayers.

I like to use the pictures and reflections at this web-site:
It helps me to stay focused on the mystery that I’m praying and meditating on. I also found that if I pray kneeling next to my bed, that I have less occasions of falling asleep.
The rosay is mainly a western devotion but it is popular in some Eastern Catholic areas.

I pray the rosary on occasion but when I do, I use the Eastern form of the Hail Mary.

Hail, Mother of God, Virgin Mary, full of Grace. The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women. Blessed is the fruit of your womb. For you gave birth to Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of our souls.

I would say that I pray the Jesus Prayer with my Chotki more often.

A Chotki is a prayer rope with knots in it. Usually 33, 50, 100, or 300 knots. You pray the Jesus Prayer on each knot.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
I am a recent “re-vert” to the Church and have discovered the rosary over the past few months. What an incredible blessing! When I left the faith in my teens, the rosary was just one of those outdated, superfluous, weird thing that Catholics did instead of actually loving God. Needless to say, my eyes have since been opened in many ways and the rosary is a regular (2-3 times per week) part of my prayer life.

A couple questions: I have heard several references to praying a “family” rosary. Is this simply saying a regular rosary together with your family or is there something more to it? We have two young children and I would be interested in incorporating the rosary into our family’s spiritual life.

Also - I hear many people talking about praying the rosary for various intentions. Does this mean that you meditate on the intention while saying the rosary or do you still meditate on the mysteries and somehow state your intention before or after saying the rosary?

Thanks for helping out a rosary “rookie”!
When i’m at the bus stop to go to work, I usually say an our father, 10 hail marys and a Glory Be, while I’m waiting, though I forget the mysteries so I sometimes don’t say them cause I never remember unless they are on a piece of paper. i know it;s not much but at least i try.
When i’m at the bus stop to go to work, I usually say an our father, 10 hail marys and a Glory Be, while I’m waiting, though I forget the mysteries so I sometimes don’t say them cause I never remember unless they are on a piece of paper. i know it;s not much but at least i try.
It took me a while to memorize the mysteries, too. But, as they say, practice makes perfect. The more you pray the Rosary, the easier and more fulfilling it gets.
I love the rosary and pray it when I can. My favorite, the sorrowful mysteries, take a lot out of me. In my meditations, I go to Christ and suffer through his trials with him, and as a spectator too. Most recently I have been united to Mary in this, and suffer with her as she watches her beautiful son on the cross. I end up quite tearful as each time I pray them, I discover something new about the sufferings of Jesus and Mary. At times I find myself holding them both. My own sufferings in my life cease to be important suddenly and my eyes are turned to Christ. I am still working to deeply meditate on the others, as I feel I unlock certain truths I may be oblivious to in my own life. I believe love expands when we pray them.

Padre Pio used to pray the rosary more than 30 times a day. He would have the ability to say them while giving confessions.
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