That’s terrible!I’m thinking of the mom I know who homeschools the older kids while the youngest cries behind the baby gate for hours because, while her food/diapering/etc needs are met, she is lonely and doesn’t have anyone playing with her because mom and the older kids are locked off in the kitchen for studies. Dad’s not home during the day to see this, of course. The kids and mom are all somewhat stressed, and I’m betting that in the long term, they’ll associate both homeschooling and family life with either being terribly lonely and sad or having to listen to baby sis cry for attention.
I feel bad enough now about the fact that I used to pump breast milk 15 minutes at a time several times a day while the baby yelled in her crib.
Another issue–what about when mom’s pregnant and/or sick? I have a homeschooling friend who is newly pregnant, and she’s been sick and having complications. The last time I was pregnant, I had a lot of complications, too, but I just sent the big kids to school and everything went on more or less as normal, but if I’d been homeschooling, the kids’ education would have been seriously impacted.
As I’ve said before on CAF, up until the present day, nobody seriously believed that a mother of a large family could singlehandedly do a good job of educating school age children, care for small children, and be pregnant, while simultaneously doing all of the normal housekeeping chores. Either they had help or the home education was so-so. Also, it was practically unheard of for a mother to be the sole educator of high school age boys.
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