Separating my posts due to the character limit in each post.
You don’t have to agree with experts – but why wouldn’t you? By virtue of being experts they empirically know more than you do.
So anytime an ‘expert’ says something it has to accepted. Do you know how many ‘experts’ sit in TV studios to discuss sports and give their ‘expert’ opinions, that end up being completely wrong? Do you know how often financial experts have told us what would happen and they were completely wrong? I can tell you, it happens a lot. Is there even such a thing as an expert on anti-Semitism?
I have read their definitions of anti-Semitism and agree with some parts of the list, but not with others. Am I not a free thinking human being who is able to examine things and reach my own conclusions? Do I also have to go by what others say, particularly when they make statements that, whatever way you look a it, however many experts there were there, are opinion based, not factual.
By the way, there are many experts, academics and scholars who have been shunned and censored, because their academic expert opinions were considered controversial and unacceptable. We live in a society where only some expert opinions matter. People are constantly rubbishing claims of academic scholars and experts because they make a comment or statement that is considered unacceptable in today’s world.
It should be seen as antisemitism. Claiming that Jews are more loyal to Israel is evidence of the myth that Jews are part of a worldwide cabal bent on their success and the destruction of other peoples.
Well I disagree with you on this. The definition doesn’t talk about claiming ‘the Jews’ (generalising) are more loyal to Israel, it says ‘claiming Jewish citizens’. This could be one citizen, or a handful of them, who happily admit they care more about what goes on in Israel than wherever they live, and if I make that statement, it would be deemed anti-Semitic. I can’t believe you see this as anti-Semitism.
If, for example, the claim is made that a Jewish political candidate can’t be trusted because he or she is naturally more loyal to Israel, this is antisemitic.
But what if there is clear evidence that they are? How can facts be anti-Semitic? It depends on the situation. If people assume this just because the candidate is Jewish, that is different.