How to deal with "Every religion thinks it's the right one"

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Bahman #170
I ironically find very similarity between Christianity and Islam. Islam promises that God’s enemy, namely devils, ends in the hell, as Christianity promises. So at the end they are same.
Christianity doesn’t merely “promise”. Christ as God proclaims. Christ’s Catholicism differs essentially from Islam and every other man-made religion.
Moreover, please read this: Matthew 10:34-36, Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.
Citing the case of the rich young man in Luke 18:18-25, Dr Chafuen remarks that many authors think that Jesus was condemning the possession of riches, but “the Late Scholastics indicated that this was not the correct interpretation. Citing Luke 14:26, where Jesus says, ‘If any man come to Me without hating his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, yes and his own life too, he cannot be My disciple,’ the Scholastics pointed out that this passage does not enjoin Christians to hate their fathers. Such doctrine would contradict the Fourth Commandment. Thomist and Scholastic interpretations of this passage is that the entrance to the kingdom of Heaven is denied to anyone who values things more than God. In Matthew’s Gospel (10:37), the same passage reads: ‘Anyone who prefers father or mother to Me is not worthy of Me. Anyone who prefers son or daughter to Me is not worthy of Me.’ It would be a violation of the natural order to value a created thing above its creator, as did the young ruler who pursued riches as his ultimate goal." Christians For Freedom, Dr Alejandro Chafuen, Ignatius, 1986, p 44].

That is the meaning of Christ’s teaching. As God the Son his teaching cannot be equated to that of any mortal.
Yes, I believe they were all of those things, but more 🙂

…I can elaborate further if you wish, but it can get lengthy. Maybe a question and answer approach is easier? 🙂

Well, it would be for me. I don’t do well with lengthy posts. :D. Or fast posts… (Bahman)
That’s very interesting. I can see sense in that.
…but please remember that the reason I am a Baha’i is because I see the Baha’i Faith the fulfillment of Christianity’s all-embracing inclusiveness.

In other words, I see the teachings of Baha’u’llah taking the teachings of Christ to another level, in terms of all-inclusiveness. There is no possibility of schisms in the Baha’i Faith, for example, and that already is one of the most important factors towards all-inclusiveness.

Secondly, the Baha’i Faith acknowledges Islam, fully and without question, Christianity does not, and the Baha’i Faith fully acknowledges that there will be further Prophets from God in the future, implying that we should EXPECT more guidance from God, through the proper “Divine” channels, so no questions or doubts about finality to Revelation. It never is final. Just like a parent never stops guiding his/her children, God the Father of all will never stop guiding His Children 🙂

This enables full and unadulterated humility before God.

You see, Islam professes “submission to the Will of God” as its emblem, yet it has already rejected God in the form of Baha’u’llah. That’s not submission. Full submission is seen in the reality that human beings have no idea what is Revelation or not unless they humbly detach themselves from Traditions and family loyalties and independently investigate a new Revelation for the Truth, that is true humility and true submission.

Just my humble thoughts for your kind consideration 🙂

…but please remember that the reason I am a Baha’i is because I see the Baha’i Faith the fulfillment of Christianity’s all-embracing inclusiveness.

In other words, I see the teachings of Baha’u’llah taking the teachings of Christ to another level, in terms of all-inclusiveness. There is no possibility of schisms in the Baha’i Faith, for example, and that already is one of the most important factors towards all-inclusiveness.

Secondly, the Baha’i Faith acknowledges Islam, fully and without question, Christianity does not, and the Baha’i Faith fully acknowledges that there will be further Prophets from God in the future, implying that we should EXPECT more guidance from God, through the proper “Divine” channels, so no questions or doubts about finality to Revelation. It never is final. Just like a parent never stops guiding his/her children, God the Father of all will never stop guiding His Children 🙂

This enables full and unadulterated humility before God.

You see, Islam professes “submission to the Will of God” as its emblem, yet it has already rejected God in the form of Baha’u’llah. That’s not submission. Full submission is seen in the reality that human beings have no idea what is Revelation or not unless they humbly detach themselves from Traditions and family loyalties and independently investigate a new Revelation for the Truth, that is true humility and true submission.

Just my humble thoughts for your kind consideration 🙂

Since when?

The origins of persecution stem from a variety of Bahá’í teachings inconsistent with traditional Islamic belief, including the finality of Muhammad’s prophethood, and places Bahá’ís outside the Islamic faith.[2][3] Thus Bahá’ís are seen as apostates from Islam, and, according to some, must choose between repentance and death

Sounds like deceptive talk to me.
Since when?

The origins of persecution stem from a variety of Bahá’í teachings inconsistent with traditional Islamic belief, including the finality of Muhammad’s prophethood, and places Bahá’ís outside the Islamic faith.[2][3] Thus Bahá’ís are seen as apostates from Islam, and, according to some, must choose between repentance and death

Sounds like deceptive talk to me.
I don’t understand the point you are trying to make Gary.

What is the deception dear friend?

I don’t understand the point you are trying to make Gary.
What is the deception dear friend?
Secondly, the Baha’i Faith acknowledges Islam, fully and without question
The origins of persecution stem from a variety of Bahá’í teachings inconsistent with traditional Islamic belief, including the finality of Muhammad’s prophethood, and places Bahá’ís outside the Islamic faith. Thus Bahá’ís are seen as apostates from Islam, and, according to some, must choose between repentance and death
I don’t understand the point you are trying to make Gary.

What is the deception dear friend?

Mohammad clearly declare that he is the last prophet and that is a big problem. Apparently Jesus didn’t promise another prophet so that is another problem.
Mohammad clearly declare that he is the last prophet and that is a big problem
Joe Smith said he is the latest prophet and all others are apostates and must become Mormons.

Its an affirmative other prophets will come, but all prophets of God teach a like doctrine. If the doctrine is inconsistent than God changed His mind. Someone is lying. God or the prophets
The origins of persecution stem from a variety of Bahá’í teachings inconsistent with traditional Islamic belief, including the finality of Muhammad’s prophethood, and places Bahá’ís outside the Islamic faith. Thus Bahá’ís are seen as apostates from Islam, and, according to some, must choose between repentance and death
Not all Muslims do see the Baha’i Faith as an apostacy 🙂

Baha’u’llah obviously has given clear interpretive guidance regarding “finality” verses from all the Holy Books.

Obviously when I stated that the Baha’i Faith accepts Islam fully, it interprets the verses of the Quran according to Muhammad’s intended meaning, not the interpretation of Mr. X down the road, who uses said interpretation to kill and oppress others 🙂

I personally prefer Baha’u’llah and Muhammads meanings than Mr. X’s, how about you?

Which interpretation do think God would say is the true interpretation?


Not all Muslims do see the Baha’i Faith as an apostacy 🙂

Baha’u’llah obviously has given clear interpretive guidance regarding “finality” verses from all the Holy Books.

Obviously when I stated that the Baha’i Faith accepts Islam fully, it interprets the verses of the Quran according to Muhammad’s intended meaning, not the interpretation of Mr. X down the road, who uses said interpretation to kill and oppress others 🙂

I personally prefer Baha’u’llah and Muhammads meanings than Mr. X’s, how about you?

Which interpretation do think God would say is the true interpretation?


I think God doesn’t say anything. What is the point of intellectual being if the truth is being told? Does that make sense?
Not all Muslims do see the Baha’i Faith as an apostacy 🙂

Baha’u’llah obviously has given clear interpretive guidance regarding “finality” verses from all the Holy Books.

Obviously when I stated that the Baha’i Faith accepts Islam fully, it interprets the verses of the Quran according to Muhammad’s intended meaning, not the interpretation of Mr. X down the road, who uses said interpretation to kill and oppress others 🙂

I personally prefer Baha’u’llah and Muhammads meanings than Mr. X’s, how about you?

Which interpretation do think God would say is the true interpretation?


There’s enough apparently to place Bahal in the persecution infidel status. In fact Islam gave one of these guys the death sentence no?

Baha’u’llah obviously wasn’t clear to everyone, Islam and Christianity claim absolute truth there is no changing their minds. There is only “tolerance”

There’s enough apparently to place Bahal in the persecution infidel status. In fact Islam gave one of these guys the death sentence no?

Baha’u’llah obviously wasn’t clear to everyone, Islam and Christianity claim absolute truth there is no changing their minds. There is only “tolerance”

Let’s not forget Judaism 😃

Yes, I think tolerance is great 👍

I would turn up the heat a bit and quote this:

“Let your heart burn with loving-kindness for all who cross your path” - Baha’u’llah


God bless you dear friend!!

I think God doesn’t say anything. What is the point of intellectual being if the truth is being told? Does that make sense?
Of course it makes sense dear friend!

I agree with you, yet it denies the reality that God has spoken according to a few People throughout history who spoke His Word via what is termed a Revelation and these Revelations created such profound change that a new era and civilization was ushered in.

These things cannot be ignored.


Let’s not forget Judaism 😃

Yes, I think tolerance is great 👍

I would turn up the heat a bit and quote this:

“Let your heart burn with loving-kindness for all who cross your path” - Baha’u’llah


God bless you dear friend!!

But there is little tolerance when morality is understood differently socially-nationally-religiously. So we should all agree on a moral law? For example we should not kill in “Gods” name?

I think thats the place to start. Until God tells us we should all kill in His name, I think we should lose the killing in Gods name first. Till we all know for sure? Do we know “for sure”?
Of course it makes sense dear friend!

I agree with you, yet it denies the reality that God has spoken according to a few People throughout history who spoke His Word via what is termed a Revelation and these Revelations created such profound change that a new era and civilization was ushered in.

These things cannot be ignored.


Its difficult to discern, so we don’t know “for sure” factually who God spoke to? So we would think it occurs and there should be a preponderance of evidence which indicate like thinking in regard. For example Monotheism, etc. So we should collect the data and see what God who cannot lie or change said to everyone?
Of course it makes sense dear friend!

I agree with you, yet it denies the reality that God has spoken according to a few People throughout history who spoke His Word via what is termed a Revelation and these Revelations created such profound change that a new era and civilization was ushered in.

These things cannot be ignored.


Of course it doesn’t make sense my friend. A movement per se cannot justify the righteousness. What is more joyful for an intelligent agent, to seek and find the truth or to learn the truth? Moreover, why God didn’t sent one prophet to declare the truth? Why God does not speak with individuals to tell the truth? Why God declared the truth to a few individuals?
No, the truth in general. The greatest joy of an intellectual being is to get involved in searching the truth and finding the truth. Isn’t it?
Perhaps but if this truth resolved for example in killing in Gods name, what would make you think this is or isn’t the truth? Just say I’m objecting by conscious, and my transmitted message from God is not to kill?

I would wager to say most of mankind is in this realm, preponderance be it secular or religious? Most people just don’t kill. And that one would kill in Gods name must be in particular disturbing to them.

Which is why people are saying “what kind of God are you talking about”
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