How to deal with "Every religion thinks it's the right one"

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So you are saying that “through research” and the independent use of the intellect you could become a Beethoven or a Mozart? Or even a concert pianist?

Can you show me any concert pianist that just dabbled on a piano with zero tuition from anyone?

Who was the first teacher on music? We accumulate the knowledge from scratch, namely zero.
Ok thankyou 🙂

But the truth therefore being that a Revelation does not need as a REQUIREMENT these criteria you posted to be true. Moses is evidence of this reality, and Jesus verifies it. It is reality 🙂

While Christianity proclaims Islam as false, Muhammad meets just as much criteria as Moses for His validity as the bearer of a Revelation from God. Categorical and definitive statements cannot be made as a result, I would humbly put forward 🙂

Well this would just begin a discussion on whether Christianity or Islam has the better evidence.
How do you know that is false? Are you 100% sure of what happened to Mohammad was false? Are you concluding that he was a lier or his visions was illusion? We can assign this to anyone who claim that s/he is God of a prophet. Have you ever doubt that after your death you might be prohibited from going to Heaven for not believing Mohammad? As Jews who didn’t believe Jesus? As others who don’t believe X or Y…
Look at the context of my post. I was responding to one of your posts which said that since Islam and Christianity worship the same God, that we therefore have to listen to the supposed revelation in the Quran which says that Jews should be disrespected.
  1. Jesus is God
  2. Jesus died on the cross
Here are the questions:
  1. Who did then resurrect Jesus?
  2. Knowing that he was resurrected and has a physical body afterward how he could go to Heaven knowing the fact that there is no space in Heaven since God is sole spirit and doesn’t occupy any space?
  3. How God could possibly be in Heaven and have a physical body living on earth?, namely inside the dirt, meaning a place where people committee sins.
  1. All three persons in the Trinity. Jesus died insofar as He is human on the cross, but He was still God and could still rise somebody like Himself from the dead.
  2. Idealism might explain that…
  3. Ditto… It would kinda be analogous to God loading up an avatar in a computer game.
Look at the context of my post. I was responding to one of your posts which said that since Islam and Christianity worship the same God, that we therefore have to listen to the supposed revelation in the Quran which says that Jews should be disrespected.
You took me wrong. I am in neither side. You claimed that Mohammad revelation is false and I said how you could be 100% sure as Mohammad claimed that Jesus was not God but a prophet, etc. Just put yourself in the shoes of a Muslim for a second to understand how difficult is to judge the truth from your perspective.
Another important point to bring up here which I think refutes a lot of the argumentation that has been made here is that you don’t need evidence against every other religion in order to believe in one religion rationally. Saying that in order to rationally hold to one religion, you need evidence against every other religion, is like saying that in order to believe that John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln rationally, you need to look at every other person living in America at the time and have evidence that every one of them didn’t shoot Abraham Lincoln. It doesn’t make sense at all.
No, all religions claim that they are infallible since they claim that providing the words of God. Some however claims that the rule has the subjectivity over time hence what was good yesterday could be bad today and vice versa.
This, quite simply, is not true.
Please explain.
Do you respect devils? No. Why, because Jesus said so. Why Muslim disrespect Jews because Mohammad said so. So if they both say so then are both either correct or incorrect depending on single moral fact. Now, you tell me whether disrespecting is good or bad?
You took me wrong. I am in neither side. You claimed that Mohammad revelation is false and I said how you could be 100% sure as Mohammad claimed that Jesus was not God but a prophet, etc. Just put yourself in the shoes of a Muslim for a second to understand how difficult is to judge the truth from your perspective.
You don’t have to be 100% sure that something is false in order to rationally believe it is false, that’s ridiculous.

I’ve looked quite a bit into debates between Islam and Christianity and I think anybody with an open mind that has a basic understanding of what an argument is and what it isn’t that watches said debates can see that Christianity has much better evidence than Islam does.

Now you could say that since I’m already Christian that I see the debate the way I want, but that is unfalsifiable, since I can’t get behind my own epistemic position in order to see how the debates would look if I had another. A young earth creationist could say that the only reason that you think the evidence for evolution is good is because you already accept it, but that is similarly unfalsifiable. The only think that we can do is to try to look at the issues we are looking at as objectively as possible.

I think it is a mistake to try to have a “disconformation bias” when looking at these things.
The entire foundation of the Bahai Faith is based around the infallibility of its Central Figures.


And who today are its central figures claiming they are infallible? :confused:

Where is their statement of infallibility to be found? :confused:

Thank you.
Do you respect devils? No. Why, because Jesus said so. Why Muslim disrespect Jews because Mohammad said so. So if they both say so then are both either correct or incorrect depending on single moral fact. Now, you tell me whether disrespecting is good or bad?
Again, all this does is start a conversation on whether Christianity or Islam has the better evidence.
You don’t have to be 100% sure that something is false in order to rationally believe it is false, that’s ridiculous.
That is not since what they say is claimed to be word God hence it has to be 100% correct.
I’ve looked quite a bit into debates between Islam and Christianity and I think anybody with an open mind that has a basic understanding of what an argument is and what it isn’t that watches said debates can see that Christianity has much better evidence than Islam does.

Now you could say that since I’m already Christian that I see the debate the way I want, but that is unfalsifiable, since I can’t get behind my own epistemic position in order to see how the debates would look if I had another. A young earth creationist could say that the only reason that you think the evidence for evolution is good is because you already accept it, but that is similarly unfalsifiable. The only think that we can do is to try to look at the issues we are looking at as objectively as possible.

I think it is a mistake to try to have a “disconformation bias” when looking at these things.
That is exactly what you need to do, to face yourself so you could judge yourself.
That is not since what they say is claimed to be word God hence it has to be 100% correct.
It doesn’t follow from this that I have to be 100% sure Islam is false in order to rationally disbelieve in it.
That is exactly what you need to do, to face yourself so you could judge yourself.
I have tried to do this in examining Christianity and Islam, and it isn’t even close. If my prior beliefs can mess up my reasoning enough that I can see the debates as complete smack-downs of Islam when Islam is in fact true, I can not trust anything that my reasoning tells me.
That doesn’t follow.
So you say that the word of God is not 100% correct?
I have tried to do this in examining Christianity and Islam, and it isn’t even close. If my prior beliefs can mess up my reasoning enough that I can see the debates as complete smack-downs of Islam when Islam is in fact true, I can not trust anything that my reasoning tells me.
How you could be sure that you judgment is not biased. Many people around the world think exactly opposite of you. You also mentioned " I can’t get behind my own epistemic position", which you can and you are responsible for it, which means that your judgment is biased unless you do otherwise.
So you say that the word of God is not 100% correct?
I later edited my post to clarify; it doesn’t follow from what you said that I have to be 100% sure that Islam is false to rationally disbelieve it.
How you could be sure that you judgment is not biased. Many people around the world think exactly opposite of you. You also mentioned " I can’t get behind my own epistemic position", which you can and you are responsible for it, which means that your judgment is biased unless you do otherwise.
This is nothing more than a brain in a vat-type skeptical scenario. If my reasoning isn’t reliable, my reasoning isn’t reliable to conclude that my reasoning isn’t reliable. You can never rationally affirm that your reasoning is so biased that you can never come to the right conclusion on philosophical matters.
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