So anyone who claims to be God in person should not be discounted?
I am not clear why this would be true.
There is no warrant for thinking God would appear in all these forms except to confuse or dilute whatever message he wanted humans to hear.
I think I’ll take mine straight up, thank you.
No, this is in response to the Christian claims that Jesus is God and therefore must be true.
I personally, look at the teachings, the commanding Word of God revealed and the spiritual transformations it brings about with the ensuing fruitful blossoms and sweet scented deeds and works it reaps. This is Truth, not “I am God” and we just put our hands down and obey like robots, or “I came back from the dead” and we just assume that someones testimony is accurate to the last letter and it must mean that the person who arose is God, and we just follow blindly…
I like to approach things a little more intellectually and analytically
No, what is required is a fundamental understanding of the Word of God, through whom all things came to be.
Yes, which is what I stated, if you read again. The World of the Kingdom is the Word of God. The Word is found in the Person of Jesus Christ, but it is also found in the Person of Baha’u’llah. No question
…not because either of them said so, but because of th wonderful fruits that their teachings have brought to the World of Creation
Only a cursory overview of Catholic mysticism would conclude that anything and everything can be absorbed into a great unifying liberation.
I agree with you, I find Catholic mysticism very much in line with Truth, and I rever it greatly. Baha’i mysticism elaborates on Catholicism further, but you need to decide that for yourself. I have explored this pretty well, and continue to explore. You should not feel hindered to do the same, because it sounds you haven’t when you say:
Your “faith” sounds like…
I invite you to investigate this Faith further, if you so wish. It is your choice dear friend, but what you right here:
… finding the lowest common denominator merely to unify and liberate. The problem is that this “unifying” is at the cost of ignoring very important differences and disagreements on weighty matters. It seems to require a great deal of pretending and feigned ignorance merely to “go along” with unification as a principle goal.
Again, too pricey for me. It would mean having to cash in truth for warm and comfortable feelings of “belonging.”
…is a fundamental error and misrepresentation of the Baha’i Faith.