How to deal with "Every religion thinks it's the right one"

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Perhaps but if this truth resolved for example in killing in Gods name, what would make you think this is or isn’t the truth? Just say I’m objecting by conscious, and my transmitted message from God is not to kill?

I would wager to say most of mankind in is realm, preponderance be it secular or religious? Most people just don’t kill. And that one would kill in Gods name must be in particular disturbing to them.

Which is why people are saying “what kind of God are you talking about”
Claiming that we are allowed to kill in the name of God is logical fallacy for two reasons depending on what attribute we assign to God, 1) God being omnipotent can take care of killing individual, 2) God being omniscience wouldn’t give the life to kill afterward since it is nonsense.
Claiming that we are allowed to kill in the name of God is logical fallacy for two reasons depending on what attribute we assign to God, 1) God being omnipotent can take care of killing individual, 2) God being omniscience wouldn’t give the life to kill afterward since it is nonsense.
So he didn’t create people to exist in love so they could they kill each other for Him? Probably why killing is addressed quickly by God?

Amen, so logically as long as any killing continues in Gods name, we will for sure have turmoil on earth.

So we should make this a Universal till God specifically tells us by preponderance, we should kill someone. So until further notice all killing in Gods name is on “hold”. 😛
So he didn’t create people to exist in love so they could they kill each other for Him? Probably why killing is addressed quickly by God?
First, I don’t think that God gives life or create beings. We can go through that but that is subject of another thread. Second, why killing is addressed to God? To justify killing that you have regards toward them.
Amen, so logically as long as any killing continues in Gods name, we will for sure have turmoil on earth.
So we should make this a Universal till God specifically tells us by preponderance, we should kill someone. So until further notice all killing in Gods name is on “hold”. 😛
Yes, but I don’t think that God would ever say so. 😃
Second, why killing is addressed to God? To justify killing that you have regards toward them
Right, in other words no-one is suppose to kill anyone period, the idea Gods name is used is even more preposterous.

If everyone voted by computer ballot about killing be it secular, national, worldwide. Then killing would be banned.

So when we start talking “religion” this should inspire people spiritually and calm their soul. Its not suppose to gas them up with blood pumping to kill, nor should people have to ponder that insanity from a secular perspective. Who wants to live like that?
Christianity doesn’t merely “promise”. Christ as God proclaims. Christ’s Catholicism differs essentially from Islam and every other man-made religion.
I am sorry but everybody could claim that s/he is God so everything at the end could be man made.
Citing the case of the rich young man in Luke 18:18-25, Dr Chafuen remarks that many authors think that Jesus was condemning the possession of riches, but “the Late Scholastics indicated that this was not the correct interpretation. Citing Luke 14:26, where Jesus says, ‘If any man come to Me without hating his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, yes and his own life too, he cannot be My disciple,’ the Scholastics pointed out that this passage does not enjoin Christians to hate their fathers. Such doctrine would contradict the Fourth Commandment. Thomist and Scholastic interpretations of this passage is that the entrance to the kingdom of Heaven is denied to anyone who values things more than God. In Matthew’s Gospel (10:37), the same passage reads: ‘Anyone who prefers father or mother to Me is not worthy of Me. Anyone who prefers son or daughter to Me is not worthy of Me.’ It would be a violation of the natural order to value a created thing above its creator, as did the young ruler who pursued riches as his ultimate goal." Christians For Freedom, Dr Alejandro Chafuen, Ignatius, 1986, p 44].

That is the meaning of Christ’s teaching. As God the Son his teaching cannot be equated to that of any mortal.
That is not a definition of self-center or selfish?
Claiming that we are allowed to kill in the name of God is logical fallacy for two reasons depending on what attribute we assign to God, 1) God being omnipotent can take care of killing individual, 2) God being omniscience wouldn’t give the life to kill afterward since it is nonsense.
Unfortunately your logic doesn’t follow because it entails that God’s omnipotence means there would be no possibility of secondary causation. God’s omnipotence, according to your logic, would mean he must cause everything directly.

We can take your “argument” and apply it to birthing instead of killing.

Claiming that we are allowed to procreate is a logical fallacy for two reasons depending on what attribute we assign to God, 1) God being omnipotent can take care of birthing individuals, 2) God being omniscient wouldn’t allow us to give life just to allow humans to die afterward (all men are mortal) since it is nonsense.

Obviously, your entire argument crumbles.
I am sorry but everybody could claim that s/he is God so everything at the end could be man made.
Not everybody rises from the dead.

Everybody could “claim s/he is God” but proving it is a different story altogether.

With Jesus, the proof is in his teachings, his connection to the historical events in Judaism, his claims about his relationship to God, his founding of the enduring Church AND the supernatural endorsement of all of these in his Resurrection.
Unfortunately your logic doesn’t follow because it entails that God’s omnipotence means there would be no possibility of secondary causation. God’s omnipotence, according to your logic, would mean he must cause everything directly.

We can take your “argument” and apply it to birthing instead of killing.

Claiming that we are allowed to procreate is a logical fallacy for two reasons depending on what attribute we assign to God, 1) God being omnipotent can take care of birthing individuals, 2) God being omniscient wouldn’t allow us to give life just to allow humans to die afterward (all men are mortal) since it is nonsense.

Obviously, your entire argument crumbles.
You misread my post. I meant that God in fact could kill its enemy if enemy has any meaning when it comes to God hence it doesn’t need to ask individuals to kill.

By second argument, I meant that why allows the birth to an individual who deserves to be killed by God for a reason which was known. What is the necessity for existence of a person who deserves to be killed?
Not everybody rises from the dead.

Everybody could “claim s/he is God” but proving it is a different story altogether.

With Jesus, the proof is in his teachings, his connection to the historical events in Judaism, his claims about his relationship to God, his founding of the enduring Church AND the supernatural endorsement of all of these in his Resurrection.
  1. Jesus is God
  2. Jesus died on the cross
Here are the questions:
  1. Who did then resurrect Jesus?
  2. Knowing that he was resurrected and has a physical body afterward how he could go to Heaven knowing the fact that there is no space in Heaven since God is sole spirit and doesn’t occupy any space?
  3. How God could possibly be in Heaven and have a physical body living on earth?, namely inside the dirt, meaning a place where people committee sins.
I respect the right to choose one’s own religion without respecting any religion but my own.

If we say it matters not which religion is the best, but rather which religion is the best for YOU, we are no better off than when we say it matters not which morality is the best, but rather which morality is best for YOU. That is moral and religious relativism pure and simple.

You really cannot say, and expect any Catholic to believe it, that the religion Jesus founded by his death and resurrection might not be the best religion for someone else. 🤷
Well, yes…I take your points on all counts.
What I was trying to get at (and articulated poorly) was that I think it could be off-putting to someone who is considering catholicism to start in on them about why we’re better than others. My approach is to say “Look, I searched and found it was best for me. Enquire in RCIA…and you’ll learn some surprising and wonderful things about catholicism, and you’ll get your questions answered. If it turns out not to be for you, no harm”.
I was reacting to the big list posted by someone previously of all the things you could tell someone about why we’re best. If someone had hit me with all that hard sell, I’d have run the other way. It was the one thing that kept me from converting sooner…I could not abide the arrogant idea that God would judge people only by the church they attended.

So of course I believe catholicism would be best for everyone.
But fact of life: people have to come to that notion on their own, and overzealousness could turn people away, not jsut from catholicism, but from religion altogether in some cases.
I reckon better a good methodist than a bad catholic.
But there is little tolerance when morality is understood differently socially-nationally-religiously. So we should all agree on a moral law? For example we should not kill in “Gods” name?

I think thats the place to start. Until God tells us we should all kill in His name, I think we should lose the killing in Gods name first. Till we all know for sure? Do we know “for sure”?
God decides the moral Law for each day and age, and to be honest it really is not too different from one age to another. Religious truths are one. The spiritual and moral truths of all the major global religions are essentially one, but they are expressed slightly differently based on the maturity of the community it is addressing.

It is not for humans to decide on moral law based on their own finite and petty whims. God addresses humanity from age to age for this very reason.


Its difficult to discern, so we don’t know “for sure” factually who God spoke to? So we would think it occurs and there should be a preponderance of evidence which indicate like thinking in regard. For example Monotheism, etc. So we should collect the data and see what God who cannot lie or change said to everyone?
What data do you have that Moses was from God?

Of course it doesn’t make sense my friend. A movement per se cannot justify the righteousness. What is more joyful for an intelligent agent, to seek and find the truth or to learn the truth? Moreover, why God didn’t sent one prophet to declare the truth? Why God does not speak with individuals to tell the truth? Why God declared the truth to a few individuals?
This is like saying “why do I not have one teacher from kindergarten to my phD?”

Think about what is the role of religion in the human world dear friend. The principal of education has been developed by human beings to be with different teachers at different stages of the childs development, teaching groups at the same time.

God the Divine Educator follows a similar pattern.

Life often repeats itself. The small scale things often apply to the large scale things.

The educational establishment can be as small as your classroom, your neighbourhood, community, nation or it can be the whole world.


The only religion that can be the right one is the one that insists it is infallible. So far as I know, there is only one religion that insists it is gifted with infallibility. If a religion does not insist it is infallible, that means it does not sense that it is unmistakably God-given, and therefore may be safely ignored.
This is like saying “why do I not have one teacher from kindergarten to my phD?”

Think about what is the role of religion in the human world dear friend. The principal of education has been developed by human beings to be with different teachers at different stages of the childs development, teaching groups at the same time.

God the Divine Educator follows a similar pattern.

Life often repeats itself. The small scale things often apply to the large scale things.

The educational establishment can be as small as your classroom, your neighbourhood, community, nation or it can be the whole world.


I am afraid that your analogy does not work since human has shown that is able to perform research, in another word find something has never been known and that is the meaning of being intellectual. In another word a person who could at most become as good as his/her teacher is not an intellectual. In another word, we don’t need God to tell us what to do because we are capable of understanding of that through a process called suffering.
The only religion that can be the right one is the one that insists it is infallible. So far as I know, there is only one religion that insists it is gifted with infallibility. If a religion does not insist it is infallible, that means it does not sense that it is unmistakably God-given, and therefore may be safely ignored.
The entire foundation of the Bahai Faith is based around the infallibility of its Central Figures.


The only religion that can be the right one is the one that insists it is infallible. So far as I know, there is only one religion that insists it is gifted with infallibility. If a religion does not insist it is infallible, that means it does not sense that it is unmistakably God-given, and therefore may be safely ignored.
No, all religions claim that they are infallible since they claim that providing the words of God. Some however claims that the rule has the subjectivity over time hence what was good yesterday could be bad today and vice versa.
I am afraid that your analogy does not work since human has shown that is able to perform research, in another word find something has never been known and that is the meaning of being intellectual. In another word a person who could at most become as good as his/her teacher is not an intellectual. In another word, we don’t need God to tell us what to do because we are capable of understanding of that through a process called suffering.
So you are saying that “through research” and the independent use of the intellect you could become a Beethoven or a Mozart? Or even a concert pianist?

Can you show me any concert pianist that just dabbled on a piano with zero tuition from anyone?

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