
So, let’s say that we did suddenly just revert to the old mass…
Would the pastor’s who abuse the NO just start saying the old mass perfectly without abuse? Would everyone in the parish get holier? Would they start dressing better and joining seminaries? Would they stop using contraception? Would everyone start going to confession? Would everyone start believing in the real presence?

Ham1, how do you reach the conclusion that it was absolutely NOT the changes to the liturgy which have helped lead to the crisis we have in the Church today? I am speaking about the crisis in faith, particularly lack of belief in the Real Presence and Mass attendance.I think this is somewhat simplistic. The world was a different place when the old mass was said. The old mass did not CAUSE the world to be a different (and probably better) place. Neither did the new mass cause society to become corrupted. Society became increasingly materialistic and atheistic throughout the latter half of the 20th century.
I would also say it absolutely WAS NOT the changes to the liturgy. It was abuse of those changes.
I would say emphatically that it is really not the abuses of the New Mass which are a main cause of many problems (not among society, I am not talking about society in general, I am talking about the faith of Catholics and things like Mass attendance).
This is because the changes in the liturgy are far more dramatic than any abuses. Having the priest face the people, adding three new Eucharistic prayers, changing or eliminating over 80% of the prayers, the sign of peace, etc.,–none of these things are abuses. They were approved by the Vatican (along with standing for communion and receiving the Holy Eucharist in the hand). Yet these changes are far more consequential to Catholics than the fact that perhaps a priest comes down from the altar to shake someone’s hand or other abuses that most people are probably not even aware are abuses.
I do hope any and all abuses get stamped out of the Norvus Ordo, yet I just do not believe that merely getting rid of the abuses of the Novus Ordo is somehow going to rectify things (though it would help).
God bless.