Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
I am hurt by the comments you have made. But, I don’t take it personally because I am sure you did not mean it personally.
First before I explain where I think you and others are going wrong I must explain what I believe. I am first a Byzantine Catholic and I really don’t care what happens to the Latin rite other than I am a Catholic and want to see the faith grow. Secondly, I believe the Novus Ordo is a valid Mass when celebrated licitly. Do I like it? Nope!
However, I wonder if you understand the basics of the Catholic faith. We Catholics are NEVER obliged to believe that a given command, or given decision of anyone, including the pope, is necessarily that of the Holy Ghost. What some Catholics do is fall into a trap of *papalotry *for lack of a better word. As a Byzantine Catholic who is very close to our separate Orthodox brothers I think I (we) have a unique perspective of the relationship between the Holy Father and the Church. We see the Pope as the Orthodox see the Pope, the first among equals. We do except, because we are Catholic, Ex Cathedra but hold what I believe to be a more healthy view of the Papacy. We see (we are) independent Churches in UNION with the Holy Father.
To take this further and explain what I mean when I say “papalotry” I must first explain what the Pope is not. The Pope is NOT infallible on decisions and opinions. Neither is can we say the Holy Spirit guides the Pope in these affairs. For example, the Church has almost 3,000 Bishops. Did the Holy Spirit inspire the Pope to pick each one? I hope not! How would you explain Archbishop Weakland or Cardinal Law? Papal infallibility is a very narrow and limited power (if you want to call it that), which is almost NEVER used.
Now to touch on Vatican II I must point out in the beginning that there were some very positive things that came out of the council. For example, the eastern rite churches were told to return to there “roots.” In other words, get rid of the Latinzation that creep in over the years.
No for the rest of the story. I really so NO fruits for the Latin Church as a result of Vatican II. In my humble opinion I see Vatican II has nothing short than a disaster for the Latin Rite. It can even be compared to the Iconoclast of the East. It may well take many years for the Church to reform like She did during the Iconoclast.
I am not being mean spirited but I do have facts to back me up:
Active Priests:
1965 - 58,000
2002 - 45,000
1965 - 1,575
2002 - 450
1965 - 180,000
2002 - 75,000
Regular Mass Attendance - Fordham University study:
1965 - 65% of Catholics
2000 - 25%
I believe these statistics to be correct. If I am mistaken then please correct me.
In this discussion lets not forget that Pope John XXIII called Vatican II a “pastoral” rather than dogmatic council!
Again, I am not expert! From what I gather, the documents of the Second Vatican Council need to recognized for what they are: official, pastoral Church teachings that did not define any new or significantly alter any existing doctrine. As such, they cannot be used to contradict or render meaningless that which came before, nor can they be used as cudgels to intimidate Catholics into abandoning past teachings for novel interpretations.
Regardless, we as Catholics should remain LOYAL to hierarchy, but that in no way implies we have to agree with all of their decisions.
Your friend in Christ!