
Thanks all! You’re all absolutely right. I wrote a draft letter to BIL, but thank goodness I haven’t mailed it yet and won’t! I promise. Time to move on here. I feel like throwing up today with all this mess–literally it has/is affecting my health. I’m done with it. Just have to be.And for heaven’s sake block their numbers on your phone until you can change your number, block their email, write ‘return to sender’ on any mail they send you and stop thinking that telling them off will make anything better. Have you ever heard the expression “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results?”. You have written them, you have emailed them, you have phoned them, you have told them how you feel over and over and over again. Why would THIS time be any different than the other 4, 253 1/2 times you attempted to ‘make them understand’?
Momto3 has a very good point, Sparkle - you may just be enyoing all the drama. It is, afterall, a way to keep the focus off yourself and what you must do to (in the words of my wise older sister) ‘put your big girl pants on’ and grow up.
How are you all? Please let me know what is new in your lives? Son WILL have a superb B-day!
Luv,Your friend