As a kid I liked Halloween and I think it’s ok for Catholics to celebrate it as a secular holiday. However, it’s also a bit disturbing to me. C. S. Lewis wrote that the biggest achievement of the Devil is that he convinced the majority of us that he doesn’t exist. I feel like the celebration of Halloween is a bit similar. We think it’s not a big deal, but we are actually continuing a pagan tradition with some demonic elements. I live in the Czech Republic :czech_republic: and we have a similar folk holiday at the begining of spring. Like Halloween it’s been secularised and almost nobody “believes” in it. Our culture has continued a few pagan traditions and It doesn’t bother me when they are included in a Christian framework (like Christmas being celebrated at the time of Saturn’s feast etc.), but when there is a demonic aspect to it like I thing there is in Halloween and in the Czech “Walpurgis night”, I abstain from it.