Why would the bees necessarily get sick from something? They come into contact with tons of different substances everyday without getting sick. There are things we avoid because they are unpleasant to us in various ways without having to make us sick. Like an itchy sweater. There is obviously something on the pictures, namely paint, which is various inorganic metallic compounds if the classic pigments are used. Different pigments contain different metals. So certain parts of a picture may contain something the bees dislike and avoid.As Ridgerunner said above, there is no way to pretreat the image / keep the bees out of a certain portion without sickening the bees. But to someone unwilling to believe in miracles, they will always just say “The Monks must have some secret formula; it can’t just be a miracle, right?”
Looking at the pictures the bees sometimes avoids the whole body while other times construct the cells clearly on the body. Why would it not be ok to nest on the body in some instances while in others it is not a problem? Without analyzing the pictures it is impossible to say anything about if there is something on them. One can only speculate.
One would have to use pictures made the same way with the same pigment. Essentially reproduce as many details as possible from what the monks did. Otherwise one can’t claim to have reproduced the same event. There is a section about methodology in every single article claiming any scientific result about anything.I asked Ridgerunner if he has a hive above and would be willing to stick similar images in his hives.
You assume it is just beeswax. Without an analysis you do not know it is. I make no such assumptions.The candle is beeswax. Perhaps it’s the flame that’s not ordinary (but you’re not inclined to consider that!)
Smoke or blackening is dependant on what is burning. There are plenty of substances giving no smoke or soot. Depending on what material is in her sweater and how it is knitted it might not be any, or very little, loose threads making it a non-fluffy construction and thus not that easy to to ignite. I have done the same thing on several occasions with cold flames. Another trick is to keep a pool of fire in the hand.There are several times when she keeps it under the same spot for several seconds, and no smoke or blackening. 1:25 - 1:29 is an example on the lower left arm. A white sweater should at least blacken if not entirely catch.