How will a devout Catholic handle the job as President of the US?

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If these decisions are “am I going to eat any meat this friday?” Then you’re totally right.

If these decisions are “am I going to require federal vendors to wear head scarves because these are my religious views” then that is a violation of the establishment clause.
We all love, love LOVE violations of the establishment clause when they’re done in favor of our views.

But imagine if, somehow, an extremely devout fundamentalist Muslim were elected president. You’d then certainly join me in crying from the rafters.
“Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Why do you jump to abortion and birth control? It seems to me Jesus had very little to say on those subjects. He DID, however, have a lot to say about giving to the poor and helping those around you.

And, keeping in mind Jesus’s admonition that it’s easier for a camel to pass through an eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get to Heaven, I would help out those rich folks on their way to Heaven by relieving them of some of that excess cash. It wouldn’t necessarily have to be confiscatory taxation. You could give them a choice: Found a business that will provide 100 permanent, well-paying jobs, or pay $10 million in taxes. Your choice…
am I going to require federal vendors to wear head scarves because these are my religious views” t
You’re presenting an absurd violation of the Constitution. 😐

Most people would consider anything said by a Catholic President a violation of the Establishment Clause. They’d call his actions against gay marriage and abortion religiously motivated. Catholic morality can’t be forgotten or separated. Otherwise, you’ll end up like Nancy Pelosi…
If a devout Catholic became President of the United States, how will he go about being President while following God’s Law?

There may be some actions such as:
  • Abolition of abortion
  • Contraceptives are illegal
Abortion and contraception are very different things and on a very different level of evil.

A Catholic President should do everything in his power to achieve an end to abortion. Abortion involves the deliberate killing of an innocent person, and the most vulnerable of persons in the only place they have ever known…
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Sorry man. A secular, generically deistic nation is what we have-

By deliberate design.

If you can’t provide secular reasoning then your beliefs must stay out of the laws. But by all means, practice them as you wish (within confines of the law, of course).
"Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Why do you jump to abortion and birth control? It seems to me Jesus had very little to say on those subjects.
Is ripping your neighbour to pieces, limb by limb, not such an important issue?

Yes ensuring our neighbours are supported is very important, but around 900,000 of our most vulnerable, innocent neighbours are killed by abortion each year in the USA (and around 50,000,000 worldwide).
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There’s no law saying that the President cannot utilize his Catholic Conscience when making decisions.

Several Politicians have been denied Communion over their flagrant opposition to Church teaching.
If you can’t provide secular reasoning then your beliefs must stay out of the laws.
It’s completely impossible to justify everything through secular reasoning. Wrong is wrong and Evil is evil.
I get it. Really.

But if you can’t justify a new law using secular language, then it shouldn’t be part of the laws of a secular nation.

This doesn’t mean YOU can’t believe and practice whatever you want to advocate.

You just can’t make OTHER PEOPLE do it (particularly Americans with views on evil that differ from yours. Their nation too.)

Any clearer?
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An openly practicing Catholic POTUS could work to make our nation a place where no woman would ever feel afraid or pressured toward abortion. To make our nation a place with such respect and love that an abortion is unthinkable.
Sure. Very utopian idea.

On a more pragmatic level, they’d more likely just push for a ban and tell the heretics Americans that didn’t like it to deal with it.
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But again, the underlying reason in a nation of all creeds and nations can’t be “because Catholicism” as that’s a violation of the establishment clause.

It has to be reasoned out in a way that most people accept - particularly as most Americans are not Catholic and most American Catholics wouldn’t ban it, if I remember correctly the last poll I saw.
It has to be reasoned out in a way that most people accept
Actually YOUR logic is quite wishful. It’s been demonstrated that given enough time and propaganda people will eventually accept that which was once considered unlikely. You don’t need to reason with people. No, You simply outlast them and wear them down. Slowly boiling the frog into believing what you preach.

Today, We are living in a society that has been created using Goebbels Propaganda.
And you want to create a society that reflects Catholic “propoganda”.

It’s the same behavior. You’re just on the “right” side of the line per your views.

So your goal should probably be “convert Americans to Catholicism” rather than “force the Catholic view on abortion upon non-catholics”.
I don’t know. We have never had a good, faithful Catholic as President. Kennedy looked it on the surface but as we know now was a deplorable human being in his private life.

It would prove difficult in that many of the principles from the Enlightenment that are pillars of our system of government are in conflict with Church teaching or have been condemned.

Best documents concerning the issue of politics and the Church’s teaching I have read are by Pope Leo XIII as follows:

Diuturnum (“On the Origin of Civil Power”)
Immortal Dei (“On the Christian Constitution of States”)
Libertas (“On Liberty”)

Have yet to read any documents better on civil government or power.
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