How will a devout Catholic handle the job as President of the US?

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Erik, Do you know what would help poor people? Require them to at least have a High School education. Teach abstinence in the schools and create a culture where people did not have sex, babies, before they are married. Teach people the value of work, having a job and staying married until death. No drugs. By the way the church works for all these things and more.
Ah, you mean the TRUTH.
YOU think it’s the truth. And if you were a Muslim, or a Jews, or a Buddhist, or a Hindu, or an atheist, you would think what YOU believed was the “truth.”

Just because YOU believe it doesn’t make it true for the other people.
Their “morality” takes a back seat to Protecting All Life from Conception to a Natural Death.
And if some minority group (you do realize that only 18% of Americans want to make abortion illegal for any reason, right?) comes along and says “We think doing X is wrong. We don’t care if those other 82% of the population think it’s OK. We think it’s wrong. We’re going to make it illegal.” You’d be good with that, right? Because that’s what you want to do to that 82%.
Think on the number 900,000 innocent children killed by abortion in the USA each year. 900,000. That is a collosal level of slaughter of innocents.
The UN says 7.6 MILLION people die from malnutrition every year. You good with that? Or do you want to reduce foreign aid? Or make abortion illegal everywhere so that malnutrition numbers jumps to 15 million?
It’s highly unlikely that a devout Catholic could be elected.

The outrage against President Trump (who is a fairly recent convent to the pro-life movement, and might not be all that committed to it) was enormous.

Imagine someone like Amy Barrett being elected President, who is truly pro-life, always has been, and lives accordingly.

They would come with torches and pitchforks in droves.

Sadly we live in a culture of death here in the most prosperous and free county on the face of the earth.

Saint Pope John Paul II, intercede for our nation, and pray for a conversion of hearts.
Well a few posts ago I asked you, “Is ripping your neighbour to pieces, limb by limb, not such an important issue?” and you replied, “Frankly, no”.
“Ripping your neighbor…” I assume you mean abortion. First, you do realize that 91% of abortions are in the first trimester, right? And only 9% in the second. And in the third? I think the last number I read was 160 or something.

Is abortion an “important” issue? Yes and no. No, it shouldn’t be illegal. Yes, we should try to reduce the number of abortions by showing women that having a baby is a GOOD thing, and it will improve their lives. We need a lot more social programs to do that. Would that be expensive? Sure. Do almost ALL other developed countries do it? Yes, they do. If you TRULY believed abortion was so evil, you would be out there campaigning night and day to get those social programs in place to reduce abortions. Spouting a bunch of slogans does absolutely nothing to further your cause. Gallup did a poll on abortion–I’ve given the link elsewhere–in 1975 22% of the US thought abortion should always be illegal. In 2006 or so? That number had shrunk to 18%. In other words, after 40+ years of rhetoric, pro-lifers have managed to alienate another 4% of the population. Good work! Really effective!
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Erik, Do you know what would help poor people? Require them to at least have a High School education.
It’s Erika with an a. I haven’t have my gender re-assignment surgery yet.

Yes, you are absolutely right: What is the #1 most effective way to reduce pregnancies (and thus abortions) worldwide? Educate the women. Sex education is meaningless. General education is the key. Educated women have few babies and thus few abortions. I’m all for it. Everyone should be.
Abortion in the US is at an all time low and that’s because of contraception. You haven’t addressed this once! We’ve replaced abortion with increased contraception.

As a Catholic I cannot support that either.
As a Catholic, I know it’s the truth. You don’t understand but eventually you might.
As a Catholic, I think that it’s the truth too. But I also think people have a right to freedom of religion. The Church says that too. We don’t have the right to impose our morality (“truth” if you like) on other people.

You would be first in line to complain if another group did it to you.
As a Catholic I cannot support that either.
I don’t see how it enters the conversation. But if you insist, fine. Which would be preferable to you: a woman (not Catholic) who takes contraception or a woman who gets an abortion?

Seems obvious to me, but I’m not you.
The outrage against President Trump (who is a fairly recent convent to the pro-life movement, and might not be all that committed to it) was enormous .
President Trump is probably the most committed to the pro-life cause of all the presidents.

He is the only sitting president to address the annual March for Life in Washington
Neither. Granted there are methods of contraception that merely frustrate the act and don’t kill the embryo. However, I cannot condone either option.

Education, Responsibility, and Chastity are essential in preventing this problem.

Sorry, I missed the a. I would never demote you to the male gender on purpose.
Neither. Granted there are methods of contraception that merely frustrate the act and don’t kill the embryo. However, I cannot condone either option.

Education, Responsibility, and Chastity are essential in preventing this problem.
I understand your view.

But any solution that involves “getting hormonal kids to not screw”, particularly in an age when both parents have to be absent from the home to make livings…

It’s just not real. It can’t be taken seriously by broader society because it requires a non-real premise in order to work.

Not trying to be ugly, but it’s a problem as old as human civilization. Assuming you can get it to stop… crazy-town, man. You might as well try to stop the sunrise.
tough job for catholic or non-Catholic. Good question which I will leave you Americans to answer.
There may be some actions such as:
  • Abolition of abortion
  • Contraceptives are illegal
The President is NOT the Congress. The President cannot create laws. So there is NOTHING a President can legally do to make contraceptives illegal.

Abortion and contraceptives (while both are grave sins) they are NOT on the same level. Also, they are totally different issues from a legal perspective. Abortion is MURDER.

Contraception is on par with masturbation or fornication. If a President had the legal right (which s/he doesn’t) to make masturbation or fornication illegal, then they could attack contraception. But it would NEVER happen.

The only thing REMOTELY possible would be for the federal govt to stop paying for all contraception, which might one day become a possibility. There might come a day soon where the state govts and/or federal govt might start offering larger tax breaks for having more kids – just like some of the nations that are stating to pay citizens to have more kids. Because it’s only a matter of time before there are not enough working people to pay for the older generations.
EDIT: Okay, let’s assume the President has absolute power and needs no approval from the Supreme Court and Congress.
This is not worth asking. The United States will never have a Catholic Monarch with absolute power. However, the best govt that can possibly exist is a devout Catholic absolute Monarch. But the issue with an absolute Monarch is they are great when they are devout, but when crooked, they are horrible.

Therefore, the United States has the 2nd best form of govt: A republic. However, ever since the United States unfortunately changed the Constitution to become more of a democracy (the 3rd and worse form of govt) by allowing the general public to vote for the US President and US Senators, we have been going downhill and now the negatives of this change are finally showing their negative fruit.

God bless.
However, the best govt that can possibly exist is a devout Catholic absolute Monarch.
What if we got a devout, pious Catholic absolute monarch who was also incompetent as a governor? Being personally devout is no guarantee of intelligence, or governing ability, or statesmanship.

Really, this doesn’t work. The good thing about democracy is that it’s effectively crowd-sourcing issues, bringing the greatest possible range of thoughts and ideas to the issue at hand.
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