There may be some actions such as:
- Abolition of abortion
- Contraceptives are illegal
The President is NOT the Congress. The President cannot create laws. So there is NOTHING a President can legally do to make contraceptives illegal.
Abortion and contraceptives (while both are grave sins) they are NOT on the same level. Also, they are totally different issues from a legal perspective. Abortion is MURDER.
Contraception is on par with masturbation or fornication. If a President had the legal right (which s/he doesn’t) to make masturbation or fornication illegal, then they could attack contraception. But it would NEVER happen.
The only thing REMOTELY possible would be for the federal govt to stop paying for all contraception, which might one day become a possibility. There might come a day soon where the state govts and/or federal govt might start offering larger tax breaks for having more kids – just like some of the nations that are stating to pay citizens to have more kids. Because it’s only a matter of time before there are not enough working people to pay for the older generations.
EDIT: Okay, let’s assume the President has absolute power and needs no approval from the Supreme Court and Congress.
This is not worth asking. The United States will never have a Catholic Monarch with absolute power. However, the best govt that can possibly exist is a devout Catholic absolute Monarch. But the issue with an absolute Monarch is they are great when they are devout, but when crooked, they are horrible.
Therefore, the United States has the 2nd best form of govt: A republic. However, ever since the United States unfortunately changed the Constitution to become more of a democracy (the 3rd and worse form of govt) by allowing the general public to vote for the US President and US Senators, we have been going downhill and now the negatives of this change are finally showing their negative fruit.
God bless.