How would God feel about this tattoo?

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but you never see people in the professional world with them
I have college degrees and a professional career, and I go to the office with my tattoo showing at times. It’s on my forearm, so any short-sleeved dress or blouse shows it. My colleagues and boss are aware that I have it and boss asked what it was so I explained it to her (It is a Christian symbol). It’s not a problem for me at all.

Tattoos have become very common in USA in the last 20 years and many college students get them, so unless it is some bad-taste or “prison” tattoo or it’s on your face (they call those “job stoppers”) they’re generally accepted in the US professional world.
Anyone can get a college degree…and a professional career…and a tattoo! However, it is NOT acceptable in the business world! Professionals that are constantly in view by the public will not have tattoos exposed…I have been in the professional world for forty years and those that came in to be interviewed for jobs, exposing a tattoo, were not hired…it is a “fad” that can not be removed easily…the exposed tattoo is more noticeable on an individual that the person wearing it! Tattoos are indeed common among the Movie stars and musicians. They want and desperately need attention…no I’m not convinced…I know better because of the way I feel whenever I see one…ugh!
Anyone can get a college degree…and a professional career…and a tattoo! However, it is NOT acceptable in the business world! Professionals that are constantly in view by the public will not have tattoos exposed…
Let’s just agree to disagree on this one then. I don’t know what “business world” you work in, but it’s not the business world where I’ve been managing to have a pretty good career for almost as long as you. (And I’m glad of that, because I think an employer who would pass up a talented employee because of a non-offensive tattoo is just foolish, I would not want to work for such a company.) You . . . are . . . frankly . . . a bit out of step with United States reality in many business fields at the moment; many people, including most people under age 40, don’t agree with your personal preference.
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I wouldn’t presume to make a statement for God on this one. Some people in this earthly life might disapprove of your tattoo. Sometimes those people are influential like potential employers / mentors / future in-laws, etc. I guess it depends on who you are trying to fit in with. Very large tattoos evoke bikers / gang members more so than people trying to live a holy life IMO.
I’m going to sound like a big old prude / fuddy-duddy / judgemental person, but here goes: Some people consider tattoos to be “low-class”, “trashy”, vulgar, etc. It’s especially unimaginable for many people, I think, to have a holy image tattooed on your bod.
Don’t know if you’re familiar with the concept of decorum?

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I don’t think that appropriate tattos are sinful or even bad by themselves, however, I would never get a tattoo. I think we should take care of our body as gratitude to God.
So, personally, no tattooes would I allow on myself. Others? While I would like that nobody would have tattooes, as long as they are appropriate, I hold it as no sin or evil whatsoever.
So, it’s just personal preferences at the end of the day when it comes to appropriate tattooes. As for unappropriate, blaspheming or tattoos that spread evil or sin, a big, big, no.
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There’s nothing wrong with tattoos, however I would recommend you consider what the other users have said. Think about the cost, and the longevity of your decision. If you do decide to go ahead, make sure you do your research and find a good tattoo artist!
Also tattoos are not without health risks. I think that very large tattoos are more problematic due to a larger amount of ink.

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Here is an insightful article featuring a priest who has 5 tattoos.
Two of them are religious and at least one, a Marian tattoo, was obtained after he became a priest.
He also notes that a couple of them are from his younger days and a reminder of “mistakes” he made and that he wishes now he hadn’t gotten them.
I see by his Archdiocesan directory that he is now a pastor.

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<<<<<<<Anyone can get a college degree…and a professional career…and a tattoo! However, it is NOT acceptable in the business world! Professionals that are constantly in view by the public will not have tattoos exposed…I have been in the professional world for forty years and those that came in to be interviewed for jobs, exposing a tattoo, were not hired…>>>>>>>>>

Wish I had a quarter for all the times I’ve seen medical staff with tattoos. My PCP staff, my gyno staff, vet staff, hospital staff…
Wow! And HR is ok with that? Would you discriminate against a woman who chose not to wear make-up too, since “most professional woman” wear make-up?

I am a professional, educated woman in my 50’s. I got my first tattoo 2 years ago. I have gotten 2 more and will be getting my 4th as soon as this covid crisis is over.

FWIW, my boss loves my newest one, which is a very visible Trinity symbol and can’t wait to see my latest addition when it finally happens. 😉
Fr Ripperger touches over this, I would definitely advise against.

  • tattoos specifically begins at 11: 10 he explains it very well.
Of course not, @Tis_Bearself
Don’t ya know, we are just a bunch of freaky sheeple who like to draw attention to ourselves.
No one ever gets a tattoo just becaue they want one, it’s always an ulterior motive to “fit in” :roll_eyes:
I have 3.
My first is of my cat, Francis. I hand raised him from a 5-day old kitten. He died in my arms of cancer at 8 years old. Within 3 months I had my favorite picture of him tattooed on my upper arm.
My second, a Jesuit sun with the letters AMDG, ad majorum Dei glorium, on my shoulder .
My third, a Trinity symbol with 3 spirals that signify the journey, past, present , and future. It was on the early 19th century tombstome of a distant reletive from Ireland.
Each has a very special significance to me.
They are there for me. It is a way to carry my experience, my love, my faith in a very tangible way.
I have a tattoo and the Lord hasn’t rebuked me for having one. If I do something wrong, the Holy Spirit lets me know by convicting me. One of the attributes of the Holy Spirit is that He convicts the world of sin. If it is a sin for you to get a tattoo, the Holy Spirit will make it abundantly clear. Ultimately it doesn’t matter what I think, it only matters what the Lord thinks. Ask Him and He will direct you.
I don’t know, because I am fortunately not him. I know I personally don’t like tattoos.
Anyone can get a college degree…and a professional career…and a tattoo! However, it is NOT acceptable in the business world! Professionals that are constantly in view by the public will not have tattoos exposed…I have been in the professional world for forty years and those that came in to be interviewed for jobs, exposing a tattoo, were not hired…it is a “fad” that can not be removed easily…the exposed tattoo is more noticeable on an individual that the person wearing it! Tattoos are indeed common among the Movie stars and musicians. They want and desperately need attention…no I’m not convinced…I know better because of the way I feel whenever I see one…ugh!
This is just not accurate. I know many professionals with tattoos. I have a tattoo and I’m a practicing attorney. It’s just on an area of my body that you wouldn’t see unless we were at the beach.

If you’re referring to tattoos on the face or neck, sure. That’s probably not going to be well received at most jobs. But you probably work with a lot of people who have tattoos and you’re just unaware because their tattoos are covered by their normal work attire.
I am planning on getting Jesus and Mary on both sides of my chest, and either a cross or the Holy Spirit in the middle. This tattoo would cover my entire chest, is this something that God would disapprove of?
No one here can tell you exactly how God would view anything, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with it per se.

That said, from an aesthetic point of view, a tattoo covering your entire chest is pretty extreme and frankly sounds a little cheesy. Just one mans opinion…tastes vary. If I were you, I’d think about something smaller and more tasteful.
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