How would God feel about this tattoo?

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You don’t have to go through all that. Simply read the Word of God.
No, because it is a custom design, that I don’t want on the internet.
It is a Trinity symbol that has 3 single spirals where the 3 rings connect.
Seeing that the distant relative’s tombstone it was on was a priest, who died in 1850, I doubt it had any neo-pagan symbolism.
Okay. If it’s a symbol with three spirals, I don’t see how it isn’t some version of a triskelion.
There’s no similar image on the internet, I guess.
We live in an age when everyone and their grandma now have tattoos. Kind of refreshing to see someone without one. I feel like a rebel not having one! 😆
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Don’t do it.

It will stay forever and can be annoying.

What if it can be showed? Have you think of potential negative impact on your social and professional life?
Are you married? If yes, your wife should be okay with it, and if not you close the doors to some women.
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Can someone explain the appeal of having a tattoo?
I understand that people like certain images, or an image is meaningful. But why get it applied to your skin? Permanently?
I just don’t get it, especially since tattoos tend to be associated with not the classiest folks.
Is it a “countercultural” appeal?
Will we someday be discussing the trend of branding? What could be next?
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We live in an age when everyone and their grandma now have tattoos. Kind of refreshing to see someone without one. I feel like a rebel not having one! 😆
Right? Tattoos aren’t a remarkable sight anymore, so doing it for attention or compliments will leave you disappointed. Today, you stand out in a crowd if you dress well and have a tidy appearance.

I sometimes go grocery shopping after Mass for convenience’s sake (as do dozens of other Catholics at my church), and it’s rather amusing how people react to something as simple as you wearing a tie. I had one young cashier go on to me about how she wished more guys would wear suits rather than pants that sag below their butts. 😆
I think the generations raised by MTV and then the celebrities that followed were the pied-pipers that made tattoo-mania spread a monkey-see-monkey-do phenomena which is so prevalent in today’s society. Walmart seems to be an epicenter. Now it’s buttons and shower-loops in ears; tomorrow it will be whatever the favorite pop-star and trend setters are doing. Thus the power of Hollywood and those who dictate fashions to the millions of eyeballs watching; grandma with green hair, and teenage Draculas are part of the same caboodle.

I saw an interview with a psychologist about the psychology of the current tattoo mania taking the masses by storm, and it boiled down to attention-seeking and statement-making, drawn by the me-myself-and-I mentality’s need to stand out. Often the culprit is the desire to somehow be seen as cool, a rebel, or dangerous. It kind if reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George Constanza tried to impress by pretending to be the “bad boy:”

I also think it’s “interesting” when people think they’re being discriminated against for having a tattoo. Isn’t that why you got one, so people would think you’re “bad” / disreputable? So why cry “foul” when people treat you like you’re disreputable?
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Why on earth would a tattoo make someone disreputable?

I really cannot believe some of the attitudes on this thread and I am very glad I don’t know Catholics in real life who think so little of people who choose to get tattoos.
I’m sure some people get tattoos to seem “bad” but that’s generally not the reasoning at all. People get a tattoo because the image (or wording) is meaningful to them and they get it permanently because it’s a permanent significance. I highly doubt one would look at someone with their buddy’s dog tags tattooed on their arm, or a prayer, or a cross, etc and think “That bad/disreputable man!” or anything of the sort.
Isn’t that why you got one, so people would think you’re “bad” / disreputable?
What? No.

I don’t know why so many people are picturing jailhouse “Born to Lose” Hell’s Angels tattoos. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here.
Obviously all tattoos, given time to infect their subjects with hooliganism, will morph into teardrop face tattoos. It’s a fact. Only someone who thinks tattoos are acceptable in the workplace would believe anything otherwise. /s
I, too, am slowly transforming from suburban dad into a drunken maniac who listens to loud music, wears saggy pants, and doesn’t return library books on time. It’s happppennnnninnnnggg…ugh…

Yo, wassup, my fellow hooligans? Y’all wanna do some crimes later and maybe ingest some illegal drugs?

(This is a joke in case anyone is concerned I’ve been assimilated)
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Okay, some tattoos memorialize a loved one. Or they mark an important event.
Why get it marked on your skin? Why not – write a poem? Plant a memorial tree? Commission a work of art?
Do people not know that tattoos have a taint of association with a criminal / biker / low-class element of society, although tattoos are somewhat more acceptable today? You seriously don’t know that they have that history?
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