How would God feel about this tattoo?

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I would think on it for at least a year before committing. If you regret it later on down the road, you’ll in all likelihood have to cope with that regret for the rest of your life (good luck getting them completely removed).

I don’t like tattoos myself, but that’s just my opinion, not Church doctrine. Perhaps my brain is wired in a unique way, because I associate large tattoos (especially sleeves) with dirt and grime. For that reason, I can’t find women with those tattoos to be attractive, so you could only imagine how some women might view those same tattoos on men - probably not a dealbreaker for them, but you never know.
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Am I the only one wondering about the effect of nipple location if the images of Our Lord and Our Lady completely cover each side of the chest?

I have a friend who is a tattoo artist, he does fabulous work, but he cautions customers who have a desire for a tattoo that covers a lot of skin to think about it for a long, long time because if there’s one thing he (and most artists) hate to do is coverups.

The process needs to be done over several sessions and will be very pricey. Plus, intricately detailed work looks great initially but over time tends to blur (and that could be in less than a year.) There is also the fact that there is a possibility of an allergic reaction to the ink, or certain colors, that you won’t discover until you are already partially inked.

I only have one tattoo and it is my husband’s first name and the year we got married on my ring finger. He has my name and the year on his finger. I work in food service, he’s an electrician, we’ve been married 30+ years, and we were tired of having to remove our rings for work. That’s the only reason I even considered getting one and our friend said he normally hates to tattoo names but figured after 30 years we were a safe bet.
Well, since my body is the temple of God, I don’t plan on doing anything that desecrates it. And for me, getting a tattoo is definitely on that list. Not mentioning that if I get a tattoo, I’ll be seen as an antisocial person or a member of the yakuza, then I won’t be allowed to enter most of the hot springs here anymore, and I love soaking in an outdoor hot spring looking at Mount Fuji.
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I thought you were going to ask about a tattoo of Jay Bouwmeester lifting the Stanley Cup. That would be awesome, but your idea is even better. Maybe a bit too big, though.
Then…why get a Tattoo if you are going to cover it? I am retired now, but my profession was in engineering…we had to meet clients and it would not have been appropriate for our Engineering Company to have employees with noticeable Tattoos! It would be embarrassing cause it is so unprofessional! No we represented the Company by our skills…a Tattoo is just not something to have in full view…as you stated…yours is hidden…? No, in my forty years in a professional career…never saw an exposed Tattoo…Nope! 😁
Then…why get a Tattoo if you are going to cover it?
Because I want to cover it in some situations but not others. What I display at the office is different than what I’ll display at a backyard bbq.
It would be embarrassing cause it is so unprofessional! No we represented the Company by our skills…
That perception is changing. Tattoos are no longer considered automatically unprofessional. I think you’re remembering a time when the only people with tattoos were bikers and convicts. That’s not the case anymore. They’re not considered especially taboo or shocking anymore.
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Given your forum name I thought a pic of the Stanley Cup, or perhaps Doug Wickenheiser might be your choice. 😄
You may not be convinced, but it is true, at least in my experience.
I work in health care. Every department head, the Director of Nursing and our administrator all have ink.
Just about every floor nurse and or CNA has ink or piercings (and not just ears).
Many of my supplies and sales reps also have tattoos.
I even know a couple priests who have visible tattoos.
It is not a big deal anymore, at least in the US. And if it would be a big deal for the company I work for that I have a visible tattoo, I would find another company to work for.
Wow, you feel so strong about having a Tattoo…? I am a more conservative individual and do not like attention of any kind with the exception of being recognized for a job well done at my job. I also am not one to boast about or display my opinion on a tee shirt and never with a visible tattoo! Have not seen any at operas…banks…engineering companies…or on a billionaire like Bill Gates… 😆 only some hollywood stars that seek attention…like Cher…or rock musicians…to each their own…not for me…I love the “preppy” look…nothing but CLASS!
No one knows the mind of God, but I highly doubt that He is concerned with you getting a tattoo. (The only obvious exception would be of an image that is sacrilegious or blasphemous.)

God has given you the gift of rationality, to empower you to consider such actions in your life prudentially. So you can simply ponder these sorts of questions to guide yourself:
  • Is the cost of the tattoo depriving you or yours of something more essential?
  • If this is your first tattoo, is the enormous size of the tattoo a good idea to start with? Would it be feasible to cover it with other images in the future if you ever wanted to?
  • Is the location one that will look good in the future? The location and size of a tattoo impact the inevitability of skin loosening, sagging, and the like.
Take care,
Deacon Christopher
I am very conservative. The one tatto I have that cannot be covered is a Trinity symbol. If an employer could not respect that I have a religious symbol on my wrist, that is definitely not an employer I would work for.
Tattoos are a sign of vanity. God does not call us to tattoo our bodies; the only thing God wants is the sanctification of our soul and the transformation of the heart…
In prayer I had a similar thought of idea.

Gods personal message to me was this… I see inside your heart , no one else can see your heart. Prove to me you love me by following my commands. You don’t need any markings to prove anything to me…

If you want to show others that is your own decision and not mine. But I would rather you show me love via ones own heart and use the money to give generously to another who is in more need than you… That is true love.

This is what I was told so never got the tattoo. Shame really as I’ve never had a tattoo.
Wow, you feel so strong about having a Tattoo…? I am a more conservative individual and do not like attention of any kind with the exception of being recognized for a job well done at my job. I also am not one to boast about or display my opinion on a tee shirt and never with a visible tattoo! Have not seen any at operas…banks…engineering companies…or on a billionaire like Bill Gates… 😆 only some hollywood stars that seek attention…like Cher…or rock musicians…to each their own…not for me…I love the “preppy” look…nothing but CLASS!
I’m pretty conservative too, and I work in a conservative field. I have a tattoo. It’s not a big deal.

Most people with tattoos don’t have neck tattoos or stuff on their hands or whatever you’re picturing. The vast majority of people with tattoos do not look like convicts. As I said, you probably know a ton of people with tattoos…you just don’t realize they have them because they’re normally covered.

I think your perception of what’s normal in the workplace is a little out of date. If you don’t like them and wouldn’t want one, that’s totally fine. But you should recognize that they’re no longer considered weird or trashy per se.

My third, a Trinity symbol with 3 spirals that signify the journey, past, present , and future. It was on the early 19th century tombstome of a distant reletive from Ireland.
Just curious – is this the spiral symbol? Seems more “neo-pagan” than Christian?

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