How would you currently rate yourself as a Catholic?

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  1. Just avoiding Hell
  2. half way to Heaven
  3. definitely one of the chosen few
  4. top notch. member of special elite commando force
  5. humble sinner quite proud of their humility
  6. proud sinner ashamed of their pride
  7. a Catholic pariah akin to leper
  8. borderline heretic
  9. one more Rosary and I’m outta here
  10. a good catholic
As St.Francis said close to his death:
“Let us begin, for up to now we have done nothing- St. Francis of Assisi”
I am #1, no doubt of it. If I make it to Purgatory it will be just barely by the skin of my teeth. :cry:
Stumbling, falling, rising by God’s grace; desiring to improve, hoping and praying that I am fulfilling God’s will for my life.
Stumbling, falling, rising by God’s grace; desiring to improve, hoping and praying that I am fulfilling God’s will for my life.
Ron, you need to add this to the list! 🙂
It’s a pretty perfect answer.

P.S. As soon as I saw the title of this thread, I knew it was you, goodcatholic! 😊
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Saved by grace through faith apart from works. I’m riding Jesus’ coattails.
Hey, Cs get degrees! 😉

I’d say I am a messy work in progress. VERY messy! I have to trust heavily in God’s forgiveness and grace to not despair of my eternal fate!
Night time desk clerk at the Purgatory Hilton Express Hotel.

[but working hard for a promotion]
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Still substituting desperate prayer in place of peaceful recollection
Only God knows!

“But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. I do not even judge myself.” 1 Cor. 4:3
It is with much hesitation but hidden pride that I suggest my catholic progress is going quite well. My role as lamp to you all here on CAF has put me in great stead.

Is it possible to change my username to aboveaveragecatholic ?
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