how dare u talk nonsense about Dr.zakir when he respects and admire Christ. shame on u injesus. u cannot insinuate me by saying “…you better keep reading him [Dr. zakir naik] especially while proving your scripture prophecized his “holy” prophet”. shame on u injesus.
yes, what Dr. zakir Naik said about those prediction in my Hindu skriptures r not strange b’cause Koran tells me that “for every nation, there was a warner” sent by God & it is not a surprise at all that in the Vedic period of Hinudism in india, religion of my people was purely monotheistic.
& i’m not surprise at all to know that same God could have told us about the future advent of a great last Maha-Rishi, the final Guide, the last Prophet, Mohamed.
& it is not just my skriptures, almost all major relgions’ holy books have clear indications & predictions about the advent of Great Prophet. & they must, b’cause Prophet Mohamed seems the last one on earth if u read the Koran & my skriptures and other major religions.
injesus, don’t decieve urself, with ur hypocricy.
my Trinity (known as Trimurty) idea is superior & more “logical” than ur sensless idea of Trinity. b’cause urs’ is only 3 limited forms of incestual figures. b’cause in ur trinity, the father and his son r same after father was “married” a certain virgin mary and she gave birth to his son just like any other child.
ask urself how it is possible to become the father and the son same thing, phisically? when they cannot and shud not. this incest idea is ur own idea. it is due to paul… it is not jesus’ idea. Dr. zakir expalins that Jesus has told “my Father, who is God of all, Greater than him and Greater than all of us”. see ! how this makes sense !! this is what jesus taught. it simply means jesus is not the Father. he is not god. he is a man like u me & all of us. but he is a rishi for his own jew-nation. thus the more i listen & read Dr. zakir Naik, the more i praise abram, jesus, muhamed, moses, rama, krishna & buddha. b’cause they all clearly appear as rishis of God. but their people like ur paul, made them gods. why? to neglect their true messages. to make a mockery of them by making them gods instead of following God’s teachings. they forgot the main reason of their rishi-ness. they all claim no divnity. they were like us, human but of high charecters.
though i reject forcefully even my Trimurty idea which is infinte. now tell me why shud me accept ur incestical nonsensical Trinity dogma when i am rejecting my own infinite Trimutry concept which makes more “logical” sense than urs?
my 2 yrs old is an angel. why he shud go to hell if he is not taken bath in ur bathtub of baptism? what a nonsensical view have u got? what a mockery u r making of ur own religion, when jesus clearly is free from paul’s nonsense teachings.
on the other hand, Dr. zakir naik explains that every child in this world born sinless & and innocent & if he/she dies in his/her childhood he/she goes to the heaven b’cause he/she is not a criminal, not a sinner as they have no sense of what is as sin, what is wrong, what is good, what is bad etc. this is universal concept. this is like universal truths.
thus ur idea of “origianl sin” is a fake idea & u r basically following an enemy of ur jesus. u claim u r follow jesus. but u r actually liars. little wonder if jesus is back & shows u the mirror to u all christians and reject u all b’cause u r actually not his sheep but his enemy paul’s slaves. jesus’ message was & is very clear-cut. Dr. zakir Naik laid down in very clear & simple words, how jesus’ message was & is still clear.
how dare u talk nonsense about Dr.zakir when he respects and admire Christ. shame on u injesus.
so, u cannot insinuate me by saying “…you better keep reading him [Dr. zakir naik] especially while proving your scripture prophecized his “holy” prophet”.
shame on u injesus.
u have no objective proof to prove ur incestical senseless idea of Trinity nor the jesus’ birth without human father. u make no sense at all when u talk “logically”. it is merely ur faith, on the strength of paul’s & ur church’s lie that u inherited. u cannot stand the tes of logic, b’cause u have no ground at all.
u r what u eat, injesus. u cannot talk ill about others when u eat meat of dirty filthy homo-sexual animal-pig.
shame on u.!