How would you handle a Muslim?

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how dare u talk nonsense about Dr.zakir when he respects and admire Christ. shame on u injesus. u cannot insinuate me by saying “…you better keep reading him [Dr. zakir naik] especially while proving your scripture prophecized his “holy” prophet”. shame on u injesus.

yes, what Dr. zakir Naik said about those prediction in my Hindu skriptures r not strange b’cause Koran tells me that “for every nation, there was a warner” sent by God & it is not a surprise at all that in the Vedic period of Hinudism in india, religion of my people was purely monotheistic.

& i’m not surprise at all to know that same God could have told us about the future advent of a great last Maha-Rishi, the final Guide, the last Prophet, Mohamed.

& it is not just my skriptures, almost all major relgions’ holy books have clear indications & predictions about the advent of Great Prophet. & they must, b’cause Prophet Mohamed seems the last one on earth if u read the Koran & my skriptures and other major religions.

injesus, don’t decieve urself, with ur hypocricy.

my Trinity (known as Trimurty) idea is superior & more “logical” than ur sensless idea of Trinity. b’cause urs’ is only 3 limited forms of incestual figures. b’cause in ur trinity, the father and his son r same after father was “married” a certain virgin mary and she gave birth to his son just like any other child.

ask urself how it is possible to become the father and the son same thing, phisically? when they cannot and shud not. this incest idea is ur own idea. it is due to paul… it is not jesus’ idea. Dr. zakir expalins that Jesus has told “my Father, who is God of all, Greater than him and Greater than all of us”. see ! how this makes sense !! this is what jesus taught. it simply means jesus is not the Father. he is not god. he is a man like u me & all of us. but he is a rishi for his own jew-nation. thus the more i listen & read Dr. zakir Naik, the more i praise abram, jesus, muhamed, moses, rama, krishna & buddha. b’cause they all clearly appear as rishis of God. but their people like ur paul, made them gods. why? to neglect their true messages. to make a mockery of them by making them gods instead of following God’s teachings. they forgot the main reason of their rishi-ness. they all claim no divnity. they were like us, human but of high charecters.

though i reject forcefully even my Trimurty idea which is infinte. now tell me why shud me accept ur incestical nonsensical Trinity dogma when i am rejecting my own infinite Trimutry concept which makes more “logical” sense than urs?

my 2 yrs old is an angel. why he shud go to hell if he is not taken bath in ur bathtub of baptism? what a nonsensical view have u got? what a mockery u r making of ur own religion, when jesus clearly is free from paul’s nonsense teachings.

on the other hand, Dr. zakir naik explains that every child in this world born sinless & and innocent & if he/she dies in his/her childhood he/she goes to the heaven b’cause he/she is not a criminal, not a sinner as they have no sense of what is as sin, what is wrong, what is good, what is bad etc. this is universal concept. this is like universal truths.

thus ur idea of “origianl sin” is a fake idea & u r basically following an enemy of ur jesus. u claim u r follow jesus. but u r actually liars. little wonder if jesus is back & shows u the mirror to u all christians and reject u all b’cause u r actually not his sheep but his enemy paul’s slaves. jesus’ message was & is very clear-cut. Dr. zakir Naik laid down in very clear & simple words, how jesus’ message was & is still clear.

how dare u talk nonsense about Dr.zakir when he respects and admire Christ. shame on u injesus.

so, u cannot insinuate me by saying “…you better keep reading him [Dr. zakir naik] especially while proving your scripture prophecized his “holy” prophet”.

shame on u injesus.

u have no objective proof to prove ur incestical senseless idea of Trinity nor the jesus’ birth without human father. u make no sense at all when u talk “logically”. it is merely ur faith, on the strength of paul’s & ur church’s lie that u inherited. u cannot stand the tes of logic, b’cause u have no ground at all.

u r what u eat, injesus. u cannot talk ill about others when u eat meat of dirty filthy homo-sexual animal-pig.

shame on u.!
:whistle: :whistle: :whacky:
ashok said:

injesus, what right have u got with all of ur dirt & filth around u to talk about Dr. zakir Naik who is reminding u to don’t be hipocritical & don’t become like a pig, by eating it’s dirty & filthy meat which is not allowed even in ur own skriptures. do jews eat pork?

you r what you eat, injesus.

now listen to an another medical doctor:

“Effects Of Prohibited Foods, Intoxicants,
and Ingredients On Human Hormones And Behavior”
by Shahid Athar, M.D.


To get a first hand idea, I interviewed farmers of Fisher, Indiana, who breed swine. According to them “Swine is cheaper to breed, since it does not require pasture, it can live on manure and other such items including dead meat. In fact, it can even eat its own feces. Their sexual habits are also different from other animals like cow, sheep and goat. Swine have very little shame i.e. engage in sex acts anytime anyplace. The female hog is very aggressive in sexual activities when she is in “heat” she does not care about anything (i.e. food or privacy) until she has the sex. They i.e. swine, also lick the genitals of their partners after sex like dogs, but not other mammals like cow, sheep or goat.”

you r what u eat.

little wonder christian America and christian Europe of paul, r the 1st producers & introducers of all kinds of filth & dirt such as filthy behaviour, free sex, incest, homosexuality, gays, lesbians, sodomites, naturists who live absolutely naked in certain areas even with their naked children, drugs, alcohol, sex-movies, hollywood x-rated movies most of which get banned most of the time in the eastern & middle eastern clean cultures. what a “clean” culture u have produced after reading & eating junky dirty filthy stuf like pork by listening to paul & ignoring Christ & god of Moses.

even in ur Italy, not far from vatican, everything is availabe from pork to live sex and sex movies openly. & ur pope lives in his own cage. his vatican now is like a small christian village in a filthy christian country all around. what a hipocrisy.

with all kinds of dirt & filth in ur own backyard, u r criticising Dr. zakir Naik? shame on u injesus.!

little wonder 2 Rome’s envoy r now muslims & they stop eating filth and dirt of pork.

:whacky: :yawn:
Semper Fi:
Conversion comes from the heart… you can’t be a Christian if you were bribed into it and don’t believe any of the precepts. So if you took food and called yourself a Christian but didn’t believe any of it, then you would not be a Christian. Most Catholic missions are not about converting people, we have tons of missions in Africa which are building water wells, schools, and just trying to better the standards of living for the people there by teaching them farming techniques and how to do arts/crafts etc. such as sewing so they can make clothes and so they can sell to at least get some money for themselves. A person who would take money or foodstuffs to call themselves Christian and doesn’t believe is not a Christian.
i agree with you there but unfortunately it happens… it happened in my country… it happens in a lot of Islamic countries and thats how most of the people there gets pissed off and these missionaries get kidnapped and stuff…
if you TRULY look at people who are TRULY Christians, there arent too many… especially in the West. I bet I know more about Christian faith than 95% of Christians. In fact, I bet I am more of a Christian than 95% of these so called Christians
Have not been following the argument so far, but I just want to address the question of the thread.

Admittedly this is a hyphothetical question. From my personal experience and what I see, fortunately or unfortunately, Muslims don’t go around to our doorsteps to evangelize unlike the JWs or the Mormoms. They do by the way employ even more effective tactics especially if one lives in an Islamic countries. They don’t have to meekly knock on our doors, the government just put up laws to get something of that effect.

Back to the question - I guess I have to ask them what evidence is there that the Quran is actually from God? If they can’t satisfy me on that question, they can come in for cuppa but should cease and desist completely talking about their religion to me.

And if they insist, I would ask them for justification on why they think Paul hijacked Christianity so? 😉
Reuben J:
Have not been following the argument so far, but I just want to address the question of the thread.

Admittedly this is a hyphothetical question. From my personal experience and what I see, fortunately or unfortunately, Muslims don’t go around to our doorsteps to evangelize unlike the JWs or the Mormoms. They do by the way employ even more effective tactics especially if one lives in an Islamic countries. They don’t have to meekly knock on our doors, the government just put up laws to get something of that effect.

Back to the question - I guess I have to ask them what evidence is there that the Quran is actually from God? If they can’t satisfy me on that question, they can come in for cuppa but should cease and desist completely talking about their religion to me.

And if they insist, I would ask them for justification on why they think Paul hijacked Christianity so? 😉
well it was already asked and we answered…
anyways… that question will lead into a circle if i ask you the same question which i already did and the answer i received was that its mostly faith
Since I don’t normally find Muslims evangelizing door to door, the question doesn’t often arise.

The problem arises when Muslims try to discuss Christianity, rather than Islam. From what I have seen on these forums, when Muslims discuss Christianity, the result is rather like taking the catechism, tossing it into a blender for a few minutes, then pouring out the result, and saying, OK, this is Christianity. It is unrecognizable.

So I think I might begin by starting with Chapter 1 of Theology for Beginners, and try to get a discussion going about the nature of reality, matter vs spirit, the attributes of God as a pure spirit, the meaning of person and nature, and try to move on from there. Start, in other words, at the very beginning.

Not that I think that would work. I suspect that an evangelizing muslim would first try to ridicule Christianity according to his own blenderized misunderstandings, so we might not get too far.
I do not know arabic unfortunately. I found the thread, thanks so much.

As far as as this thread is concerned I can only say I would treat a Muslim with Christian love as I am called to do. I know several Muslims from Morocco and I can say one thing for sure. There are good ones and there are bad ones just like in every race or religion. Most Muslims I know are kind hearted and they serve God as they think He wants to be served. Do I agree with them on matters of religion?–or politics? No. But I would certainly treat a Muslim “missionary” with the same dignity I treat any other door to door missionary.
well it was already asked and we answered…
anyways… that question will lead into a circle if i ask you the same question which i already did and the answer i received was that its mostly faith
there is a thread about it and we gave clear answers…in order not to return to Paul’s argument, it’d be better if you keep posting on the relevant thread which was debunked so far.Maybe you have something new?
regarding muslim missionaries, i personally havve met no muslim who comes to door like JW or mormons. Regarding “Christian” missionaries, i know a great deal of them, they are truly Christians…donno of other cases and if there are indeed missionaries who “bribe”…i find it stupid cuz they must know that God doesnt want this…there are always people who look for material or political or power gain…i havent met such missionaries, but if they exist, oh well…Regarding islam, there are muslims who pay monthly salaries for each woman who puts the veil…so it goes both ways…
I’d probably pretend they are an equal human being. But that’s me.
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