Sorry, Charlie…to burst your little bubble.
But since I didn’t say it’s what the
Catholic faith teaches…I guess you’ll have to wipe that amusement off yer face
For the other part, I was referring to the writer many of us are discussing…who
did say life was meaningless/pointless without a god. Another forum member posted his direct quote. He’s a former Atheist, now a Catholic.
So I guess what he’s saying is contrary to Catholic teaching?
And, just to correct you…I didn’t say “you will go to hell after you die”…I said, “you will most likely suffer eternal damnation after you die”.
I should probably point you in the direction of two other current threads…where a few of your comrades are, indeed, saying that if a person doesn’t believe, they go to hell.
Perhaps you can tell them it’s contrary to Catholic teaching?
I’ve tried…but they just accuse me of ironically “telling a Catholic what his faith teaches and knowing it better than he does.”
But it seems in this instance I
do know what the faith teaches better than those Catholics?
And you pointed this out to me!
Oh, the irony!!!