No, yours is the backwards one. What you are doing is this:It is obvious to any intelligent person that you can’t deny the existence of the beginning, then make claims that rely on the existence of a beginning.
In other words, what you are doing is analogous to asking “what is the smallest integer?” The answer is that there is no smallest integer. There is no “first” integer from which all the integers are counted off.
The numbering scheme I gave previously is consistent with the claim “the universe is eternal” because there would be an infinite number of years, each one mapped to exactly one of the infinite integers. The difference between
any two years (i.e. between any integers) is finite. I won’t bore you with the mathematical proof since it an easy, first-week-of-real-analysis-class sort of problem. This means that we can prove mathematically that the difference between now and
any particular past year is finite.
The reason you’ve weakly tried to turn the problem backd on me (and used the wording “start from eternity”) is that you’re aware of
both your inability to use the word “beginning” and your inability to provide an actual number that would have the properties you need to validate your objection. Therefore, rather than concede the point, you’ve answered my question by repeating your objection. If you would like, you can start the discussion over by following this link, but I don’t feel any need to address this particular objection any further.