You have to use the KJV of the Bible when arguing about the CoJCoLDS. Otherwise you can’t prove that’s the God they believe in if it doesn’t say it in the version of the Bible they use.
Can you point to an authoritative Mormon source that claims this? I honestly have never heard it claimed that the Mormon teaches this.They believe that the KJV is the most accurately translated version of the Bible,
Chris·ti·an·i·tySo how does Merrriam-Webster define Christian?
That’s a more complex question, as the LDS follow the teachings of Jesus, Joseph Smith, and various other prophets. So since the definition of Christianity (according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary) does not explicitly say “religion based on the teachings of ONLY Jesus of Nazareth” the LDS have sort of debatably wiggled their way in there.Are the LDS considered Christian according to that definition?
This is what I was pushing back against. The idea that Mormons believe it is the most accurately translated version.They believe that the KJV is the most accurately translated version of the Bible,