Mind sharing how old you are?
I’m 14, but my dad is strict, STRICT Catholic, so as long as I live under his roof, I’m not allowed to even set foot in an LDS Church. Although I might do it anyway once I can drive. How were you able to convert at 15? Don’t you have to be 18 by law or something?
How did you come in contact with the Mormon church
My friend was talking about it one day, and I’ve been against Catholicism for a while, so I was open to looking into other religions. I started looking into their beliefs and practices, and I read the D&C, BoM, and Pearl of Great Price, and personally, I like that they have a lot more information on God and his teachings than other religions do. The other thing they do that’s really important to me is that they make family very important, because I haven’t always grown up in an environment I’d call “loving” in any way, from any of my family members, so I thought it would be nice to choose a faith where that’s almost guaranteed to change.
is there any particular reason you don’t identify with being Catholic anymore?
It makes me uncomfortable to be apart of a religion where the people are incredibly judgmental and critical of others, especially when I’m the one they’re usually critical of. I’m not the most attractive person out there, I’ll admit that, but I don’t personally thing I’m bad enough to the point where it’s worth being self-conscious about, but I’ve had people tell me I have the devil in me because I’m ugly. In addition, I don’t like that they teach things that aren’t even mentioned in the bible. I’ve read the whole Catholic bible, cover to cover, and nowhere does it say that masturbation or sexual thoughts are a sin, yet the Catholic Church considers them one anyway. So I guess I like Mormonism more because they actually have evidence to back up their rules. And I like how much specific information the BoM, Pearl of Great Price, and D&C provide; it feels like I everything I need to know and more is being provided for me, not just left for interpretation by the leaders of the Church, as it is in Catholicism, which is especially suspicious for me considering how I feel about its members and the way they carry themselves.
She obviously knows nothing about their history.
I’ve read the D&C, BoM, and Pearl of Great Price cover to cover, so I’d say I have a pretty good understanding of their teachings, but thanks anyway for your (name removed by moderator)ut.
Not sure how young women deal with D&C 132 (polygamy whether in this life or the next).
That chapter of the D&C sort of refers to polygamy, but not in the marital sense, as taking on more than one wife is forbidden in several parts of the Mormon scriptures. There it’s referring to situations like the story of Abraham and Sarah, where the wife gives the husband the consent to sleep with another woman. But in the end, Abraham and Sarah will still be together in the afterlife, because they are married.