I was able to join at 15 because I did have my mother permission, so it was a non-issue
If that’s the extent of your study then I reaffirm what I said. You know virtually nothing about Mormon history. I’ve read the standard works more times than the number of years you’ve been alive. I’ve taught gospel doctrine and seminary. I have a very good understanding of Mormonism.I’ve read the D&C, BoM, and Pearl of Great Price cover to cover, so I’d say I have a pretty good understanding of their teachings, but thanks anyway for your (name removed by moderator)ut.
But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matt. 5:28I’ve read the whole Catholic bible, cover to cover, and nowhere does it say that masturbation or sexual thoughts are a sin, yet the Catholic Church considers them one anyway.
Okay, I remember that one now that you reminded me. Sorry, I should have checked my notes before I wrote that. But I can assure you that there’s nothing about masturbation, except brief instruction in the Old Testament about what to do after a man has a nocturnal emission of semen (he shall bathe himself and be unclean until evening).But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matt. 5:28
Yes, I’m aware of that. But the evidence for that is in the BoM, not the bible. I guess the quote from Matthew does sort of cover sexual abstinence, but it’s much more clearly stated in the BoM.Masterbation is considered sin in Mormonism. I am guessing you are unaware of that.
Ok, you are 14 years old and a girl and I am not, so I’m not going to explain how lust and masturbation are intricately linked.But I can assure you that there’s nothing about masturbation,
Lemuel and ALL,ChristMyLife:![]()
A respect for diverse beliefs? ARE YOU JOKING???A respect for the diverse beliefs and unique contributions of all the world’s faiths is one of the hallmarks of Mormonism. Since its founding, the Church has elevated the principle of interfaith relations.
Catholic creeds are an abomination, our professors are all corrupt, they draw near to God with their lips, but their hearts are far from him, they teach the doctrines of man and not of God, they deny the power of God . . .
That’s respect?
Some of you have simply gone mad.
Anyway, I am quite convinced that your posts have far more than “the least hint of rancor.” I would suggest that my position as a LDS that you do not present the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints fairly is well supported by this Keating rule.Catholics and Fundementalism by Karl Keating pg. 33
Now it may well be that a man leaving one religion for another can write fairly, without bitterness, about the one he left behind. But it stands to reason that most people who suddenly think they have an urge to write about their change of beliefs just want to vent their frustrations or justify their actions. Their books should be read and used with discretion, and they should not be used at all as explanations of the beliefs of their old religion if the books betray the least hint of rancor.