I could write a book, but I’ll spare you with just a few examples of many.Do tell of the evils of the Mormon church. I’m very curious to see what you have to say that I haven’t heard before.
The most evil thing I see about the Mormon church is that it simply destroys lives–individuals and families.
- You obviously know that when you are a Mormon and get married, assuming it’s in one of your great and spacious buildings, your non-Mormonite parents will be invited to sit in the parking lot and not be allowed to attend your wedding ceremony. I, personally have seen how this destroys families and pulls them apart. I fully respect the right of the Mormonite church to allow or not allow anyone they want. I’m just pointing out that it’s destructive.
- War is hell, but even war has basic rules of conduct. For instance, combat is between soldiers, not to include the women and children. It’s barbaric terrorism to make targets out of children or to put them on the front lines. The Mormonite church has a war going on with same-sex couples. That’s fine. I don’t disagree with the morality of it. But the Mormons put the innocent children on the front lines. They are the pawns in this war. They are the focus. Not their evil, good for nothing parents. That’s pure evil, in my mind.
- The objective of discipline in the Mormon church is to shame and embarrass the sinner. If you’re a man who makes a mistake and go to the bishop with full contrition and penance, that is not enough. You will be subjected to a 17-man dog pile in which you will be at the bottom, gasping for air. Everyone in your ward and stake will know that you screwed up. There may as well be a marquis in the foyer announcing it. You will be shunned and scorned by other members. You will pay for your mistake in countless ways. Forgiveness is not between you and the Lord, but between you and the suits who pretend to be the Lord. I have a close family member who was a bishop. He was stalked by a member of his ward. She came to him time after time after time for counsel. Her real objective was to get him in bed. In a weak moment, he caved. It has been over six years since the incident. He has payed in more ways than anyone can imagine. The pressure from his fellow ward members was so great that he eventually had to move. His new ward soon found out about his transgressions, the phones lit up, and he became an outcast in his new ward. After 6 years, he was finally baptized. The suits decided to let him in. But he is not allowed to hold the priesthood or receive any of the “blessings” of it or the temple. In his Elder’s quorum, he’s still looked down upon. His participation in gospel discussions are minimized. He told me he wishes he was dead.
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