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When I was LDS, the three fold mission was laid out by then President Spencer Kimball

"3 April 1981

President Spencer W. Kimball outlined the three major elements of the mission of the Church: proclaim the gospel, perfect the Saints, and redeem the dead."

Spread the gospel (the Mormon gospel as it is very different from the rest of Christianity) which, yes, is a push on missionary work

Perfect the saints —living worthy to attend the temple and do all your ordinance work

Redeem the dead—Genelogy with the focus on getting temple work for your dead ancestors

(I want to say that there is a forth, but that was not part of it when I was LDS)

AFA having children, yes, because they believe in a pre-mortal existence, so there are spirit children of “Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother(s)” that need to get their bodies so they can progress on what they call “Path of Salvation”

Yes, Heavenly Mother(s). Again, Mormons do believe in plural marriage (polygamy) in whether in mortal life, or the next life.

D&C 132

Since you can’t even consider be coming Mormon until your 18 because you won’t have your parents permission, I would encourage you to do your “homework” and research Mormonism. The “good, bad, and ugly” so to speak. Read not only literature that supports it, but also fair criticism of it as well.

You have made it clear you see the bad and ugly in Catholicism, and that has turned you off. Ok, I hear that. Make sure you hear, see and learn about the bad and ugly in Mormonism, too, because it’s just as real as that in Catholicism

Like you, there are ex-Catholics, and they have their reasons for leaving, just like you.
And just like me, there are ex-Mormons, and we have our reasons for leaving.

Do your due diligence and become well-informed. It isn’t about feelings; it’s about truth
Best to you in your search for the truth about God
Do you realize that should you convert and decide to marry LDS in their temple, your family is not permitted to attend, or any of your friends who are not Mormon?
How convenient then that I don’t want my parents or friends to attend my wedding. I’ve always wanted a private wedding ceremony, just me and my fiancé(I’m a very modest person when it comes to relationships and I don’t like PDAs or showing off because I know first-hand that it makes other people INCREDIBLY uncomfortable). Plus I have a feeling my dad would stand up in the middle of it and start screaming at my husband-to-be for convincing me to do this and that it was his fault for leading me into this sin.
Do you realize how inherently misogynistic the LDS are? Women have one purpose, to have and raise kids
It doesn’t matter what the church believes if the man believes differently. Besides, I don’t mind having a dominant male figure in my life, since I grew up with a mother that was very unappreciative of my father, who did nothing but worship her, and that relationship hasn’t been going very well so far(they’re not divorced yet because they want to set a “good example”). Plus, like I said, I don’t really mind a dominant male figure as long as he’s respectful of me and isn’t abusive, which is more based on his personality than his religion.
I guess my question is, are you looking for what “feels good”; what “makes you comfortable”?

Or are you wanting and searching for truth?

The first example is that of relativism, which is something I don’t get.

In base 10, 2+2=4. No matter where you go in history, or in the universe, in base 10, 2+2=4. Not 5. Not 17. No matter what one “feels” or “wants”, it doesn’t matter. It’s 4. It can’t be anything else.

Now, if you are into relativism, the whole “it’s my personal truth” mantra, well, you will do what you want. What makes you “feel good”.

That is not the same as Truth, though.
It depends what you value
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D&C 132:34
“God commanded Abraham, and Sarah gave Hagar to Abraham to wife. And why did she do it? Because this was the law; [At the time, if a woman could not produce offspring from a man within 3-5 years after marriage, the woman was required to provide the man with concubines so that his ancestry should continue] and from Hagar sprang many people. This, therefore, was fulfilling, among other things, the promises.”
If this is the passage you’re referring to, this only means that a man can sleep with another woman (or something more along the lines of hiring surrogate in modern day) but only with the wife’s consent. It doesn’t say that a man may have more than one wife, only that he may have more than one partner in sexual conduct, and that partner is only for reproduction purposes.
I believe that everyone who believes in God believes in the same God, and that all the different religions are just different paths of reaching him. I also believe that God will judge us based on how well we adhere to the rules of our chosen religion. No one religion is right for everyone, just like no one lifestyle is right for everyone. Some people want to be lawyers, some want to be doctors, and others want to live a life of evangelism and missionary work. Our world would not be the way God intended if people worshipped him all the same way. For example, I like to sit in silence for 15-20 minutes every night and just let God guide my thoughts to wherever they need to be. Someone else might pray the rosary every night before they go to bed. Does the fact that we do different things make either of us any further from God? No, it’s just what we choose to do. So I guess I’m just looking for a path that best matches who I am.
Read the whole chapter. Don’t cherry pick your verses. Dont take them out of context.

The whole chapter is about plural marriage.
Ok, so you do believe in relativism.

I would recommend the homily given by Pope Emeritis Benedict XVI at the funeral for JPII. He talked about the dangers of relativism.

Again. There are Truths in life. Truths in the universe, regardless of your personal opinion or feelings.

Such is true in the physical world (again, mathematics is a prime example) So it is in the spiritual realm
Exodus 20;2
“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall not have other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol or a likeness of anything in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters beneath the earth; you shall not bow down before them or serve them. For I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God, inflicting punishment for their ancestors’ wickedness on the children of those who hate me, down to the third and fourth generation; but showing love down to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.”
Let me rephrase that: Any religion that believes in a benevolent God is a path to salvation. The Aztecs believed they had to sacrifice their peers to please the gods. A benevolent God does not seek to see his own creation destroyed for his own entertainment and pleasure; such is an example of a selfish and cruel God. Thus, the Aztecs were not following a path to salvation.
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By your definition, then the Mormons are engaging in folly with their temples. Because Mormons do believe that in order to be exaulted in the highest level of the Celestial kingdom, they must have been baptized Mormon, confirmed Mormon, if male-receive the fullness of the priesthood, have their temple endowment and be sealed for all time and eternity in the temple.

By Mormon theology, if any of that is missing, you are not saved and exalted. Mormons do NOT believe in relativism. Not by a long shot
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Any religion that believes in a benevolent God is a path to salvation.
I said “salvation,” not “the highest level of heaven.” There’s a difference. Any religion that believes in a benevolent God is a path to heaven and eternal peace, but only those who followed the true religion can receive something beyond that.
Mormons don’t believe in heaven. They believe in 3 degrees of glory plus outer darkness
The terrestrial kingdom is not considered salvation, only the celestial kingdom. And in Mormon theology ONLY Mormons go to the celestial kingdom.

Again, by your definition, Mormons are engaging in folly with their temples.
All that money put into all those buildings, and most of them very idle most of the time
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  1. preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss.
“they try to sell it to us as economic salvation”

I’d say that once you get to any of the 3 degrees of glory, you’re no longer in harm’s way.
I am going by Mormon theology.
In Mormon theology, salvation is restricted to the celestial kingdom only. And only Mormons go there.
The terrestrial and telestial kingdoms are considered lower degrees of glory but are not considered salvation.

Again, by Mormon theology. That is why they build temples and “redeem the dead”
Just to point out: Dictionary definitions of words are often not the same as their theological definitions. You did the same with Christian upthread.
They do. That’s the celestial kingdom, the highest degree of glory after death.
Yes, that is the Mormon definition of what it means to be exalted. Men and women, as husband and wive(s) (again plural marriage) become gods and goddesses and start their own worlds with their own spirit children.

Another term is “eternal progression”
Not quite.

The highest degree of glory is the celestial kingdom, but within the kingdom only those at the highest level (there are 3) become gods and goddesses. The lower two levels of the celestial kingdom, a person is not.
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