Hugo Chavez, fiery Venezuelan leader, dies at 58

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Oh and, in 1940 America’s full contribution to the Battle of Britain is finally coming to light:
As British people we are very much made aware of America’s role in WW2 and at no point was it my intention was to play that role down.

My contention was that America saved the world from the Third Reich. They didn’t. America, Russia, Britain (and its Commonwealth) alomg with Australia, Canada a dozen other allied nations and Russia did. Together. Thanks are due even today: Thanking each other as nations and above all thanking the men and women of that generation.

Asking for personal “thanks” is absurd> It would be as absurd for me to ask thanks from you as an American for the radar or for cracking the Enigma Code.

The man who should have been thanked for that was Alan Turing. He builtt Bombe the machine that cracked the code every morning of the war in under 20 minutes.

Sadly his thanks was inhuman treatment leading to his tragic suicide.😦
This is a common theological misconception by moral relativists and/or those Catholics who are inclined towards Liberation theology. It stems from a misconstrued interpretation of Scripture which is almost always taken out of context by removing the line “Judge not, that you not be judged.” from the entirety of the surrounding passage.

In truth, we are required to pass judgment on WRONGFUL ACTIONS regardless of the intentions of the offender. This is the basis of fraternal correction, though not necessarily limited to it as a private matter.:signofcross:

With that being said,

May the Lord have mercy on Hugo Chavez’s immortal soul, and on ALL our souls. And may Hugo’s Purgatory be fruitful in it’s painful Love and Redemption.

Grant us the Grace Oh Lord to enter into to our own Purgatory by offering up our suffering for Hugo’s soul, and for all the souls of the faithfully departed, through the Mercy of Your Cross. Amen.

May Your Face shine upon them all Oh Lord.
Yes, wrongful actions; and even then we do not know the intent of his heart at the time of his death.
The Venezuelan people have been whipped into hysteria by the propaganda of the sinister — and aggressively anti-American — political machine Chavez left behind as his legacy.
His designated successor Nicolas Maduro claimed risibly that Venezuela’s President was murdered by the CIA with ‘a technology for inducing cancer’ even as he choked back tears and paid his tributes to a glorious leader.

The truth is that Chavez was a brutal despot who strutted the world stage basking in the international celebrity status he gained as a result of his anti-American rhetoric and relentless attacks on Britain.

He was a master of propaganda who deftly wooed the ‘useful idiots’ of the Left — to use the phrase Stalin applied to Britain’s Labour politicians and trade unionists — while clamping down on free speech in his own country, rigging the political system in his favour and presiding over a nation drowning in bloodshed and mired in poverty.
He befriended murderous tyrants such as Libya’s Colonel Gaddafi, used his country’s vast oil wealth to support terrorist groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and helped terrorist drug-runners in Colombia whose products cause misery and death across the world.

He may not have been a genocidal maniac in the style of Kim Jong-Il or Stalin, but Chavez was one of a grotesque line of authoritarian strongmen who have been the curse of Latin America over the decades.

And yet, because of his defiant stance on the U.S. and his attacks on British ‘imperialism’, he was lionised in this country by the Left and its media mouthpieces, The Guardian and the BBC. (Perhaps that’s not so unexpected — we have to remember that a BBC reporter wept during the funeral of arch Palestinian terrorist Yasser Arafat.)
Much of the British Left is prepared to overlook all manner of ugly truths to canonise their secular saints such as Chavez. This explains why the usual suspects have been overcome with grief at the death of the Venezuelan Comandante.

Radio 4’s Today programme, the BBC’s flagship morning news show, led its bulletins with the news of Chavez’s death, according it extraordinary reverence and solemnity.
The Daily Mail is no friend of freedom or the Catholic Church.

at all

at all

at all

Check out its founder and his photos with Hitler

And its constant Catholic bashing
As British people we are very much made aware of America’s role in WW2 and at no point was it my intention was to play that role down.

My contention was that America saved the world from the Third Reich. They didn’t. America, Russia, Britain (and its Commonwealth) alomg with Australia, Canada a dozen other allied nations and Russia did. Together. Thanks are due even today: Thanking each other as nations and above all thanking the men and women of that generation.

Asking for personal “thanks” is absurd> It would be as absurd for me to ask thanks from you as an American for the radar or for cracking the Enigma Code.

The man who should have been thanked for that was Alan Turing. He builtt Bombe the machine that cracked the code every morning of the war in under 20 minutes.

Sadly his thanks was inhuman treatment leading to his tragic suicide.😦
I didn’t ask for personal thanks.🙂
Originally Posted by SamH
To each according to their need…

Originally posted by Prodigal Son1
Act 2:45 Their possessions and goods they sold and divided them to all, according as every one had need.

Glorious linking of bible and Marx you get extra beet ration may the spirit of Lenin (peace be upon him) always remain with you.
In the meantime: commandante Chavez had $2 billion what a guy
Act 2:45 Their possessions and goods they sold and divided them to all, according as every one had need.
That refers to the basis of the monastic life. Not the Church as a whole.

As a practical matter, how exactly could that possibly be implemented in various countries around the globe? Especially since Socialist systems always become anti-Christian as a natural extension of their secular philosophy?

Charity comes from our hearts. NOT by mandates from Caesar at the expense of our neighbors as deemed by the godless relative “morality” of the state.

That’s not charity - that’s coercion by a state god.
That refers to the basis of the monastic life. Not the Church as a whole.

As a practical matter, how exactly could that possibly be implemented in various countries around the globe? Especially since Socialist systems always become anti-Christian as a natural extension of their secular philosophy?

Charity comes from our hearts. NOT by mandates from Caesar at the expense of our neighbors as deemed by the godless relative “morality” of the state.

That’s not charity - that’s coercion by a state god.
Back then, that was the Church as a whole.
Yes, wrongful actions; and even then we do not know the intent of his heart at the time of his death.
I agree.

And neither do we know his intent by his “proper” actions: I.E. true remorse? Self-centered sorrow? Who knows.

We can only assume the best and pray for the rest.👍
I agree.

And neither do we know his intent by his “proper” actions: I.E. true remorse? Self-centered sorrow? Who knows.

We can only assume the best and pray for the rest.👍
When we express hope and compassion, it shows that we have hope and compassion within ourselves. 😉
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