Hugo Chavez, fiery Venezuelan leader, dies at 58

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The American Lend Lease Act brought vital American supplies into Britain BEFORE Japan attack the U.S. at Pearl Harbor. And those supplies came via a perilous route across the Atlantic under constant attack from German U-Boats and at the urgent behest (and desperate pleas) of the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Before that, the U.S. also supplied high-octane fuel to give British fighter planes a vital edge over the superior numbers of Luftwaffe aircraft.

The U.S. also supplied Russia with vital materials before America was thrust into combat.

Is that your definition of “profiteering from the misery of the War in Europe”?
American companies were quite happy to trade with “allied countries” as well as Nazi Germany up to and including the 1939-1941 period.
American companies were quite happy to trade with “allied countries” as well as Nazi Germany up to and including the 1939-1941 period.
Independent American companies during that period were not restricted to U.S. foreign policies, nor were they part of them. Also, Nazi atrocities were not widely known to the American people at large.

Also, Americans wanted little to do with a second European war that they had no responsibility in causing. They were still recovering from their losses in The Great War of WWI. The War To End All Wars was a tremendous sacrifice for them, one in which they had little to gain and everything to lose. And they lost plenty.

BTW, when’s the last time Britain or any of Europe came to the aid of the American citizen? :whistle:

And exactly which European superpower kept the Soviets from kicking the door down to Western Europe during the decades of The Cold War and turning the entire continent into the United European Soviet States?

Oh that’s right: The United States of America! You’re welcome comrade!:tiphat:

However, it is important to distinguish between independent American companies owned and operated by independent owners, some of whom were sympathetic to Hitler’s anti-Judaism, and the American people as a whole and as a matter of unified policy.

The fact is, you’re obviously an anti-American bigot who is undoubtedly a dyed-in-the-wool anti-capitalist socialist. It’s a safe bet you adhere more to the ideologies of Trotsky than you do Churchill.

So there’s that.:rolleyes:
Debunking the Anti-American Prejudices of a European in the film ‘The Americanization of Emily’ (1964)

A charming scheming where American Navy officer, Lt. Cmdr. Charles E. Madison (James Garner), a “dog-robber” instructed to make sure the generals were supplied (with everything from Hershey bars to Cokes), spoke to a British motor-pool ambulance driver Miss Emily Barham (Julie Andrews) about her anti-American prejudices (that he termed: “sentimental contempt”):
"You American-haters bore me to tears, Miss Barham. I’ve dealt with Europeans all my life. I know all about us parvenus from the States who come over here and race around your old cathedral towns with our cameras and Coca-Cola bottles… Brawl in your pubs, paw your women, and act like we own the world. We over-tip. We talk too loud. We think we can buy anything with a Hershey bar.
I’ve had Germans and Italians tell me how politically ingenuous we are. And perhaps so. But we haven’t managed a Hitler or Mussolini yet. I’ve had Frenchmen call me a savage because I only took half an hour for lunch. Hell, Miss Barham, the only reason the French take two hours for lunch is because the service in their restaurants is lousy. The most tedious lot are you British. We crass Americans didn’t introduce war into your little island. This war, Miss Barham, to which we Americans are so insensitive, is the result of 2,000 years of European greed, barbarism, superstition, and stupidity. Don’t blame it on our Coca-Cola bottles. Europe was a going brothel long before we came to town."
Debunking the Anti-American Prejudices of a European in the film ‘The Americanization of Emily’ (1964)

A charming scheming where American Navy officer, Lt. Cmdr. Charles E. Madison (James Garner), a “dog-robber” instructed to make sure the generals were supplied (with everything from Hershey bars to Cokes), spoke to a British motor-pool ambulance driver Miss Emily Barham (Julie Andrews) about her anti-American prejudices (that he termed: “sentimental contempt”):
I remember the line the British used against American soldiers in WW2,

American soldiers are over sexed, over paid and over rated.

American soldiers retort,

British soldiers are under sexed, under paid and under Eisenhower.
I remember the line the British used against American soldiers in WW2,

American soldiers are over sexed, over paid and over rated.

American soldiers retort,

British soldiers are under sexed, under paid and under Eisenhower.
LOL! :extrahappy:
Independent American companies during that period were not restricted to U.S. foreign policies, nor were they part of them. Also, Nazi atrocities were not widely known to the American people at large.

Also, Americans wanted little to do with a second European war that they had no responsibility in causing. They were still recovering from their losses in The Great War of WWI. The War To End All Wars was a tremendous sacrifice for them, one in which they had little to gain and everything to lose. And they lost plenty.

BTW, when’s the last time Britain or any of Europe came to the aid of the American citizen? :whistle:

And exactly which European superpower kept the Soviets from kicking the door down to Western Europe during the decades of The Cold War and turning the entire continent into the United European Soviet States?

Oh that’s right: The United States of America! You’re welcome comrade!:tiphat:

However, it is important to distinguish between independent American companies owned and operated by independent owners, some of whom were sympathetic to Hitler’s anti-Judaism, and the American people as a whole and as a matter of unified policy.

The fact is, you’re obviously an anti-American bigot who is undoubtedly a dyed-in-the-wool anti-capitalist socialist. It’s a safe bet you adhere more to the ideologies of Trotsky than you do Churchill.

So there’s that.:rolleyes:
Dude, you da man! :D:thumbsup:
I remember the line the British used against American soldiers in WW2,

American soldiers are over sexed, over paid and over rated.

American soldiers retort,

British soldiers are under sexed, under paid and under Eisenhower.
And the British never forgave us for being in charge in WW II.
And the British never forgave us for being in charge in WW II.
Oh come now!! What?
This is getting a silly tit for tat…a game on both sides, of ‘my country’s better than your country!’ The facts are in danger of going out the window…
It’s off topic!
I love living in my country (Britain) and I love visiting the US. Neither country is perfect is it? We’re different in some ways and similar in others.
(For the record, I thought the saying went:
Americans; they’re over sexed, over paid and over HERE!
Haha! Several of my parent’s friends and acquaintances married American GI’s so they obviously didn’t take that too seriously…)
BTW, when’s the last time Britain or any of Europe came to the aid of the American citizen? :whistle:
I’m not on the anti-American bus here, so this isn’t an adversarial snipe, but I’m pretty sure it was (looks at watch) Monday, March the 11th, 2013 in Afghanistan.

In the past, I remember the tight-lipped, smartly dressed silent men in my town who had come back from fighting in Asia, too - I’m sure you had the equivalent.

Plenty of Britons have been as ready to help the USA in a spot as Americans have been Great Britain - to the point of individuals sacrificing their lives in both directions.

Britain might now be a demoralized husk infested with communism and wilfulness like two cankers competing over which will devour the body first, but it is still be worth remembering the core part of what you’re saying - our troops put their lives on the line for each others’ countries, friend, and they are effectively doing so right now as we post.
You do apparently not know him. There is a speech he gave where he explicitly states he does not believe in God and criticizes the Church.
Now, that he rules a Catholic country and want’s to appear as a Christian, up to him.
Abortion is still illegal in Venezuela and Chavez didn’t change that during his time in office.
I’m not on the anti-American bus here, so this isn’t an adversarial snipe, but I’m pretty sure it was (looks at watch) Monday, March the 11th, 2013 in Afghanistan.

In the past, I remember the tight-lipped, smartly dressed silent men in my town who had come back from fighting in Asia, too - I’m sure you had the equivalent.

Plenty of Britons have been as ready to help the USA in a spot as Americans have been Great Britain - to the point of individuals sacrificing their lives in both directions.

Britain might now be a demoralized husk infested with communism and wilfulness like two cankers competing over which will devour the body first, but it is still be worth remembering the core part of what you’re saying - our troops put their lives on the line for each others’ countries, friend, and they are effectively doing so right now as we post.
A demoralised husk infested with communism and wilfulness…cankers…!!!****!
Oh wow…for a minute I thought you were being serious! Haha! Phew!!
A demoralised husk infested with communism and wilfulness…cankers…!!!****!
Oh wow…for a minute I thought you were being serious! Haha! Phew!!
What, Britain? Most definitely serious - however the last thing I wish to discuss to be honest - prefer not to dwell on the things I can’t fix.
What, Britain? Most definitely serious - however the last thing I wish to discuss to be honest - prefer not to dwell on the things I can’t fix.
Are you living here then? Whatever part of Britain makes you feel like that? I’m in a wonderful community with access to breath-taking scenery ( it’s never that far away, even if you’re in the middle of a town). I enjoy taking part in my community, love ‘communing with nature’ on the farm ( yes it’s snowing and I’m dressed like the Mitchelin Man) and now I’m doing voluntary work I meet such nice people. I feel very blessed.
How sad that you can’t see the good things in life and feel that you can’t ‘fix’ anything. I would say try smiling and starting on a local level, but that sounds facetious, and I have no idea what you have or haven’t tried or what has brought you to this sorry conclusion. Doesn’t your faith make you want to celebrate the good things?
can’t see the good things in life
feel that you can’t ‘fix’ anything
Oh, don’t get the impression that was a cry of anguish or despair - luckily for me, the problems Britain afflicts herself with, don’t have much jurisdiction over my life.

I can see the good things in life, and there are plenty of things that don’t need fixing, or which I can fix.
Oh come now!! What?
This is getting a silly tit for tat…a game on both sides, of ‘my country’s better than your country!’ The facts are in danger of going out the window…
It’s off topic!
I love living in my country (Britain) and I love visiting the US. Neither country is perfect is it? We’re different in some ways and similar in others.
(For the record, I thought the saying went:
Americans; they’re over sexed, over paid and over HERE!
Haha! Several of my parent’s friends and acquaintances married American GI’s so they obviously didn’t take that too seriously…)
I am not referring to the average Brit who has a live and let live attitude, but referring to the
rabidly anti-american crowd who blame all of the problems of the world on the USA. :o
I’m not on the anti-American bus here, so this isn’t an adversarial snipe, but I’m pretty sure it was (looks at watch) Monday, March the 11th, 2013 in Afghanistan.
What were American citizens (i.e.civilians) doing there?

What were American citizens (i.e.civilians) doing there?
I think the idea is that, in being in Afghanistan, the military from whichever country, were, in the long run, trying to protect the rest of the world - each other’s countries - from terrorism. How this was going to be achieved I’m not entirely sure. Some British politician said in the early days, that we ‘might not have to fire a shot’! We should have looked at the history of Afghanistan v the rest of the world…
Instead we seem to have fanned the flames of terrorism…but this doesn’t detract from the bravery and sacrifice of the soldiers on the ground following orders.
Plenty of Britons have been as ready to help the USA in a spot as Americans have been Great Britain - to the point of individuals sacrificing their lives in both directions.

Britain might now be a demoralized husk infested with communism and wilfulness like two cankers competing over which will devour the body first, but it is still be worth remembering the core part of what you’re saying - our troops put their lives on the line for each others’ countries, friend, and they are effectively doing so right now as we post.
I’m not talking about American troops, I’m talking about American citizens.

When’s the last time British troops came to the aid of American citizens?

BTW, Britain profited nicely during the American Civil War as she supplied materials and weaponry to the pro-slavery Confederacy of the South. The results of the Empire’s greed extended the war by countless American lives on both sides.

But to the larger point, it’s a shame that Britain has forgotten it’s Catholic roots. The oldest Universities in the world (Oxford and Cambridge) were originally Catholic Institutions of higher learning. And some of the greatest contributions to Catholic culture, literature, theology, philosophy, mysticism, and scholarship came from Catholic Britain: Shakespeare, St Thomas More, Cardinal Newman, J. R. R. Tolkien, and the incomparable G.K.Chesterton. Not to mention the contributions of the Catholic-trending Anglican C.S.Lewis, to name only a few.

Unfortunately nowadays, Britain is producing some of the most proliferate Atheistic evangelists, and it’s culture has become a blueprint for the secular nanny-state of Fabian socialists. Such is the inevitable progression of Protestantism. The only nations to contribute worse theological calamities onto the world would be Germany (the home of Protestantism) and Russia. And what’s worse; the American Left looks to Britain as the great example of “achievement” in all these moral disasters. sigh God help us all.😦
Oh, don’t get the impression that was a cry of anguish or despair - luckily for me, the problems Britain afflicts herself with, don’t have much jurisdiction over my life.

I can see the good things in life, and there are plenty of things that don’t need fixing, or which I can fix.
Well to me, using words like demoralised husk invested with communism and wilfulness…and cankers competing to devour the body, DOES sound a tad desperate and anguished!! What do you do for anguish and despair then?!
Well I’m glad you see at least SOME good stuff…
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