Hugo Chavez, fiery Venezuelan leader, dies at 58

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I had ambivalent feelings towards Chavez. On one hand he was a Marxist, who could be rather negative towards the Church at times. On the other he took a firm stand against US imperialism.
We all recognize your various anti-American screeds, but I wish you could talk to a boyhood friend of mine, a Venezuelian who was stripped of everything he owned and has to live in exile in Costa Rica. He was granted a visa to stay in the US, but he wasn’t allowed to work here, so he had to re-locate to somewhere he is allowed to work.
I wish all of those who admire totalitarian despots had to live on the local economy under their regimes. It would teach you a thing or two about freedom and imperialism,
FWIW, I was a professional sailor for many years. Unlike a tourist, a sailor sees whatever country he is in through the eyes of a local working man. I was no stranger to Cuban. Argentinian, USSR, Eastern European, and Communist Chinese seaports during my career. Believe me, conditions in the US, Canada, and Western Europe was luxurious for even the most poor, compared to life under totalitarian regimes!
And, a word of advice, never knock the policies of any Western country until you have traveled or worked in it for a while.
R.I.P. Hugo Chavez.

An opponent of the filthy American imperialist project has passed away and for that I am sad.

He was correct to oppose all things American in my opinion.
R.I.P. Hugo Chavez.

An opponent of the filthy American imperialist project has passed away and for that I am sad.

He was correct to oppose all things American in my opinion.
What is it about Europeans and anti-Americanism?:confused:
We oppose imperialism.
Except when it’s your own right? Thew topic is Hugo Chavez being dead and not anti-American sentiment. If you want to complain about our foreign policy, start your own thread.:mad:
Except when it’s your own right? Thew topic is Hugo Chavez being dead and not anti-American sentiment. If you want to complain about our foreign policy, start your own thread.:mad:
Own what?

American imperialism is an established fact in both Central America and South America.
If that fact doesn’t sit well with you, tough.

Chavez consistently opposed the filthy policy of American imperialism and now that he has died (some suggest he was assassinated), one would hope that the opposition to the policy will be maintained.
R.I.P. Hugo Chavez.

An opponent of the filthy American imperialist project has passed away and for that I am sad.

He was correct to oppose all things American in my opinion.
“Mr. Obama decided to attack us,” Chávez said. “Now you want to win votes by attacking Venezuela. Don’t be irresponsible. You are a clown, a clown. Leave us in peace … Go after your votes by fulfilling that which you promised your people.”
“Focus on governing your country, which you’ve turned into a disaster,” Chávez said, according to The Guardian.
Own what?

American imperialism is an established fact in both Central America and South America.
If that fact doesn’t sit well with you, tough.

Chavez consistently opposed the filthy policy of American imperialism and now that he has died (some suggest he was assassinated), one would hope that the opposition to the policy will be maintained.
European imperialism, you know, Africa,Asia, and South Americia, 1500-1945?
Once again, you dodged the issue, this tread is about Hugo Chavez not about WHAT YOU
European imperialism, you know, Africa,Asia, and South Americia, 1500-1945?
Once again, you dodged the issue, this tread is about Hugo Chavez not about WHAT YOU
Sounds like you’re trying to shout the odds here too.
Sounds like you’re trying to shout the odds here too.
This is going to be my last post to you, don’t you find it hypocritical about calling Americans
imperialists, when Europeans are guilty of worst? I not going to argue with you anymore,
but I will say in passing, start your own thread before the MODS lock this thread.
This is going to be my last post to you, don’t you find it hypocritical about calling Americans
imperialists, when Europeans are guilty of worst? I not going to argue with you anymore,
but I will say in passing, start your own thread before the MODS lock this thread.
Not when the subject matter concerns the death of a fearless and implacable opponent of American imperialism, I don’t.

Hopefully his death will not see a deterioration in opposing American imperialism within Venezuela. < Did Chavez grant the amnesty Cardinal Urosa requested?
Published December 24, 2012
Associated Press
CARACAS, Venezuela – Venezuela’s top representative of the Roman Catholic Church urged President Hugo Chavez’s government on Monday to free prisoners whom the opposition claims have been wrongly jailed because of politically motivated charges.
I can’t find any news that this was done. Chavez went to Cuba to be operated on for his cancer.
Talks between an opposition politician and Vice President Nicolas Maduro regarding the possible release of imprisoned Chavez foes stopped after the president announced last month he would travel to Cuba to undergo cancer-related surgery.
Cardinal Jorge Urosa said Chavez’s government should not delay an amnesty that would allow the release of government opponents and permit others living in exile to return to Venezuela.
“The president’s illness has postponed these measures, hopefully they will be acted upon,” Urosa said, speaking during an interview broadcast on the local Globovision television channel.

Cardinal Jorge Urosa
Chavez was correct in that regard in my opinion.

The American faux concern for the citizens of Venezuela, and indeed the people of Central and South America is rank hypocrisy given American long history of imperialist meddling throughout both regions.
I’m American. I love those people. I don’t know who you are talking about exactly.

President Kennedy? Sure he tried to oust Castro (and his Russian missiles he had pointed at us, scaring little 9 year old me every time we had an air raid drill in the early '60s) but he started the Peace Corps too.

Most of the trouble has been with Communist revolutionary governments stealing peoples’ liberties (property, right to speak, worship, have a free press, democracy) while imposing their will with guerilla wars.

As Empire builders go … America sure gives back a lot of territory it spilled blood over.
Villans should be made of sterner stuff.

The U.S. (again not all of US) is more guilty of polluting the world with immorality via the worst of Hollywood (which schizophrenically can also inspire and uplift with good movies) and a music industry that has of late made a shambles of “the arts”. In my opinion.

Poor Chavez probably watched Michael Moore’s movie “Sicko” and actually believed that Cuba had the best doctors. :nope: Ironically maybe he should have tried to get treated in America.

The US probably would have peacefully let him do that (for all his anti-Americanism and bluster) just like it let him fly into New York, call George Bush the devil, and fly peacefully home. Far from being Imperialists – Americans prefer to be giant muffins.

Kill a few thousand innocent civilians just going to work in NY like bin Laden, and America (conservative or liberal Presidents) will take you out. But will probably not take over your country. Ask Germany, Japan etc.

And rest easy there, most Americans particularly like Ireland (though while I was there I did hear a couple “ugly Americans” complaining loudly about things and giving*** us*** a bad name) – sorry if you experienced some of our “jerks” – we do have a lot of people.

I’ll bet if you came to America you could have a good time. See the Grand Canyon. Ride the Small World Ride at Disneyland. Enjoy a tour of Irish-American accomplishments
in the US (which could be a LONG tour).

As an American of Irish descent myself (and a stereotypical mellow Californian) let me wish you a: "Have a Nice Day 🙂 " < complete with an overdone American smiley face.

Not that I** need** to tell you what kind of day to have. 😉
Fellow Catholic?
I don’t know. Maybe he was baptized Catholic. In any case no one but God knew his heart at the moment he drew his final breath. I pray for his soul. That he rests in peace. And for his family. That God’s peace shall comfort them.
Hugo Chávez’s folksy charm and forceful personality made him an extraordinary politician. His enviable ability to win a mass following allowed him to build a powerful political machine that kept him in office from February of 1999 until his death on Tuesday. But as a national leader, he was an abject failure who plunged Venezuela into a political and economic abyss.

Dead at 58, Hugo Chávez leaves behind a country in far worse condition than it was when he became president, its future clouded by rivals for succession in a constitutional crisis of his Bolivarian party’s making and an economy in chaos.

A former paratrooper, Mr. Chávez had a radical vision for “21st Century Socialism,” which was never fully explained. His skillful rhetoric, which filled supporters with utopian dreams, was used to justify the methodical destruction of Venezuela’s democratic institutions and the free market.

Just replace Chavez with Obama and Venezula with United States and this could become a future headline.:mad:
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