Hugo Chavez, fiery Venezuelan leader, dies at 58

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So far as the news coverage…I really don’t watch much. There is a tendency for all of them to find the biggest moron available and ask their opinion.
Oh great, we will hear John Kerry’s thoughts.
And since Chavez was a virulent anti-Semite- even causing half of the Venezuelan Jewish community to flee,
Have you proof that Chavez caused this?
Can you provide a link that Chavez caused this?
Some issues with imperialism? Anything of value could be in our possession? How about the fact that we use 26% of the world’s oil and private companies backed by our country interfered in Venezuela with the purpose of taking economic control of Venezuelan oil?
Re: Cuba as a ‘comfortable little resort island’? Cuba’s leader, Battista, was utterly corrupt before the revolution happened and the pendulum swung too far the other way. Revolutions don’t happen in a vacuum. They’re usually preceded by massive human rights abuses including economic abuses. Sad to say these abuses are often perpetrated by people calling themselves Christian.

Quit rejoicing over Chavez’ death, pray for his soul and pray for our country to mind its own business and clean up our own act. Whatever his terrible deficiencies the guy was elected, he kept abortion illegal there and seemed to help the poor somewhat. There is some gray area and we need to think with a Catholic brain as opposed to a knee-jerk Fox News brain. Our loyalties should lay with the Catholic church first, political party second, but it seems Catholics in our country operate differently (at least from what I see on Facebook and here).
Well said.

Although a lot of what you say will be completely lost on the American gloaters here.
IOW what Europeans did to the world for hundreds of years.😉
If the US were into that we would still own the Philippines, Mexico would be patrolled by US soldiers, France, Germany and Italy would be our European States and Japan would be out Asian State. Iraq would also be under the US’s thumb.
Already been done Sam…I gave a rather extensive list of the things that the US did not do when they well could have…I see you repeated some of it.
And yet I’m accused of snarky one-liners. Get over yourself.
You do know those private companies paid billions to Venezuela for those oil rights, billions more to build the infrastructure and created tens of thousands of jobs filled by Venezuelans. Right? You know that?🤷
Yes, of course I knew that. Not sure why that should make any difference if they don’t want our country meddling in their affairs and taking economic control of their oil?
Yes, of course I knew that. Not sure why that should make any difference if they don’t want our country meddling in their affairs and taking economic control of their oil?
They didn’t seem to mind when the billions of dollars were being paid.
Let me help you out a little:

[im-peer-ee-uh-liz-uhm] Show IPA

the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.
pretty sure we all know what imperialism means… not sure why you posted.
Yes, of course I knew that. Not sure why that should make any difference if they don’t want our country meddling in their affairs and taking economic control of their oil?
If they didn’t want them “meddling” why did they accept their billions of dollars and infrastructure?🤷

Oh, so they could steal it later!😃

By your logic we should tell foreign US bondholders tough luck, we’re not paying.
Back to the OP and related issues…I don’t know what the future holds for Venezuela. It has been known for some time that Chavez was in bad shape. As I said earlier, I am curious to see this develop. Will another semi-dictator take power, or will they move to another form of leadership?
It is important, not just for the oil supply, but because they share the same hemisphere.
Where did I rejoice over Chavez’s death? If you would really take the time to read you would see that I was responding to a post that portrays the US as some sort of satanic force. I simply pointed out that there have been many instances when we did NOT act in a negative fashion. Western Europe for example…much of the Pacific Basin for another.

So far as the news coverage…I really don’t watch much. There is a tendency for all of them to find the biggest moron available and ask their opinion.
Ah, oldcelt- I’m sorry for giving the impression I was talking about you specifically. I should have written that in general, everyone should not be rejoicing over Chavez’ death.

I am also not watching the news coverage. It’s business as usual.
If they didn’t want them “meddling” why did they accept their billions of dollars and infrastructure?🤷

Oh, so they could steal it later!😃

By your logic we should tell foreign US bondholders tough luck, we’re not paying.
You make a good point. I don’t expect people to sing the praises of the US for investing in this manner, but I do find it to be a bit hypocritical to accuse the US of bad intentions when the various governments and nations involved have gladly accepted, or directly requested, our assistance.
Your post indicates otherwise.
SamH you don’t acknowledge there can be economic imperialism by government-backed corporations. Sorry we can’t agree on this.

What I am saying is that there is some gray area, and as Catholics we should pray for the guy.
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